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File: 79 KB, 720x479, It+s+Magic+I+ain+t+gotta+explain+shit_100a6a_663520[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3647552 [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys think about magic?

lets assume it existed. magic would just be pure energy right? and the ability to manipulate it? convert it?

discuss how magic can exist in the real universe

>> No.3647569

What's the definition of magic?

Also, "pure energy" is not a valid concept. Energy is a property of things, not a thing itself. That's like saying "pure hungry."

>> No.3647583

>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of the Future" (Clarke's third law)

>> No.3647591

Well, in the sense of the picture, I guess magic could be a way to use energy from cellular respiration to create photons, instead of using it as mechanical energy.

>> No.3647593

As soon as it exists, it is no longer magic, by definition. The four fundamental forces are not magic, simply because they exist in nature.

>> No.3647602


a belief in magic is just magical thinking.. that is, seeing a connection between events that doesn't really exist.

>> No.3647637
File: 7 KB, 251x200, IT'S MAGIC MOTHERFUCKAH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm...the manipulation of thermal energy with your potential energy to create a new form that you can use called "magic"?

>> No.3647666

Yall need to put your time into Crowley studies.

Magic is will.

>> No.3647667
File: 67 KB, 371x371, 1260530816376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not believing in a magical sky wizard

>> No.3647670

Crowley + Schopenhauer = god tier

>> No.3647702


So magic could refer to any number of things, inducing "stuff made by learned people", a definition which basically makes it the same as technology. One of the earlier words magic is said to be derived form is defined as "to be able, to have power", which I think is a good description magic. It is a general description of that which operates through methods that are seen as different from those used in ordinary life, and basically means anything which is inherently obfuscated in nature.

Simpler magics would generally be folded into a different understanding of physics. However, most traditional magic at least has elements of personification. For example, much occult magic dealt with invisible and/or elusive creatures that could be interacted with using certain rituals. If these were real, though, they likely would be separated form other things called magic, and simply accepted as a class of organism.

I think the idea of magic was accepted as valid, it would be due to very real phenomena acting with a degree of intelligence which can only be accounted for as being an inherit property of some symbol, substance, or other source which is not an obvious mechanism for information processing. Reliable geomancy would be fairly magical, as it would mean some pseudo-random number generator would somehow generate numbers that correspond to arbitrary, complex, seemingly seemingly unrelated events in a fairly easy-to-interpret manner.

>> No.3647707
File: 32 KB, 300x200, fireball[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all depends on the type of magic you are referencing and by what means it is manifested. We talking D&D magic? Alchemy? Psionics? Spiral Power?

As a general rule of thumb (as far as I'm concerned anyway), unless its entirely ass-pull magic like what OP has in his pic, I'd imagine an underlying, imperceptible layer of reality with a mass of potential energy that cannot manifest into anything material due to a loophole/physical law restriction in the dimension it is present in. By being drawn to THIS dimension/layer of reality, it can be manifested into matter or another form of energy by someone with enough intelligence and skill to not only tap into that parallel dimension and manipulate its matter/energy state, but also prevent himself from getting atomized from mistakes (trying to draw too much energy at once, not converting it into a suitable matter/energy format, accidentally the entire black hole, etc). Obviously, this would be an intensive process on par with having to be able to memorize libraries worth of mathematical formulas pertaining to dimensional breaching, matter conversion/formation, feedback dispersal, proper safety measures, and so on and so forth, meaning that you would likely have to have a higher IQ score than Stephen Hawking, Einstein and Isaac Newton combined to even HOPE to be able to properly control it, much less manifest anything better than a cantrip.

TL;DR - My magic is future super-science powered by dimension-breaching and a fuckton of mathematical knowledge.

>> No.3647738

interesting outlook. but i'm still wondering if a person possessed such mental capabilities, how would he be able to translate his thoughts to manipulate anything outside his own body? is there any scientific evidence on telepathy right now? or is it all just fluff or simple magic tricks?

>> No.3647760

But see, magic IS real. We use it every day:

>> No.3647880 [DELETED] 

Magician here, you guys don't know shit about magic.

>> No.3647890

Practicing magician here, you guys don't know shit about magic :)

>> No.3647908

interestingly magic means that it can't be explained. If there were fixed rules and reasons behind it it would be science.

>> No.3647930

Magic[0] refers to IRL deus ex machina and is redundant.
Magic[1] refers to sleight of hand, psychological tricks, etc, and is real phenomena.
Magic[2] refers to a fifth fundamental force that can affect the other four in certain ways, and is as yet an unproven hypothesis.
Magic[3] refers to being able to set the universe into any state, and is as yet unknown and may not be possible due to paradoxes.
Magic[4] refers to technology that one does not comprehend.

Numbers above are arbitrary as long as they are used consistently once assigned, but the word has multiple definitions and it's not clear from context what the fuck y'all are yapping about.

>> No.3647958

>"lets assume it existed"

As soon as you incur an assumption like that, you can incur whatever extra shit you want.

See Occam's Razor.

>> No.3647997


Energy is equal to mass. if you could create a machine that can convert energy to mass, and then use this subparticles to create atoms, and then molecules, and so on ( and leaving a portion of energy in form of heat, electricity, etc)... you have the power to create every single shit you want, from fire balls, to giant robot made of stone with mechanic thing that make them look alive.