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[ERROR] No.3655391 [Reply] [Original]

Jon Huntsman Jr., a former Utah governor and ambassador to China, isn’t a serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination. And that’s too bad, because Mr. Hunstman has been willing to say the unsayable about the G.O.P. — namely, that it is becoming the “anti-science party.” This is an enormously important development. And it should terrify us.


keep telling religion is not a problem

>> No.3655405

hmm a political party composed of lawyers, businessmen and political "scientists" is against science? well colour me shocked

>> No.3655399

Now, we don’t know who will win next year’s presidential election. But the odds are that one of these years the world’s greatest nation will find itself ruled by a party that is aggressively anti-science, indeed anti-knowledge. And, in a time of severe challenges — environmental, economic, and more — that’s a terrifying prospect.

>> No.3655413


and that party will win next year

god bless murrika, like you say

>> No.3655421
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>I think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects. And I think we are seeing almost weekly, or even daily, scientists are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change.
>confirmed for Visitors

>> No.3655424

> almost all politicians in the US
There's got to be another cause.

>> No.3655428


>> No.3655438

there is no other cause, notice how science in the us has been going down the drain for the last 40 years.

>> No.3655452

>''And the deepening anti-intellectualism of the political right, both within and beyond the G.O.P., extends far beyond the issue of climate change''

>implying there is 'left' in america

>> No.3655456

I would be terrified if I were murrikan

>> No.3655461


Elections have consequences.

>> No.3655473

if you were repmurikan, you wouldn't be conscious enough to be afraid.

>> No.3655476

>Elections have consequences
>Implying the direction of policy changes following elections

>> No.3655512


People, in 'merica, try and get far away from failure. Elect Bush, the consequence is Obama. Obama is Bush II, so there will need to be a change.

>> No.3655534

>People, in 'merica, try and get far away from failure
>Elect Bush twice

Uh huh.

>> No.3655535

whoever they elect will act just like bush. the american political system is owned by the banks and they pay politicians from both parties. The way the political system is made now requires a winning candidate to invest at least 50 million dollars to have a small chance at getting elected, everyone else is supported by big banks and is almost guaranteed to win.

>> No.3655545


Hopenchange claimed by a black guy was the opposite of Bush. It is irrelevant that his policies were a continuation of Bush policies.


I would say Dr. Paul is less like Bush than any other candidate.

>> No.3655548

>Bush II

Maybe if republicans hadn't kept him hostage on the healthcare bill for a year, he would've have been able to get something done.

>> No.3655558

ron paul will never get elected, he doesn't have enough money (1 million dollars is not enough) and he has no support from other politicians. If he wants to get elected he will have to sell-out like all the other candidates.

>> No.3655563


The democrats had huge majorities with absolute control over the house, the senate, and the presidency.

>> No.3655577

Obama is not Bush II. In fact, Obama's willingness to not be a pushy asshole is exactly what's made him a good president so far.

>> No.3655581

what has obama done so far?

>> No.3655593


>> No.3655594


Paul has raised 8 or 9 million so far this year. He also has about 5 million from the 35 million he raised in 2008.

>> No.3655592
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>absolute control
good one

>> No.3655604


> obama
> good president


>> No.3655605

>Richard Dawkins' website

>> No.3655611


>good presidents

>> No.3655618
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>not libertarians
>good presidents

>> No.3655629

>Paul Krugman
>in a thread about 'science'

you mean the guy that promotes the Broken Window Fallacy?

fucking idiot, it's not even about politics here, Krugman is fucking delusional

>> No.3655631

Ron Paul is a terrible candidate. For one, he wishes for us to go back to the gold standard. Two: his foreign policy ideas are nuts.

>> No.3655635
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Can we just split America into two countries; progressive states and conservative states? Because frankly the 'United' States of America aren't very united.

>> No.3655647


Sounds good. The party of the governor determines where you do.

>> No.3655649
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1) Let engineers in the military

2) Started us in the right track for socialized medicine (most of the world already has it)

3) Killed Bin Laden

4) Signed the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in the defense procurement and contracting system

5) Established Credit Card Bill of Rights, preventing credit card companies from imposing arbitrary rate increases on customers



>> No.3655652

meanwhile liberals have fucked us by trying to ban GM foods, irradiation of food, nuclear power, wind power, hydroelectric power, any other form of power, cellphones for teh cancerz, etc etc

Liberals are the biggest fucking scaremongerers against ANYTHING that sounds too sciencey for their taste

Conservatives just gonna herp and derp over evolution, but that'll pass

>> No.3655656

>Because frankly the 'United' States of America aren't very united.
That was supposed to be the point. Federal Government has been ever increasing the 1 size fits all policies that make the states (and their peoples) hate each other. If more control was wrested from the federal government you'll see a lot less loonies out to screw everyone when they can live happily in their own society.

The Godlike commerce clause needs to be reigned in for this to happen though.

>> No.3655661
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>gold standard
>not the best standard

>not invading Iran and various countries without following the Just War Doctrine
>not the most sane policy

>> No.3655674
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Constitution already says 'Hands off state laws dickface' doesn't it? I would prefer just to have America move to a more federalist approach but it just ain't going to happen. Might as well just say fuck it and divide them.

>> No.3655680
File: 42 KB, 284x176, Uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the same as Romneycare
>not a failed, disastrous plan

as for all your other great achievements, are you forgetting he was going to end the wars, end Guantanamo, end the Patriot Act, stop throwing old ladies in jail for medicinal marijuana, stop the bullshit gay marriage debate?

looks like all he's done is got us into more debt than we can imagine

quit being such a fucking fanboy, not ANYONE of any ideology should be pleased with what this idiot has done

>> No.3655688


> i want more federalism

Haha. Just say what you really want-- a monarchy.

>> No.3655686

As I recall, the most vocal resistance from the left was that GM foods are not required to be labeled as such so that the market can decide.

>> No.3655703

Personally I wouldn't blame Obama. Financial interests from everywhere have a vice grip on his balls, and he wasn't exactly managing a large populace before his bid for presidency.

>> No.3655712


> the fault rests with ever yon but oabma

Oh you.

>> No.3655713
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Actually a benevolent dictatorship overseeing a technocratic democracy with a form of highly-automated libertarian leisure socialism.

>> No.3655711

that's fine, but no, it was a lot more than that

more like tons of protests in Frankenstein suits and with signs demanding to get pig out of our tomato

fucking children

>> No.3655727

How is banning GM food a bad thing?

The UE has banned them.
It also banned the use of certain phthalates, and restricted the use of antibiotic on cattle.

Meanwhile, it's impossible to find a GM-free yard in the US, and cattle is the first consumer of antibiotics.

Good thing there are governments to restrict the abuse of businesses.
Maybe you'd like to have all your rivers polluted like in China or to use coal to produce your own energy.
Oh wait.

>> No.3655728


> libertarian
> socialism

Pick only one.

>> No.3655735


I voted for him with /sci/'s interests: Stem cells, engineer's rights, alternative energy, electric cars, nuclear energy and space travel. He reversed the ban on federal funding for stem cell research, appointed a nobel prize winning physicist as energy advisor, heavily funded research into improving solar panels and EV batteries, approved new nuclear power plant construction (Yes, this happened, look it up) and increased NASA's budget (The GOP has since reduced it again.)

That's not to mention support for modern highspeed rail and abortion rights.

>> No.3655741
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>> No.3655744

No thanks. I'm a socialist libertarian, and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.3655750


Libertarians cannot support state removal of private property.

>> No.3655753

Ma nig

>> No.3655748

>>gold standard
>>government would actually owe Chinese and oil producers something besides worthless paper.

>>allowing Iran to produce Nuclear power (I.E. Weapons) gain more power in the middle east than they already have.
Actually, I'm okay with this. Then maybe the Arab States might actually work together against Iran.

>> No.3655757


>> No.3655761

What's it like to live with so much cognitive dissonance? How do you function?

>> No.3655763
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>> No.3655770


> no state
> state removal of private property

Pick one.

>> No.3655782
File: 3 KB, 204x204, 1292068071565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry Jimmy but you failed your assignment. Could you please re-read and study the specified article before submitting your response?

>> No.3655783

keep acting like it's a problem and it becomes a bigger problem.

>> No.3655829

>releasing an, albeit true, statement regarding the Republican Party and it's stance on the sciences
>suddenly, this perennial flip-flopper and political degenerate is, for some reason, now supported

I know it is difficult for you, the easily swayed, to comprehend this, but supporting a candidate soley on the premise of one remarkably insignificant statement.

>> No.3655846
File: 36 KB, 204x204, not the point1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure?

>> No.3655881

God bless america indeed. Now, I'm no conservatard but the idea of social darwinism is looking mighty valid right about now. RIP America 1776-2001

>> No.3655905


You DO owe money to them.

If america trues to pull something funny like "lol we no pay u" dollar would turn into green paper and that would completely destroy america.

For starters, no imported resources. At all. No oil, iron,bauxite, grain, rice, rare earth metals, nothing. You literally couldnt pay nigerian farmers because your money is green paper.

Second, every american owning legal tender, deposits or anything else in dollar is now broke. Their life savings is worth zero now. Anything related to dollar or american goverment is worthless too.

American banks collapse instantly. They cannot repay anyone, because their money reserves in dollar ar worthless and the government cant bail them out.

All american companies go bankrupt. They cant pay their subcontractors, importers, or even workers because their money, as you guessed it, is worthless.

Enjoy a brave new world of barter, looting, martial law, and EU/china/russia shitting all over you, especially the EU because you have just made the euro the prime currency of the world. Also, considering all the american companies are bankrupt they will buy out all of their assets, including patents for a pittance.

Economy 101, faggot.

>> No.3655935

>> perennial flip-flopper
When has he flipped or flopped?
>>political degenerate
Utah is a fairly successful state, economically and politically.

>> No.3655938 [DELETED] 


I have this mental image of some niggers in a 7/11 not understanding hyperinflation.


>> No.3655951

>>made the Euro the world reserve currency

Last I checked, the Eurozone was worse off financially. Even with one rating agency downgrading US debt, demand for it rose. >economy 101

>> No.3655957


>> No.3655974


Actually, its not. Its a fuckload more stable and desirable than dollar right now. Dollar is sinking steadily in value for a few years now.

>> No.3655982




debt bubble lol

>> No.3655998


By economy most people mean economy, not republican wishful thinking.

Contary to the popular belief, problems wont go away if you want it really, really hard and yell GOD BLESS AMERICA. You might even have to accuse people of being communists too.

>> No.3656007
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>> No.3656024


Is that supposed to be a counterarguement? How?

>> No.3656045

The dollar is obviously not "sinking in value for years now"
Euro debt easily exceeds US debt as a percentage of GDP

>> No.3656067






This is exactly the behavior that let the debt go out of control.

>> No.3656068

The average republican holds more debt and pays more interest relative to his or her income than the government does, relative to its income.

>> No.3656139

Call me when the left isn't against nuclear energy, stops believing in blank slatism, when they learn something about economics, when they stop being against genetic engineering, when they stop telling us marijuana is harmless but a happy meal is poison, when they realize the state is not god and that reality is and what they assume should be and is reality are mutually exclusive.

>> No.3656154

There is hope. We just need to continue to marginalize them

>> No.3656196


Keynesians are the biggest tards out there, they're economists without the slightest idea what wealth is, money is not wealth, products are wealth but to them all that matters is the flow of money regardless of what it is used to make.

>> No.3656216

I would consider Dawkins anti science since he slanders the his entire knowledge of biology, throw it all away for memetics. This simply because biology was too scary and the world shouldn't be that way, Dawkins doesn't believe in god but he sure does believe in religion.