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File: 36 KB, 624x352, iss3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3648455 [Reply] [Original]

>tl;dr: The astronauts will soon leave the ISS because of problems with russian spacecrafts.

Here it is, the end of human presence in space. I'm not saying it's a conspiration, but fuck: the end of the shuttle happens just when the russians start screwing their space program.

It's sad, just sad.

>> No.3648473

One of the pitfalls of democracy is shortsightedness. No one wants to do things for SCIENCE! anymore.

>> No.3648488


More precisely, capitalism has led to a diminishing appreciation for learning and science. People want to pay for clothes, food, entertainment, and get jobs so that they can accomplish all of the above, instead of learning about science all the time.

>> No.3648507

but wut about the mission to mars?

>> No.3648511


The majority of people wouldn't want to learn about science anyway/

>> No.3648517
File: 154 KB, 330x327, 1276263158427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slated for 2030. What a load of piss.

>> No.3648529
File: 9 KB, 459x377, 1268766261444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon Musk is going to die in a car accident or something. That's the only thing that can complete this series of retarded events.

>> No.3648541

No. It's golden age thinking once again. There was never any Science age, where people were more interested in learning and science. Actually we have more educated people than we ever had, and so more scientists and science student than we ever had. The problem here is that all space missions are an echo of Cold War, when it was funded because one had to do better than the other. Now it's slowly dying, until a new rivalry arises.

>> No.3648549
File: 41 KB, 316x283, zubrinface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100km/h collision in a Tesla Roaster? That's going to be quite a shock.

>> No.3648560
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>> No.3648561
File: 67 KB, 494x329, chineserocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forget about...CHINA.

>> No.3648569

China! Get your shit together!

>> No.3648576

I'm going to buy into this China thing once they get their space station up

>> No.3648595

soyuz will likely be grounded for less than 2 months. 3 members of the crew can stay for another 6 months.

>> No.3648607
File: 128 KB, 354x298, despair_idiocy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never think the situation can't get any worse. Because it can.
>2012: to appease God in preparation for the Judgement day, the new US president denies all use of space, under a threat of nuclear retaliation, so rockets wouldn't punch holes in the crystal firmament

>> No.3648623


Dear China,
PLEASE take over the world, explore space and continue with scientific research that pushes back the fog of ignorance that plagues humanity. It seems democracy and capitalism seem to have only gotten so far.

No, seriously. After JWSP got cancelled (still not official, but srsly, it has no hope) by a DEMOCRAT senator, I lost hope in the US.

>> No.3648636

>not ignorant
If they were sane they would have thrown out that language years ago.

>> No.3648649

Well, 90%+ of chinese children have perfect pitch due to their language, having to memorize all ideograms trains memory skills and generally they seem to be all set up to beat the living fuck out of the US.
tl;dr seems to be working fine

>> No.3648653


Democracy was not mentioned in the DOI or in the constitution. This means it has nothing to do with America. Please refer to the U.S. gubbmint as what it is -- a constitutional republic.

>> No.3648654

Exploration is not part of China culture. Americans are a nation of settlers, so it's no surprise they explored space in their time. But China is a nation which missed the opportunity to rule the indian ocean just because they did not see any use of it. They had a magnificient fleet during 1400-1500 that they simply let rot.

>> No.3648683

Well sorry.

>implying 1500's china is totally like 2011's china
dude what

>> No.3648694


America didn't exist 500 years ago therefore their culture and society consists of absolutely nothing and this means today they don't exist.