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File: 185 KB, 457x309, spacecraft1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3647057 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw nerds wet themselves with how badly they wish they could travel through space in a spaceship

>yfw technology comes to a point where it becomes readily accessible, the general populace will resent flying into space for all its inconveniences, regarding it more of a hassle than a wild dream come true.

>yfw people would rather just sit around and work on the planet they were born in than to fly to another galaxy even though they could if they wanted

190 years ago, your nerdcestors came so hard at the prospect of riding on a steam engine

Now, who could be fucked with steam trains?

Face it. Space travel will be a hassle. If thats not enough to make you cringe, heres an excerpt form a comic 5000 years in the future:

>wake up at 10am (alpha centauri median time), miss the morning shuttle to the nearest moon. (have to use the fuckan space elevator) ffffff-

>> No.3647061

i can imagine a future where the majority of humans live off world, and earth is a place where only the privileged/lucky ones live.

>> No.3647060

We are all spoilt brats who cant appreciate the technology and modern marvels we have so much so that we fantasize about things that we cant have.

Our childrens children will be no different. Fuckan ingrates.

>> No.3647066


Earth will probably be designated as a historically preserved museum where people can tour and see how their ancestors onced live.

>yfw your fat disgusting and primitive face is on a mannequin browsing 4chan

>yfw the scenario is inaccurate as fuck

>> No.3647069

So? We dream of the future because it isn't here yet.

It's useless to dream of things that already are.

>> No.3647086

Fuck you OP. I love steam engines and space travel.

Both are fine examples of cool technology. As a child I loved to ride steam trains. I used to watch the pistons etc cycle when it pulled away from the station.

>> No.3647101


Well I like trains too.

But my point is that the vast majority dont really give a fuck.

There is so much we take for granted.

Our children will be the same.

>> No.3647112

>5000 years in the future
>Not Jaunting to work
I seriously hope you guys won't do that.

>> No.3647121


This thread is now about comics from the future:

>Space elevator: bunch of weirdos enter as usual.
>some prick lets off gas
>everybody stares at me

>> No.3647123

it's longer than you think!

>> No.3647126

Trains are awesome, but inefficient.

And, frankly, you can't get into space without space travel.

I can go cross-country in the much faster and much smoother airplane than the noisy and clunky train. Even if trains are pretty cool.

Steam power is also inefficient.

Now, riding in a nuclear powered aircraft carrier is my dream, myself.

>> No.3647132

if/when we achieve mass space transit (ie personal shuttles and the like) the only people who won't be amazed by it are the ones who don't know what it's like to not have them or people who forget what it was like.

for instance, how many people take cars for granted? they're fucking everywhere, millions/billions of them. cars have been mass produced and fairly affordable for over half a century but they're still complex machines.

>> No.3647147


With all the must of my tiny 4chan heart, I hope my child grows up with the same love of mechanical devices that I did.

It would make me so proud to take up engineering like his dad + granddad.

Although 20 years into the future I think the field of aero/mechanical engineering will be gone :( ... Forever electronics...

>> No.3647164

The Earth will become a corusant type planet.

>> No.3647168


um. sorry to break it to you like this.

you cant make babies from buttsecks.

>> No.3647174

>coming from one who was conceived in such a way

>> No.3647176

>>3647126 Now, riding in a nuclear powered aircraft carrier is my dream, myself.

Nuclear reactors, for all their wonderful advantages are a fucking nuisance for the people that have to work with them compared to conventional naval propulsion.

>> No.3647190


Saying that makes me sad. I wish I could carry my child for those important 9 months so I could make sure it's fed correctly and is given mental stimulation. I can't trust a female to eat correctly for 9 months. Could you?

>> No.3647194



>> No.3647196
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

190 years from now, we'll be telling our descendants how back in the day we only had one space station, no moon hotels, people only lived to 80-100 years, the internet was outside our brains, and we LIKED it that way.