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[ERROR] No.3654194 [Reply] [Original]

Just got done with political/religious "discussion" with a republican christian. I'm agnostic.


HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE /SCI/ HOW? He wouldn't think an inch, he claimed the bible and science go hand in hand, and correspond with each other flawlessly. After many examples of how they do, I lost it. I threw out things I knew would shake his foundations, but like the thick moron he was and claimed I called him(never once...) he came through for the lord. His last statement before deleting my response, and then me as a friend on facebook, was "So simply, we can see a godless lifestyle based on one's individual beliefs or opinions can lead to communism and nazism. That wasn't a quote. That was all me. And its true. You can't deny it. I have delivered the final strike. This is over. Christ reigns supreme. Thats not up for debate. Our faith has been trampled on for so long, and I'm devoting my life to serving God, and defending my faith from people like you"

Please help me figure out how to not murder him. He seriously said (very early in discussion) that all muslims were satanists and should have legislation passed against them because they're influencing our Protestant Christian founded government.

WHAT DOOOOOOooo...oo....

>> No.3654208


The best thing to do is point out things like religion, welfare, socialism, etc are simply illogical, irrational, and based upon moral and emotional wants.

>> No.3654209

He claimed because of the verse "The life of the flesh is in the blood", the bible stated the importance of blood THOUSANDS OF YEARS BEFORE SCIENCE EXISTED.


>> No.3654207

Let it go, do something more productive with your time.

>> No.3654211

No science versus religion.

Just let it go dude. This guy's a moron and always will be. Ignore them, until they actually mess with your shit. Take the fucking high road.

>> No.3654222 [DELETED] 

>all muslims were satanists and should have legislation passed against them because they're influencing our Protestant Christian founded government

He's right except its jews, not muslims

>> No.3654220

He went on to say that if the doctors whose care George Washington was under during his sickness with pneumonia had read this, they wouldn't have bled him out and he would have lived...

>> No.3654230

If you're going to survive living in society you have to just learn to not let yourself get tangled up in these things.

He's retarded. Be glad you aren't, and move on. That's all you can do. You will never get anything out of dealing with such people but stress and annoyance.

>> No.3654231

full blown retard shit for brains walk the earth
deal with it
laugh it their folly

>> No.3654247
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>political/religious "discussion" with a republican christian

>> No.3654249

I guess you guys are right, I should just let it go.

It just sickens me, you know? This is someone my age...for a long time I've been a fan of the thought "Can't wait til my generation runs shit!" But never until I really met so many retards my age did I worry...

>> No.3654285
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>republican christian


You are wasting your fucking time trying to have any sort of civil debate with someone who worships a magic sky-man who hates "the engineers".


>> No.3654289

>laugh it their folly
You underestimate how reliant people are on one another. When you have people like this walking around, all society bears the brunt of ignorance.

>> No.3654305

Personally I only get in this type of conversation with people that bring it up willing to take information and are not enthralled in idealism, works much better and the percentage of population that fits this description is wider than what you may think.

Another strategy is to give them equal time to share their ideas, and take them in a little bit. Exposing your ideas in an aggressive way will only prompt confrontation, and when the brain is in "fight" mode, it will not smart.

>> No.3654326
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Try to carefully explain the error in this thinking. The worst thing you can do is call him names and be dismissive, its not constructive at all. And if you can't do any of those things, if you can't explain why you're correct, maybe your not. Don't be so sure about what you believe is true without being able to properly explain/understand it.

just a thought.

>> No.3654332

You can not teach science to a religious fanatic anymore than you can teach it to a iguana. The sooner you realize this the sooner you will learn to ignore them that we few may work towards a future in a place far away from them.

>> No.3654336
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Stop being a bitch.

>> No.3654341

I've been in an ongoing e-mail debate with a christian who has the same half-assed magical wizard thinking you've described, OP. Just try to keep it civil and they'll keep going believing they'll win in the end. Until they inevitably fall back on "I have faith it is true" at which point you have to tell them they forfeit the argument as faith is not evidence.

If you were shocked that a member of your generation could be that stupid you haven't been on 4chan enough.

>> No.3654381
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Shit, these days I just take it most of them are attempting to troll. Usually its an old-timer or a loop talker that likes to look smart who acts like this, but hearing it from someone I thought I actually knew personally is shocking in the worst way.

He never smarts...just real, sincere, ignorant bullshit spewing out all the time...

>> No.3654391
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>"He never smarts"

>> No.3654407

I was talking to a girl about her faith. She fell back on "I have faith it is true" quite early on in the discussion but she also recognised that it's illogical. I'm not sure if she meant ineffable, but assuming she meant the former, do you have any bright ideas for bringing her 'round? The girl seems to have roughly average intelligence otherwise.

>> No.3654410
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>that image
>we are all equally sinners
>mass murders are equally as sinful as everyone else
>everyone could be a mass murder and be no worse off in the eyes of god

Well I know how I'm spending my weekend.

>> No.3654426



>> No.3654434

Have fun with your work based belief systems, non believers!

>> No.3654450

The thing you've got to realize OP is that creationists don't mind losing an argument. They're too deluded. You can't argue with people like that

>> No.3654550

i was raised Pentecostal, and now i'm agnostic athiest, even when i was a child i had questions as most children do, and they are punished with fear tactics and actual discipline.

i dated a girl who a fundementalist christian and smart as a whip. her iq was just slightly lower than mine, and we had religious debates often. i eventually saw the light through studying theology that its nonsense, she did not and now were split.

Let me tell you that intelligence and atheism aren't mutual. you need to look at it from a different angle.

If you found a person brainwashed from birth to deny logic, rationalise things to fit thier veiw, and furthermore if they dont, have the threat of being sent to rehab camps or interventions, and eventually excommunication, would you approach them with logic?

You need to treat them as brainwashed, it wasnt untill i started to wonder if i was brainwashed that i started to look for the way out. i eased myself out with less and less dogmatic veiws of god and christianity.

Relegion is a mental illness, made from years of threats and promises at an impressionable age from authority figures you trust. mix in that the source is a book with beautiful poetry and fantastic stories and veiws of the world, its very hard to stop being delusional. You simply cant hammer them with logic, the "faith" comment is when you've struck home and they're using the defense god has given them against now believers.

Be gentle, they're sick in the head. I'm ashamed of my entire lifeveiw when i was younger. i used to actually convince people to believe. now i do just the opposite, and it is still ingrained in me that im "leading the flock astray" and i do feel guilt. even though i know im doing the right thing, the sickness is still working.

>> No.3654638

>Relegion is a mental illness

>> No.3654682

This thread should have died here.

>> No.3654683

Use an old quote from Albert Einstein.

"All the forces of the universe work together in such beautiful simplicity and symmetry. It's no wonder why so many believe that someone must have designed it to be so."

...I think that's how it goes...it's something like that.

>> No.3654744

>see person with autism or schitzophrenia
>babble to themselves while rocking back and forth

>see religious person
>babbling to themselves while rocking back and forth

He may be trolling but there's a grain of truth in there