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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3654788 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Ideas. We tell each other our ideas ad discuss the reality and plausibility of them. Even if the idea is retarded, feel free to ask.
Also post the things you have in a text file that you wrote one day, come one I know you have one

Yeah, I was bored and I just wrote that. Thoughts?

>> No.3654797

I doubt that we'd actually need to go faster than light to reach distant galaxies. Many believe that distance is linear but there are also those that believe in the theory of folded space on a cosmic level. By using high levels of energy to alter gravity, one might be able to jump the gaps of folded space (quantum tunneling) and not need to exceed the speed of light. Quantum physicists claim that the space we can measure makes up only a small part of the universe and most of it is made up of dark matter and dark energy. Folded space may be part of the universe we just don't yet know how to measure or manipulate. Black holes seem to be like a funnel that draws matter and energy through it. I doubt the bottom is a dead end. I'm willing to bet that matter and energy exits to somewhere else in space or time. To do such a thing supposedly takes an infinite amount of energy, but maybe that much isn't necessary to jump smaller objects.

I sure wish I had the time to read and somewhat understand that sort of stuff. It really seems like a fascinating topic. Here we are stuck on some tiny rock in space and there are billions of galaxies out there and we can't even get to our closest neighboring galaxy. That makes no sense at all that we'd be forever trapped in such a small region of space.

Sure people comment like they've time traveled or traversed huge distances of space. I've always dreamed of being able to do that since I was a child. Maybe its more than a dream. Maybe it's something genetic telling us that we need to keep discovering ways to escape a dying sun or something or return to origins we're not exactly aware of. Maybe as we continue to evolve we'll have a greater understanding of the things around us. Or maybe all it takes is one brilliant person to find a solution that will give us necessary knowledge.

>> No.3654853

you are a complete fucking moron, what are you like 2 or what? Go kill yourself

>> No.3654863

I agree with this guy

>> No.3654880

and I thought the level here was higher than /b/. Oh well.

>> No.3654891

I bet you are the kind of people taht would have fought against quantum mechanics, relativity, imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, and all those sort of revolutionary discoveries.
I'm not saying OP is correct - he has a distinct lack of evidence and theory - but you two haven't done any mathematics to show that this idea is impossible.
Until then, you can't pass judgement.

>> No.3654896

It is, you fucked up by implying we genetically planned for things, just shit on all your credibility. Also, quantum tunneling is a long ways away technologically.

>> No.3654900

OP, regardless of what these people say, don't give up on your theories. Just work to prove them.
Want to hear about my theory on dark matter? I've been trying to expand it.

>> No.3654932

>implying it isn't his writing skills we are calling moronic
>implying the burden of proof isn't his.

>> No.3654949

Yeah, go on.
As I said before my idea is kinda retarded.
A even more retarded one:
Okay. We know that time-travel could possibly be done, but it would require humongous amounts of energy. Like really really large amounts. And we also know that like 23% if the universe is just some "dark-energy" sitting around. Now, what if some other civilization, having cracked the mystery of dark-energy just decided to travel to us, screw around, show off their powers and leave. After that for hundreds of years people would write books about them and eventually start worshipping them. What I am saying is: what if Jesus was just some dude from the future messing with us?

NOTE: I am pretty young and it is 1:50 am here so yes my story is retarded, but it's just an idea

>> No.3654959
File: 86 KB, 600x800, 1309405282414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if Jesus was just some dude from the future messing with us?
I'm sure nearly everyone has thought of this possibility.

>> No.3654970


Well since there are drawings of jesus we know he has a human form and the odds that there are humans on another planet is pretty impossible

>> No.3654973

>my idea is kinda retarded.
bang on

>> No.3654991

The drawings are just based on descriptions from the books though, drawing was probhitited at the time too

>> No.3654996

I got this great idea but you guys can't steal it! seriously

what if we plant a banana tree seed just a few inches away from an apple tree seed, when the trees are growing they will get together so we will have some new fruit a banapple

genius right?

>> No.3655000


Well then he is described as a human, why would they describe something that really doesn't look like an human like an human?

unless it's all a lie!

>> No.3655084

My idea:

Body-imaging mass scale. Detects changes in mass in the body, records the location and keeps an e-journal in a memory card kept on the scale.

When it detects trends that are flagged as dangerous, it alerts the user to see a doctor. The user can then remove the card, take it to the doctor and have the doctor analyze the data.

Depending on how well it is calibrated, every form of cancer would be preventable as it would be caught in its early infancy. Voila, the cure for cancer.

The problem would be affordability, but after a decade of refinement, we could get the cost down to ten to thirty thousand dollars.

>> No.3655151


that's fantastic, you would set off an alert everytime you went on the scale with a meal in a slightly different place in your bowels.

>> No.3655341

There is a book about Jesus being a time travelling fucker- 'Rant', by C.Palahniuk.

On the topic of ideas. Ever wondered why there are no aliens visiting us? Why is there no contact?

Maybe we haven't fulfilled some requirement for recognition as intelligent beings. What can that requirement be? We are still mortal? We are living on a sole planet? We haven't made some essential discovery about the nature of the universe? We don't have a definition for intelligent life?

Think about it. What behaviour would be necessary to declare a dolphin intelligent?

>> No.3655363

well, a software excluding the bowels area should be fucking breeze compared to the rest of the equipment.

Overall, the idea sucks. In a month you can lose as much as 10 pounds, and gains about as much (about 2 pounds of pure muscle for the males). Aaand your haircut and clothes would have to be exactly the same.

>> No.3655410

Body imaging so powerful would be either close to or beyond the EM fields safe exposure limit for humans.

>> No.3655494
File: 13 KB, 304x266, im-so-high-on-ancient-aliens-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While the idea of 'ancient aliens' influencing our history is certainly alluring to those with a penchant for science fiction, it seems to me to be very unlikely because it suffers from a severe lack of depth. What exactly defines these 'aliens'? Can we trust the credibility of the sources depicting supernatural events? Did they happen in a literal sense or metaphorically to help explain concepts that humanity was not able to properly explain at the time. For example (I use Christianity) , how can we take accounts of Joshua stopping the sun in its orbit literally when other facets of the belief such as the recorded age of the earth have been proven false?

As far as we know nothing can travel faster than or at the speed of light. Therefor, intergalactic travel...even interstellar travel would take generations upon generations of human life...It could possibly take more time than passed in the history of the universe so far. These ideas, coupled with the magnitude of the universe and our comparative insignificance in its scale make the idea of human kind ever having made contact with anything extraterrestrial very unlikely.

>> No.3655576

>What behaviour would be necessary to declare a dolphin intelligent?

This is a relative concept. What could we say that dolphins are intelligent compared to? It could be argued that everything around us exhibits varying degrees of 'intelligence'.

>> No.3655654

>Ever wondered why there are no aliens visiting us? Why is there no contact?

I'd say because the universe is really fucking big. So large that humans (the most intellectually advanced species that we are aware of) are limited to the amount of distance we can cover and the speed in which we can cover it.

>> No.3655710

I theorise that dark matter can be created by passing an atom under very strong magnets, thus distabilising the electron cloud, reversing its polarity, and making it positive, affecting the gravity of the center of the atom. When this reversed matter colides with the natural version of itself, it slips into the fourth dimension and becomes a tachyon, travelling towards the edge of our universe as a wave (time) and leaving by pieces of itself (gravitons). Eventually, it is completely broken, and can no longer keep going, so it reappears on our universe as a lone electron, ready to restart its jorney. This is why the universe cannot expand forever.

>> No.3655754

I live in a city on the west coast of North America. It pours rain or snow or hail most of the time. There are a dozen or more deaths every year because the weather gets so bad drivers can't see anything. Many businesses lose money when the weather is bad because nobody wants to be outside. Several hundred thousand dollars need to be spent on snow plows every year.

Solution: Build a giant clear roof over the entire city. It would solve everything.

>> No.3655756
File: 13 KB, 235x278, 263034_1753419204980_1523910138_31298017_762482_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand physics

>> No.3655777
File: 54 KB, 375x300, dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so much bullshit

>> No.3655784

You just can't understand it.

>> No.3655789


Well, according to Friedmann models, the universe can in fact expand forever if it is negatively curved or if it contains a significant amount of 'dark matter', which we know our universe does because if it didn't our observations tell us that the universe should have collapsed before it reached it's present size.

>> No.3655793
File: 62 KB, 600x600, david_mitchell_4855632cf1c80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not possible to build said machine.
How would you know where a new mass was on your body? How does it measure mass like that?

>> No.3655802

I'd like to see most of the world's labor shifted over to industrial and agricultural robots. These robots would use 3d printers to replicate themselves, and they would be repaired by specially designed "repair bots". More skilled, or "human", jobs (engineering, the arts, mathematics (not solving, but proving and discovering), etc.) would still be done by humans, but they would be done for non-monetary gain (or even just job satisfaction). With these robots, there would be no need for money, and social stratification could be eliminated... that is, until they become our new overlords.

>> No.3655805

What's a negative curve?

I have no idea of what you're asking.

>> No.3655810


You're attacking the person and not the argument. Show us studies that support your idea.

>> No.3655826

I can't because I made the theory.

>> No.3655834
File: 106 KB, 396x303, contimplating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reversing its polarity, and making it positive

Magnetic fields do not work on electric charges in that manner

>affecting the gravity of the center of the atom.

making up bullshit

>reversed matter colides with the natural version of itself, it slips into the fourth dimension and becomes a tachyon

Extreme bulllshit. Wtf is reverse matter? A atom made up of antimatter would annilate an atom made of matter. We do this all the time in labs. Tacyons arent not produced!

>travelling towards the edge of our universe as a wave (time) and leaving by pieces of itself (gravitons).

Incoherent bullshit

>Eventually, it is completely broken, and can no longer keep going, so it reappears on our universe as a lone electron, ready to restart its jorney. This is why the universe cannot expand forever.

You sure do love bullshit huh? Also, you make shitty conclusions.

>> No.3655844

You're a stupid troll. Theories are based off of evidence. You have none. I'll give you a 2/10. Be grateful that you even get that high of a rating.

>> No.3655877

Whatever you say. After all, you went ahead and tried to do it, didn't you? (Don't, lots of energy would be released)

So? I don't have mathematical evidence for the theory I made. What's so wrong with that?

>> No.3655901

kill yourself, teacup

>> No.3655911

It doesn't need to be mathematical evidence... just any kind of evidence at all to support your theory (which you don't have).

Also basing claims off of no evidence is a problem because it's unscientific. There's a name for it: speculation. /x/ seems like a good board for you.

>> No.3655925
File: 523 KB, 1590x1140, 1300145972453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't speak to pre-teen girls that way. I'm sure when teacup becomes Dcup, she will make some retarded homeless man very happy.

>> No.3655947

Don't be like that.

How do I prove my thing then?
I went to /x/, but they mostly didn't want to help me curse /sci/.

I'm a male. The only females on /sci/ are EK and Harriet.

>> No.3655959
File: 279 KB, 500x630, 1310515083815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol'd quite hardily.

>> No.3655969

let's create the second coming of christ by cloning jesus

>> No.3655981

Here's an idea:

A whole-house RFID grid with stickers you can stick on things. From your smartphone or your computer you can track where those things are. Never lose your keys in your house again!

Caveat: I have no idea what the resolution of RFID is so this could be the worst idea ever.

>> No.3655986

>How do I prove my thing then?
You don't. That would be unscientific. First observe, then theorize- not the other way around.

>> No.3655989

>I'm a male. The only females on /sci/ are EK and Harriet.

And those that aren't retarded enough to derail topics by saying they're female.

>> No.3655996

So I'll post my refined theory of how consciousness works.
Basically, a change in environment will be picked up by one of your senses. The stimulus will be transformed into an electrical impulse. This electrical impulse will be distributed around the brain, running through a network of neurons placed because of this stimulus.
Now, what does this mean?
It means this stimulus, may (even because of one little recognizable pattern) cause a set of electrical branches go off at the same time, or in a sequential branching.
Anyway, these branches are the reason why we are able to form thoughts, it's the one reaction that leads to the other, in a very structural way (determinism) to find a fitting reaction to what we've been stimulated by.

Once this has happened, a state of relaxation will be felt, this being caused by the recharge your pathway has to endure. (Reaching the resting potential is an active process)

What do you guys think? I think it makes sense to some extent.

>> No.3656001

That's not how it works.

I meant that they are the only ones who we know for sure are females.

>> No.3656006

How do I prove my thing then?

You'll have to provide some observation that supports your idea...a study or something. Out of professional curiosity, exactly how young are you?

>> No.3656010

Theorise first, creating a hypothesis. Then experiment.

>> No.3656036
File: 19 KB, 373x273, 080725-office-fun-hmed-135p_hmedium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much cum have you guzzled today? More then your usual 2 pints?

>> No.3656040

Take the electron orbits for example.

All what we're taught in school is based on mathmatical models all crunched down to elementary concepts.
Now though, we've finally captured our model being true, so we will not have to change it.
If we observed it being different from the standard model, we would have changed our standard model.

This is science: implications, validations/remodelation, integrations, applications.

>> No.3656043

Theories are based off of observation of a phenomena. There is no phenomena here being observed.

>> No.3656057

The universe itself?
I am about as old as EK and Harriet.

Just because I'm gay, doesn't mean I drink cum all the time.

>> No.3656083

There's fallacy in what you're saying. One could argue that there is no definite 'true model' because as our tools of observation evolve we will begin to see discrepancies in our model simply because were able to look closer than we were before. It is in this sense that as long as our tools are evolving there will never be a 'true model', only an increasingly more accurate model.

>> No.3656095
File: 51 KB, 494x426, epicFAIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder you can't science, you're an engineer....lol.

>> No.3656116

No dude, for something to be validated, it must first have being created in the mind to find that certain observation you're looking for and claiming to pop up when certain parameters are tweaked.

You can't just observe and make a silly deduction which proves some shit.
First you must think "Hmm, that sky looks blue. Why is the colour of the sky during the day, different from the colour of the sky during the night?" Then you will actively think about how to verify this claim. Making observation to validate your claim. Then integrating when it's validated or finding the flawed logic and replacing it with a tweaked model to try and either re-observe the same events, or try to capture changed or different events.

>> No.3656117

>I am about as old as EK and Harriet
Because you use the same body as them.

>> No.3656162

You are nitpicking. Ofcourse we will never be able to objectively "know" the universe. It is viewed through the psycical capabilities of a human being, even when he has the mental capabilities to broaden his physical abilities. (the quantification of heat energy and visualized)

>> No.3656163

Don't worry, I don't like being gay.

No I don't.

>> No.3656218

Gonna bump this for elaborations.


>> No.3656395

please forgive me for i have little knowledge of evolution and was a stoner at the time, i had a theory that humans evolved not just from apes but regional fauna (i dont know if this denotes australian animals but its the main thing i remember from year 5, animals pretty much). This originated from a theory i saw on youtube about earth expanding rather than shifting along the tectonic plates (i also have no knowledge of this topic) along with concepts of religion and spirituality. Anyway my theory is off the both concepts,

>> No.3656403

(1) the continents split therefore separating what ever was on them (2) basis of religion evolved from worship of the sun, which lead to spirtualality then to religion,etc. Now Egyptians worshiped gods that have animal faces, aboriginals respect the land and animals by not over using resources at their dispense such as trees, animals, etc but they also believed in a giant serpent that slithered along the planet and created the mountains and everything or thats what i remember. They also have similiar stories with other animals in the same fashion' native americans gave each member of their community a totem of an animal so they could belong to a group. I have no idea of how old these people actually are, especially aboriginals and Im sure this would be a common trend amongst all primal tribes and people across the globe just as christianity has elements that are pretty much the same in all religions and vice versa.

>> No.3656421

So anyway to analyse this theory im guessing you would have to ((you know how you see some people and you can kinda say "aw! that guy looks like a pig" or "he looks like a fucking monkey" not so much because of their weight or a racial slur but that they just have certain characteristics that can associated with a certain animal)) have a similar mind frame to the one previously stated. Blah blah blah so if we could evolve from apes why couldn't we from animals? Thanks to the smart people out there or people who are generally interested in this or know about this shit.

>> No.3657792

wait. What

>> No.3658313

Holy shit the amount of stupid in this thread is off the fucking charts, Jesus Christ.

I was gonna post an idea, but I'm afraid some of the retardedness in this thread will rub off.

>> No.3658689

post it. This is the place to post all your ideas and it's about time we get a good one