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[ERROR] No.3650561 [Reply] [Original]

Question of the day: What do you think happens after you die? /sci/?
My mom?
Or this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_erection

>> No.3650569

you cease to exist

>> No.3650568

"It was common folklore in some countries that the ejaculate of a hanged man, dripped on the ground below, would seed the growth of a mandrake plant, to which various healing or magical powers were ascribed."


>> No.3650584

Zombies obv.

>> No.3650589

"According to the 1983 scholarly work, The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion[1] by art historian and critic Leo Steinberg, a number of Renaissance era artists depicted Jesus Christ after His crucifixion with a post-mortem erection. The artwork was suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church for several centuries."

>> No.3650615

you decompose

>> No.3650627

op's mom

>> No.3650634


>> No.3650638

Do you remember being in the womb? no, but it happened right? Death will be like that black spot in your memory.

>> No.3650655

You get the most incredible high of your life.

Then the atoms you borrowed are reclaimed by the earth.

>> No.3650731

that is, only if your death is of natural cause and is a slow one

they're nothing pleasant about getting a bullet to the head

>> No.3650814

I always figured that noting will happen.
No feeling, no thought, just dark.

If there is a heaven, it be nice to go to it I suppose...

>> No.3650839

Agnosticbro here. They say you have a DMT trip when you die. Maybe "Heaven" is just you hallucinating on DMT for eternity.

>> No.3650859

Eventually it would stop and you'd cease to exist.

>> No.3650869

Rather than remembering being in the womb, I think a better question would be, "Do you remember how you were before you were conceived?"
I think my existence after I die will be largely like my existence before I was conceived.

>> No.3650874

Well, we don't know that, do we?

>> No.3650879

>Implying you're not dead as we speak

>> No.3650933

If the question lies about my consciousness (not the body, which will obviously decompose), the options that I find plausible are (in abitrary order of plausibility):
1) No conscious experience after some mild hallucinations.
2) MWI is true and you just don't experience your death, instead you keep finding yourself living through implausible scenarios and getting older and older, yet still alive. Maybe go nuts after losing most of your brain cells thus you get some fading consciousness. Some ends may not be pretty, others might.
3) Computationalism and Mathematical Universe Hypothesis (preferably CUH) are true. Some bastard like ourselves (or maybe not) tests MUH by putting its substrate independent mind ("mind upload") in a self-contained structure then proceeds to search all possible universes for this one (or just all MWI ones) and then extracts our informational pattern from them after our death and instantiates these patterns in his computational universe and gives us exponentially growing computational power (assuming he isn't an ass). You live the rest of your existence having the exact same powers as the one that instantiated you (closest to godhood you could possibly get). Basically, "nerd" heaven. Too bad that due to our mind's architecture, we'd gradually become different persons over time and thus no actual "immortality" (not that this is bad in any way).
Weird continuations may exist as well.
4) CUH is false and Penrose is right about his weird almost dualistic hypothesis. Well, fuck, I duno, either stop existing or maybe a lesser hypercomputational superintelligence decides to be kind and ressurect us (don't bet on it).

>> No.3650944

I don't feel dead.

>> No.3650946

>This guy

>> No.3650948


Hopefully your joking. It can of course give you the subjective feeling of living another life.

>> No.3650955

>Implying that isn't what dead people say
fucking ghoulfuck.