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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 60 KB, 500x314, Carl-Sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3651435 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone tell me why scientists such as Michio Kaku suck?

>> No.3651439

Because you really do need to understand the math behind science and they oversimplify everything.

>> No.3651450

You guys realize that people were giving Carl Sagan the same shit when he was alive, right?

>> No.3651461

Because they like to ruin science and other scientists' credibility by making it understandable to your average retard. The field would be a lot better if the general public had less of an influence on it, but thanks to retards like Kaku or Sagan we happen to have these general public retards bringing the entire field of science and study, and all it's integrity, down with them.

>> No.3651476

I have a lot of trouble believing this.

>> No.3651478



That's like saying Christians shouldn't believe in God until they get a PhD in theology.

>> No.3651479

They make aspies fell less special.


>> No.3651507
File: 60 KB, 560x310, 1312130106292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because science hipsters can only like science as long as it's not popular.

Fucking idiots whine about science being hated and then shit on people that try to make it more popular.


>> No.3651508
File: 177 KB, 320x462, 1311806747967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a stupid fuck.

It's thanks to people like Sagan or Kaku that people grown up in family with no science background become interested in science.
The popularization of science it's a fundamental step to develop a better society.

>> No.3651512

Because they're pop scientists.

>> No.3651514

"Science hipsters" don't exist to be honest. I believe the correct term you're looking for is "contrarians."

>> No.3651518

I'm convinced the public would be interested in the math behind it and it's explainable through graphs rather than equations. I don't hate them for popularizing science, I hate them for not slapping their balls across the producer's faces and saying "let's do this properly".

>> No.3651519
File: 71 KB, 407x405, hipsterkitty-band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well said, pic related.

We should make a hipster scientist image macro and post it everytime some fucktard complains about the same stuff.

>> No.3651525

... But Sagan, Kaku, Tyson, etc. WERE the producers of (much) of their shows.

>> No.3651521

I know. But calling them hipsters irks them to no end.
And making people who act like idiots squirm is what a good life is all about.

It's my life philosophy for today.

>> No.3651530

>Michio Kaku

Pick 1

>> No.3651533

>>3651479 - lol

Generating public awareness and interest in science is somthing we need ALOT more of.
For me scientists like this and of course Feinman
are the reason I got into science.

If the general public is interested and educated in science and technology then there would be alot less opposition to big investments in various fields. you know which ones i mean.

>> No.3651562

>scientists like this
>are the reason I got into science

Please die in a ditch.

>> No.3651567


Good to see that we're on /sci/ and not on /b/

>> No.3651572

Seriously though, people who get into science because of certain scientist (especially popscientists like Feynman) are just copycatted idiots who're taking inspiration from the wrong place and time.

>> No.3651573


Samefag less blatantly next time please.

>> No.3651575

I loved Cosmos when it talked about ancient science, such as Eratosthenes' calculation of the size of the earth, or Kepler's gradual derivation of the shape of the planets' orbits.

There's no real point in trying to make pop-sci about black holes or quantum physics because there is no way you are ever going to be able to make a viewer really understand it without the equivalent of several university courses.

It's not that I don't think there's any point at all in popular science stuff about those topics, it's just that it's useless on its own, and as a result the popular science "community"'s tendency to focus on only those subjects annoys me.

If you're not seeing and understanding the evidence and the scientific work that's going into these theories, you may as well be watching/reading a work of fantasy. What we need is more pop-sci that communicates the scientific method using examples that the layman really can understand. It would also be nice if it tried to communicate that, listen dude, you can't REALLY understand this shit unless you put the work in and study the mathematics, but hey if you take a look at the website on hbo.com/buttfuck we've got some great links to online resources for self-teaching it! Here's what you should learn...

>> No.3651580

>>3651562 (ntgy quoted)

Ok then, what got YOU into science?

>> No.3651584

kaku is shit because he was wrong


>> No.3651588

science hipsters detected

You missed the point. Sagan talked about wormholes because people ARE INTERESTED IN IT even if they don't understand it.

>> No.3651744



Go troll /b/ or something

>> No.3651769

When I was little, I watched a lot of national geographic and discovery, and those documentaries about science, altough explained for science noobs, got me interested in science, so maybe this isn't a bad thing

>> No.3651787


You're a still a noob, and you will always be a noob.

>> No.3651872

ITT: People with lots of issues.
Pop science is for people who are interested in science on a basic level.

>> No.3652022


Wrong. High school science is science on a basic level.

A person cannot be called a scientist until he has at least 150 articles published on a peer-reviewed journal.

>> No.3652070

Oh, I thought it was 138. Excuse me.

>> No.3652076

einstein published about 14 articles

deluze about a 100

>> No.3652080

Must be a lot of people who are not scientists in the science field then by some internetfag with asperger's standards. You've never published anything in your life.

>> No.3652094

Kaku is clearly intelligent, didn't he win one of the most hard to get scholarships for phd studies?

>> No.3652115

>You've never published anything in your life.

Ergo, you're not a scientist.

See how it works?

>> No.3652126

Why are you asking me? I already know how it works.

>> No.3652135

but why is that a bad thing? if people which are not geniuses are interested in science it is a good thing. isn't it better than beeing interested in stuff like reality shows.

>> No.3652151


No it isn't.

We don't need more retards shitting up science with nonsense like string theory

>> No.3652160

it's not about what this person was saying. it's just that he makes science popular for people which have interest in it.

>> No.3652199


People who are interested in string theory are the worst kind of people who should be doing science.

>> No.3652217

If the public aren't interested in science it gets harder to justify money going to science, and leads to the public's fear of the unknown. People like Sagan brought science to the public in an interesting, successful way. Kaku makes outlandish claims about future technology which can hardly be called science. A good clue that he is talking shit is that he has a programme called "Physics of the impossible". This isn't to say he isn't a good scientist, just that the "science" he present to the public isn't science at all.

Anyone who thinks science shouldn't be watered down to inspire and awe the general public is a fucking moron.

tl;dr science popularizers = good, Kaku = bad

>> No.3652237

Interesting taylory

>> No.3652240

Wow, I thought that average IQ is inversely proportional to percent of assholes. Clearly I was wrong.

Popularizing is what we need to do a LOT more if we want to develop a better society and if we want to get young people into science. If young people bought a book about physics and it would be full of college equations and graphs, they would get discouraged VERY quickly. If you really do think that science should only be for the few chosen ones, enjoy your superiority complex.
Also, common argument why should we continue with researches in physics is that we should know more about the universe. What would that be for if less than half percent of population would actually understand that?

>> No.3652241
File: 18 KB, 320x272, 1314496019998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this thread. I should die in a ditch because I was exposed to "popular science" shows which motivated me to seek a truer understanding of science?


I guess what the point i wanna make is if you expose a large population to this sort of "simplified science" not only is general public awareness increased but some individuals might be motivated to understand the true complex nature of how things behave. Which hopefully will increase the population of scientifically minded people on earth over time which is obviously a good idea. Also this elitism and this implied "unreachable" knowledge unless your a natural genius must put some people off. If you make science "friendlier" ease people into it then they might be more confident in taking themselves a few steps further.

tl:dr fucking read my opinions faggot

>> No.3652255

>For me scientists like this and of course Feinman
are the reason I got into science.

As for 99% of /sci/ you can bet.

>> No.3652275

pop scientist such as Sagan and Kaku should be lined up and shot. No one has done more damage to the science community than those two fucktards who have watered it down and created a generation of pseudo-smart faggots.

hurrr i sawed one epsude of Cosmos know im an theoretical fiysisit

>> No.3652290

0/10 too soon

>> No.3652295


Michio Kaku faggot detected

>> No.3652311

find me one real scientist
>i.e. not you
who thinks the popularisation of science is a bad thing.

you don't know shit about the scientific community, people who can't do it are weeded out so there is no 'damage'. the more public support the more funding.

>> No.3652325

>fucking read my opinions faggot

Die in a fire.