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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 32 KB, 677x521, Homework 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3654933 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I need help with my essay. My teacher said its due tomorrow and I dont think my reasons are good. Im young, so please dont make fun of me. I never had chemistry before. I got rid of my last name on the paper.

>> No.3654943
File: 120 KB, 306x280, feecharmicel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was both painful and hilarious to read

Why weren't you studying for the essay some more?

>> No.3654950

>Titanium is a bad solvent mostly because it is not one

hahahahahahaha....(deep breath) HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!

>> No.3654953

>Titanium is a bad solvent
Thank you so much for that sentence

>> No.3654966

Should I change that sentence? I didn't think Titanium was a solvent, but are you guys saying that it is, maybe if you melt it?

>> No.3654967

>Titanium is a bad solvent, mostly because it's not one

But WHY! OP, why! Gotta explain this shit.

Water is a set of molecules that don't bond to each other except through Hydrogen bonds which are rapidly forming and breaking, allowing molecules to 'slip past' and be engulfed in the water. As an example, sodium chloride in water will be surrounded by a shell of water molecules as the Hydrogens attach electrostatically to the Chlorine.

Metals, on the other hand, are tightly packed structures and very strongly bound.

>> No.3654969
File: 47 KB, 548x487, 1306108352554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people cannot drink titanium
this is what illuminati-controlled "scientists" believe

stay classy, sheepfag

>> No.3654971
File: 67 KB, 247x248, Laughing guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One more similarity between water and titanium is that both are made of matter.

>> No.3654972
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>> No.3654977

>both are made of matter
probably a troll

>> No.3655002
File: 37 KB, 669x530, Homework 1(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, I fixed the essay. Any more changes?

>> No.3655010

oh, btw I got rid of the part about titanium being a bad solvent.

>> No.3655015

this is gold

>> No.3655019
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>> No.3655021
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Haha oh wow.

>> No.3655027
File: 141 KB, 457x662, 1310930410384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear god i cant stop laughing

>> No.3655033

>dissolves anything

>> No.3655034

I am loling my face off. This really is excellent.

>> No.3655038

if you guyes didnt notice, this is a troll thread.
>titanium is found on the ground, so it is probably found in africa

>> No.3655046

if you guys dont mind you can tell me what to take out, and you can then give me something to add instead. i think the first part sounds good but I dont understand any of it. when I speak in front of the class though everyone will probably think Im so smart

>> No.3655048

i know bro, but its still funny shit

>> No.3655050

That is the shittest writing I've ever read. It reads like it was written by an autistic 12 year old.

>> No.3655051

I honestly think it's just a not-so-bright kid in middle school. Not everyone can be smart.

>> No.3655059

I know its stupid, but i need to compare the EXACT same things. I talked about Africa before so I need to again. it also asks where its found and not found, and I had to say Africa for the water part cause its basically everywhere else

>> No.3655061
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>i think the first part sounds good but I dont understand any of it. when I speak in front of the class though everyone will probably think Im so smart

Fuck, this guy is going to be the next president

>> No.3655063

What? No.
There are no stupid people on the internet, everyone is a cunning cynic.

>> No.3655065

I really just want ideas and ill change it if you give me something to add and take away

>> No.3655066


The problem with dissolving an acid in titanium is not that it will fall off the edge

the covalent bonds the the titanium interact to create a weak magnetic field which stops the acid from dissolving

>> No.3655067


I feel bad for this kid. If he's trollin, props, cause I lose. But if not, no need to make fun of the guy :( Sure the paper makes some assumptions, but let's be honest /sci/. Everyone here would said "no" to the question "is a oil a solvent?" even as late as 14 years old.

>> No.3655070


don't forget to cite 4chan's /sci/ board for that information in the first paragraph. giving credit where its due is important and you will get kicked out of school if you plagarize.

>> No.3655073

Fuck u guys Im just going to write whatever I want. I didnt come here to be mocked. Btw Im not even a kid. Later fags.

>> No.3655075

Im in the bottom level class now, but if I do really well in this class then I can move up next year

>> No.3655080

Write more. Quantity over quality. Let us of course proof-read it for you.

>> No.3655081

Thats not me!! stop it. ok guys, if youre gonna keep pretending to be me, then the rest of you should just remember what i asked for before. I still want your ideas and ill change the essay

>> No.3655083
File: 126 KB, 206x237, 1264260911883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even a kid
Behold, the product of modern education!

>> No.3655088
File: 15 KB, 415x330, 1262624523052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck, nevermind.

>> No.3655092

Do you read the material? do the homework? pay attention in class?

Captcha: approach elitists
kinda related to this thread.

>> No.3655100
File: 40 KB, 641x527, Homework 1(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I changed it again. I also got rid of the last sentence about matter cause you laughed at it.

>> No.3655106

This is GOLD, Bradley, GOLD.

Do chem students even write essays in college? I took technical writing which is pretty much concise lists or processes/instructions how to put shit together and operate shit but not essays. I'm pretty shit at essays myself op, so hang in there.

>> No.3655108

Someone give him info on orbitals or quantum mechanics. I don't know enough about it to write anything.

>> No.3655110

Titanium IS a solvent.
Or, rather, it can be. An alloy is just a solution of one metal in another.

>> No.3655112

Thanks. I still need more reasons though, cause I deleted some of them.

>> No.3655126

grrr can't take this anymore. i honestly believe this fukin guy. anyway here's the deal troll or not troll.

a) water doesn't dissolve everything (for example oil)
b) being a solvent is not a property
c) titanium can be a solvent (if u melt it and keep it in liquid form)
d) titanium is not found just in africa (although u do dig it out of the ground)

Properties of water:
1) liquid at room temperature -> great to dissolve (some) stuff since u dont have to melt it first. not everything dissolves (see 3)
2) ph of 7 -> being neutral means it won't react well with other acids/bases which makes it a good solvent
3) polar -> easy to dissolve polar things in it (like sugar)

>> No.3655128

Hell, let's write this kid an essay.

>> No.3655136

You're implying that you cannot find water in Africa?

>> No.3655157

Mention How ice is less dense than water OP. I'm pretty sure that's in the syllabus.

>> No.3655164

Someone needs to write an essay for him on the condition that he video tape his presentation of it. (In the event that this somehow isn't a troll).

>> No.3655173


>> No.3655179

"Unlike water, you cannot easily mix an acid or base with Titanium because it's a solid. Also, the covalent bonds in the Titanium interact to create a weak magnetic field which stops the acid from dissolving it. Titanium is used to make relatively light and strong structures because of it's low density. Titanium is mined from the earth, and Africa has large deposits of it. Water is also found in Africa, but not in the same quantities as in the rest of the world. Since most of Africa's population is low-income, they do not find much use for Titanium and water is much more valuable to them."

Fuck it.

>> No.3655187

Shit guys, is Titanium even technically a molecule naturally? It isn't a diatomic element!

>> No.3655269
File: 47 KB, 664x590, Homework 1(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, here is the new essay!

>> No.3655294


Bradly you are a magnificent bastard.

>> No.3655327

If the teacher really thinks you wrote this, and doesn't report you, you're one lucky bastard. And in that kind of class, I don't think intelligence would matter much anyway.

>> No.3655337

Bradley, this is your teacher, what the fuck?

>> No.3655346

Oh! Shit, Brad. Sorry bro.

>> No.3655403

this is best thing I've read in a while

>> No.3655467

Thanks, Ill see how I do. Maybe Ill even post the grade

>> No.3655481

You better.

>> No.3655483

I think the first version is the best version. It's credible and advanced enough as is (Hell, I couldn't type something that "good" (as in, that your government issued homofag of a teacher would accept as "science". Fuck her)).

>> No.3655495
File: 170 KB, 400x400, What the fuck am I reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people cannot drink titanium so it doesn't help them.

>> No.3655502

He has a point. If you tried to drink steel bars, you'd probably cut your throat and end up drinking blood.

>> No.3655519

Blood has water in it. Africans could drink their blood from the titanium they drank!

>> No.3655526

While all of these essays are phenomenal, I honestly find the first one to be the cream of the crop. It's accurate, scientific, thoughtful, and very concise. Your other versions are great as well, but they seem a tad long. They just don't have the same flow as your first.

>> No.3655528

Are you retarded? Blood doesn't have water in it, it has white cells (leukemi or whatever), red cells (erychomgagan things) and yellow cells (plasma). Yellow cells give it its watery texture, but there's no water in there.

>> No.3655539

He does have a point there

>> No.3655543

Isnt blood plasma a liquid which is 95% water or something ?

>> No.3655544
File: 26 KB, 500x374, run181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3655546

No, I assure you, plasma is made of yellowish cells and dead tissue that is carried by the blood to your anus.

>> No.3655551
File: 23 KB, 490x474, 1c7aaf67-e554-4b74-9646-3824cbe2d317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3655554
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>> No.3655559

Fuck off with your macros. I know more about biology and chemistry and physics and mathematics than any of you.

>> No.3655561

Careful, buddy

>> No.3655562



>> No.3655572

Oh hey, it's Josef. Haven't seen you in a while.
(If anyone takes that thing about biology/chemistry/physics/mathematics seriously, they're an idiot. I don't know more than /everyone/)

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.3655574
File: 16 KB, 400x267, oil_spill_on_fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>water is called the universal solevent because it can disolve anything.

what about oil?

>> No.3655579
File: 11 KB, 225x220, calculate-propane-usage-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3655580

We've been over that. How about reading the thread before you post?

>> No.3655583
File: 50 KB, 720x480, 195889_10150144256501225_507936224_6903098_1399857_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossed the atlantic to where?

>> No.3655586

no way i'm reading all 50 shit posts to get to the 5 good ones

>> No.3655587

Yes, propane. 3 fucking hydrogen atoms and 1 carbon atom. What's so special about it?

>> No.3655596
File: 10 KB, 118x136, 1289248110816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOL'd like a motherfucker.

>> No.3655598

>You mean, I actually have to READ?!

I think I love you

>> No.3655602

Thanks for the help guys. I know the rest of you people are just trolling now (i might be in the low chem class but im not retarded). I dont understand my essay that well but it sounds good enough and I can at least say the words. So Im going with the final version. Also leaving the thread, good nite!

>> No.3655615
File: 3 KB, 90x90, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying propane isn't everything
And I know my propane and that is NOT it

>> No.3655619


Present that last version in front of class and prepare to fail if your teacher isn't brain dead.

>> No.3655627

3 carbon and 8 hydrogen you mean

>> No.3655630

Guys why the fuck haven't any of you archived this shit yet?

I vote for an archive

>> No.3655637

What... That can't be right...

>> No.3655640

Oh, I didn't realize you posted that Teacup or I wouldn't have bothered to respond

>> No.3655641



>> No.3655644

Holy shit...look at the difference:


/sci/ really came through. Sucks I missed the chance to write part of it.

>> No.3655648

That guy pointing out it's a troll cot trolled?

Yeah, whatever buddy.

>> No.3655655

No, wait, you are actually RIGHT. Prop = 3 carbon, linked by simple covalent bonds, leaving 8 unpaired electrons, who pair with Hydrogen. I learnt something today.


>> No.3655657


>> No.3655660


Yeah, gold like this doesn't come out of /sci/ that often.

>> No.3655667

So you were actually serious about that shit you posted about blood? I thought you were trolling.

>> No.3655668

err...thirded. I'm the same guy as

>> No.3655671

Samefag, obviously. The thread is nothing special.

>> No.3655677

Not samefag. I'm actually:
note the trip

>> No.3655679

Everyone always assumes that I'm trolling, so I take no offence.
Yes, I am serious about the blood. Why wouldn't I be?...

>> No.3655705

Because blood plasma is 92% water. In fact, *most* of blood is water. You stated in >>3655528 that there's no water in blood.

>> No.3655718

You can always remove your trip.

That is incorrect. Blood has no water present in it (unless some rogue molecules get stuck in there).

>> No.3655734
File: 51 KB, 288x200, 1287663222559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, mind is blown.

I really did think blood was red and white blood cells floating in just standard water. I had heard of plasma but just dismissed it as a name for white blood cells.

How have I not known of this

>> No.3655737

>not common in africa

>> No.3655745

Are you serious?

>> No.3655749
File: 12 KB, 471x413, OHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very serious. I'm really surprised at this as I would suppose such information is very common

>> No.3655755

You seem like a nice person.

>> No.3655766
File: 35 KB, 264x265, 1292757554600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, you too.

>> No.3655767
File: 94 KB, 600x899, macgyver_ep001_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood plasma IS mostly water...

>> No.3655773

Do you want to hear my other theories?

Go away plebian, I'm talking to the nice person.

>> No.3655774
File: 604 KB, 126x116, 1293491440964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all ears.

>> No.3655779

>Blood plasma is the yellow liquid component of blood [...] It makes up about 55% of the total blood volume.[...] It is mostly water (93% by volume)
>Plasma, which constitutes 55% of blood fluid, is mostly water (92% by volume)

Teacup is a troll, Inu.

>> No.3655781

1) www.plasmacare.com/
"So what is plasma? It's the liquid portion of blood, and consists of water..."
2) http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/B/Blood.html#plasma
"Water ~92"


>> No.3655792

I'm not going away until you do some research to find out that blood plasma is mostly water and thus, blood has water in it.

I didn't post here before, but seeing you tell people there's no water in blood requires a correction.

Blood can be boiled to produce normal steam.

>> No.3655794


>93% water
>92% water

If you're going to spew blatant lies, at least make sure they're internally consistent.

>> No.3655795

I posted one earlier >>3655710
It's about matter

a) I am not a troll
b) >>3655572

>> No.3655800

As far as I understood, he didn't quite describe well that there is nearly no water flowing by itself in the blood and that instead it is the blood plasma which is mostly water. Unless he meant there is no water whatsoever in blood. But I just see it as a breakdown in communication.

>> No.3655807


I've seen him (lol anectodal evidence) trolling.

>> No.3655811
File: 39 KB, 600x531, 1292957260703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but I don't know enough about particle physics to call bullshit or call the Nobel Prize committee. I would suppose that in order to actually show your hypothesis you'd have to do complex mathematics and physics, which I understand even less.

>> No.3655813


>> No.3655815

Well, he seems to hold in contempt the wikipedia article that says blood plasma is mostly water. So I'm not going to give much credence to anything else he says.

>> No.3655816
File: 18 KB, 366x380, 1263274078409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3655822

No it isn't.

How would it produce NORMAL steam if it's only 92% water, and not 100%?

Well, technically there's water in the blood (after all, there's hydrogen and oxygen in there), but it's very little, and plasma is only dead tissue and yellow cells.

I like how when some idiot says he's "seen me trolling", it's acceptable, but when I say that I've seen spirits, no one believe me and I get called a troll.

>> No.3655827

there's a pretty in-depth dissertation to the scientific plausibility of his theory, right here >>3655777

>> No.3655830


>I like how when some idiot says he's "seen me trolling", it's acceptable


>I've seen spirits

See, Inurdaes?

Polite sage.

>> No.3655832
File: 21 KB, 452x339, thatsthejoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3655842

New theory:
Teacup is a troll. Inu is either playing along to humor himself, or he really is stupid enough to believe teacup's ideas of blood's constituents.

>> No.3655847

It will produce steam through a process called distillation

>> No.3655848

Oh, don't worry, I don't know much about the technical stuff either.

That post is simply an ad hominid

>hurr durr that guy believes in spirits what a fag xd

>> No.3655854
File: 15 KB, 300x400, 1277431219069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teacup, I've gotta say you're losing me with the whole 'I've seen spirits' thing. 'Ive seen SOMETHING like spirits' would be far more acceptable, as personally I've had /x/esque shit happen to me. Buuuuutt....

>> No.3655861

And your KCN anon has been making jokes the whole time

>> No.3655866

Lol people think blood is mostly water. Maybe in fish or something, but we breathe air. If our blood was like pure water we would drown from our own body, dipshits.

>> No.3655869

Welp, another one thinks I'm a troll. Nothing new, really.

IF blood was 92% water, it would only produce 92% steam. Simple math.

No, really. I won't tell the whole thing (because people made fun of me for it), but it's happened to me, and I described it to /sci/. I am SURE it was a spirit.

>> No.3655874
File: 1.09 MB, 1300x1885, abr_der_jen_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would it produce NORMAL steam
What? Is that the extent of your lauded scientific knowledge?
>hydrogen and oxygen atoms
wat, I mean really, wat?

I could boil mud, a mush of tree leaves, piss and even feces. And they all would produce steam. Of course there would be some other stuff in the steam, but it would still be water steam, able to be condensed into normal water when cooled and nucleated.

I'm REALLY surprised you had Inurdaes going so long.

>> No.3655878

>>3655583 Crossed the atlantic to where?
USA, NJ, Rutgers, Busch Campus.

>> No.3655888

Newsflash, you don't breath blood, so, while it isn't made of liquids, it could technically be water, and your body wouldn't care.

No. If leaves have 4% water, only 4% of the leaves will become steam.

>> No.3655906

Kill yourself, teacup.

>> No.3655912

There's no need to be rude.

>> No.3655915
File: 381 KB, 768x512, 1293233738344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyewitness testimony is the worst kind of evidence. You know those books full of optical illusions? They really should be called brain failures. A few interesting patterns and colours in certain ways and your brain can't figure it out. Similarly, you likely saw something, but it didn't happen how your brain reconstructed it.

>> No.3655916
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1850, abr_der_jen_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only x% steam
Yes, but it would be steam. I wasn't talking about vaporizing the whole sample, just the WATER content in it.

If you extracted all, or even a large part of the water in blood, it would clot like no tomorrow.

>> No.3655917

>any of you
>Physics, Biology, and Chemistry majors all on /sci/ who have PhD's

>> No.3655924

And what exactly is keeping blood from spilling into your lungs then? Ever heard of osmosis? That's why you die if you inhale water, it goes into your bloodstream which cannot carry it.

>> No.3655934

No, I'm sure it was a spirit. After all, we are the spirit. We just haven't become the spirit yet.

But only part of it would be steam. Real water would be 100% steam.

Read >>3655572
I also like how you didn't list Mathematics.

>> No.3655942
File: 42 KB, 166x203, 1288324586573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure it was a spirit. After all, we are the spirit. We just haven't become the spirit yet.
Oh jesus I went crosseyed from the duhhh

>> No.3655956

No, your lungs are the ones who can't contain water.

I meant that we are spirits. We're just not in the other realm.
I am the spirit. You are the spirit. Everyone is the spirit. Yet no one is the spirit yet.

>> No.3655965
File: 9 KB, 126x107, 1286636760138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey aether, didn't recognize you there

>> No.3655971
File: 982 KB, 1300x1861, abr_der_jen_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But only part of it would be steam. Real water would be 100% steam.
So... uh, let me get this straight.
Water isn't water unless it's chemically pure?
With nothing but water molecules in it?

>> No.3655973

I am not that cat loving troll. I am not EK or Harriet either, before you say that.

I thought that you believed in me.

>> No.3655992

Chocolate isn't chocolate if you make it with acid.

>> No.3656013
File: 160 KB, 685x1024, Afallofmoondust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you heard it here, folks. The Earth is actually a desert planet. There's NO WATER ON EARTH.

Time to evacuate.

Except. Science officer Teacup just scanned the whole universe and apparently there's no water anywhere.

>> No.3656023

you are the collective consciousness of all tripfags, the most dominant in the frontal lobes.

enjoy yourself, teacup. eventually one of your personalities will turn yourself in to the ward and this will all be over. you will cease to exist.

>> No.3656037

What the Hell are you trying to say?

I am not all the tripfriends. I am not EK. I am not Harriet. I am not the others. I am not crazy.

>> No.3656051

Whenever Teacup (AKA EK) shows up in a thread, it's pretty much indicative of how shit the thread is.

>saged, hidden, ignored.

>> No.3656062
File: 13 KB, 320x224, survey-dumb-fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not crazy

Then why did you let me kill your bunny? You did you insist on eating its penis; "to gain its power".

>> No.3656078

>I am not all the tripfriends.
Yes you are (most of the shitposting active ones)

>I am not EK.
Yes you are.

>I am not Harriet.
Yes you are.

>I am not the others.
Yes you are.

> I am not crazy.
Yes you are.

>> No.3656084


I never did any of that. How did you know that I had a bunny though?

>> No.3656094

>>I am not crazy
>Dissociative Identity Disorder
>curses people
>curses television
>thinks turtles have spines, curses people who don't believe him
>never posts at the same time EK does

>> No.3656123
File: 204 KB, 798x1300, Ara0480_Monteleone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pointing at you and saying "Look at him, listen to his incredibly foolish notions and laugh."

Because while you had some things right (plasma and people not breathing blood), you got so many other things so INCREDIBLY wrong.

But the worst is that when your mistakes were pointed out, you decided to stick with your incorrect notions, DENYING that you might be wrong.

All I know about blood I learned either in elementary school or first aid classes. And it's still better knowledge than yours.

If you still insist that you were right, I have nothing else than contempt left to give you.

>> No.3656135

There is only one way to reply to this.

Just because they say I have schizophrenia, doesn't mean that I do.

>Dissociative Identity Disorder
I don't have that.


>curses people
And it works.

>curses television
No, I cursed people to BREAK THEIR TELEVISIONS. Although it backfired.

>thinks turtles have spines, curses people who don't believe him
... I never tried cursing anyone again, I just said that I would. And what I said was that turtles DIDN'T have spines.

>never posts at the same time EK does
We've posted at the same time multiple times in the past.

>> No.3656149

But I know that I'm right.

>> No.3656177
File: 70 KB, 500x462, Man-with-money11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bunny is a really a anti-bunny that will go sideways in time through the 67th dimension to make your fat ass mom 20 years ago. It will then get knocked up by an HIV positive squirrel, producing the genius known as teacup.

Two days from now you eat your bunnies penis. (why would you eat your moms dick?). And that is why entropy exists.

What do you think of my theory?

>> No.3656185

Why do you hate black people?

>> No.3656193

>genius known as teacup
Only good thing in your post.

I don't hate black people. I just dislike gays.

>> No.3656195
File: 37 KB, 300x405, fullretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3656199
File: 1.46 MB, 1800x2474, bio_exotique2_052_diane_ozdamar_lord_of_nightmares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with all the evidence to the contrary?
No. There's nothing else but contempt left for you.

>> No.3656210
File: 94 KB, 1200x872, callie01_02sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you said you were gay?

You hate yourself?

>> No.3656471

Hello Teacup, I'm one of the people who you cursed