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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3645435 [Reply] [Original]

how long would it take the micro organisms inside your body to evolve into something else if you died on the moon?

>> No.3645439

they die too

>> No.3645446
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we'll find out 3/4/11

>> No.3645447

no they dont what the hell you talking about?

>> No.3645457

no air
unsuitable temperatures

also, how long do you think they can feast on your dead body?

>> No.3645464

radiation is needed to live, retard.

micro organisms dont need air, retard

they can feast as long as they want, until it runs out then they evolve to eat themselves, eventually evolving to eat shit on the moon

>> No.3645468

>micro organisms dont need air, retard
Fucking summer

>> No.3645470

I herp'd so much I derp'd

>> No.3645476

dont call me summer, your the one that doesnt know about anaerobic microorganisms fucking retard

>> No.3645479

>radiation is needed to live, retard.
>they can feast as long as they want, until it runs out then they evolve to eat themselves, eventually evolving to eat shit on the moon

>> No.3645483

light is radiation, heat is radiation, oh wow your so fucking smart you didnt realize all life needs radiation to live.

>> No.3645491

who invited /V/ here

>> No.3645488

I think we're being trolled, guys.

>> No.3645485

Oh, I know about them just fine. But you just said "microorganisms don't need air", which is retarded.

But microorganisms surviving on the moon? No.

Also, this was pure retardation:
> then they evolve to eat themselves

>> No.3645496
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>> No.3645499

I'm not even going to post a picture, but:
My dear black man, whatever are you executing?

>> No.3645498 [DELETED] 

evolution is the same as learning, retard

you obviously didnt know what your talking about.

microorganisms surviving on the moon, inside your body, how long till they evolve, read the thread you nigger faggot

>> No.3645509



ahhh the grammer nazi, ant find fault with my argument so you attack the way the argument is delivered, ad homanim, faggotry. the last dieing attempts of a drowning argument.

>> No.3645510
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>evolution is the same as learning, retard

>> No.3645511 [DELETED] 

fuck off nigger, dont call me black im pure master race

>> No.3645518

they are hte same, one is on a genetic level, one is on a conscious level while being genetic at the same time. learn some biology fucker.

>> No.3645520
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>ad homanim

>> No.3645526
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>they are hte same, one is on a genetic level, one is on a conscious level while being genetic at the same time. learn some biology fucker.

>> No.3645537

I challenge you to find one biologist who considers evolution and learning to be the same thing.

>> No.3645538

cant help from drowning can you fucker? grammer nazi shit cunt.

glad you agree with me. genetic learning = evolution.

>> No.3645531
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>> No.3645540
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Holy fuck, 10/10

>> No.3645548

your talking to the son of one, my father is a biologist.

he told me his theorys on evolution and that its just genetic learnings from previous generations. why do you think animals have instincts? because they are genetic learnings.

>> No.3645549

Genetic learning huh? That's a new one.

>> No.3645553

>How long until they evolve

Well, technically, OP everything is always evolving. I'm fairly certain that my genetics professor said that humans, on average, have 2 base pairs difference from their parents. 2 base pairs out of your ENTIRE GENOME. That's still evolution.
But I don't think that's what you meant to ask, OP.

>> No.3645554

Why don't you show me a paper he published on the subject, so I don't assume you're too stupid to know what he actually meant or even more likely, just making things up.

>> No.3645555

No it's not.

It's lamarckian evolution.

>> No.3645563

not even trolling

no its not, its been around since life was transspermed on this planet. same thing as im asking on the moon.


>> No.3645559

Your father probably drinks heavily because of you.

>> No.3645568
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No? Everything is not always evolving?
I see what you're getting at.
Pic related.

>> No.3645575

no, i said nope to

>But I don't think that's what you meant to ask, OP.

holy fuck you are so fucking gay

>> No.3645577


fuck you are dumn. every1 noes that microorgasms need water to live.

>> No.3645578
File: 105 KB, 600x450, 1295759163986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Haha, what the fuck am I reading?

>> No.3645579

So, you admit to making it up. Thanks for being mature about it.

>> No.3645580
File: 14 KB, 240x200, 1312420301787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are genetic learnings

>> No.3645574

They would die long before they would adapt to the moon's non-existant atmosphere.

>> No.3645572

That guy died before genetics were discovered. Stop with your bullshit.

>> No.3645570 [DELETED] 

why dont you learn to google, or are oyu that incompetent? faggot shitter.

no he smokes weed not drinks faggot nigger.


>> No.3645586
File: 101 KB, 215x258, youlikekrabbypatties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you were more articulate, perhaps these misunderstandings would not occur in the first place.
But if getting hostile makes you feel better...

>> No.3645584

>heat is radiation

>> No.3645589 [DELETED] 

where did i admit that faggdickniggerjew

fucking learn to read or are you so poor that you learnt to read from the back of cereal boxs?

transpermed is the past tense of transpermia

>> No.3645594

Because OP is confused:
You can't predict evolution outside of a comparison (context).
What we know about evolution (within a single species) is that it is about random mutations over thousands of generations.
So, if the microorganisms have a few hundred generations for mutations, they MIGHT have a small change in something minor.
I guess you were hoping for something sci-fi major to happen -- that's childish and ignorant.

Besides, even if a few of those persist enough to become dominant, they could only be the surviving life form when the suit decomposes and changes their environment so drastically they die quickly. (Why didn't you just suppose it happened on a remote mountain? That happens all the time!)

>> No.3645597

it would probably take 15 minutes for them to evolve into beeings eating themself and another 5 minutes to evolve into dust eating massive dune sandworms

i bet thats the same what your biologist dad would say if you would ask him and not /sci/

>> No.3645599

That's a noun, not a verb.

And we don't know where Earth life originated, but pretending we know the original abiogenesis was elsewhere isn't justified by evidence at this point.

>> No.3645600

If you can't even point to one paper your father has published, i take that as admitting you're a troll. Their that, or your father felt it necessary to dumb down evolution so your simple mind could understand it.

>> No.3645602 [DELETED] 

heat is radiation, learn some fucking physics you fucking nigger ass hill

im not fucking hostile you jew bitch fag tree im just being alpha as fuck dominating you nerd bitchs with my superior biological knowladge, most of you didnt even know about genetic learning,s how the fuck can i take you shit ass hills seriously?

>> No.3645609

>fucking learn to read or are you so poor that you learnt to read from the back of cereal boxs


That hurt ;___ ;

>> No.3645610

you cant die on moon. there is no gravity.

>> No.3645612
File: 61 KB, 498x360, 1312297905440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not fucking hostile you jew bitch fag tree im just being alpha as fuck dominating you nerd bitchs with my superior biological knowladge, most of you didnt even know about genetic learning,s how the fuck can i take you shit ass hills seriously?

>> No.3645613

No water
No food *other than your body which is limited*

Might survive for a while, but without any resources to continue multiplying and growing they would all die.

>> No.3645620

heat is excited energy states for the atoms/molecules/whatever the fuck is within them. There is thermal radiation but it is caused by the heat, it isn't synonymous with it.
But nice try

>> No.3645621
File: 164 KB, 649x410, 130892197430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck, I still can't stop laughing.

>> No.3645643

im not confused your a confused you dick goblin

yea right you faggot go paly with your gay as fuck legos kid

HURR DURRR if thats the case why cant we fly in space and do shit like looping the loopings?

good, faggot.

WATER IN BODY MADE UP OF 90% omg u such a fucking retard

heat is fucking radiation and energy at he same time holy shit can oyu be any more of a ballsack caretaker?

>> No.3645659

>HURR DURRR if thats the case why cant we fly in space and do shit like looping the loopings?

because it is safe here on earth. it is cold outside.

>> No.3645660

>ballsack caretaker

Yeah, i need to be. Your ballsack is so severly small and shriveled that it evelopes ur dick backwards into ur spine effectin ur neuro process u black fuck.

>> No.3645667

Oh man, there's two of them now.

>> No.3645670


Can't even be bothered to keep up your trip code, I see...

Oh my god, I am laughing so hard at this thread right now.
Looking for more entertainment, so here, let me go grab the scientific definition of learning for you....
The usual technical definition of learning or conditioning, as it is more correctly described, is any relatively permanent change in response that occurs as a result of experience. Interestingly, this refers to a response and not a cognitive outcome such as knowledge.

>> No.3645675

neah, thats probably the same guy. He stopped getting responses so he got bored

>> No.3645686


nah i am a different person. "ballsack caretaker" just made me laugh so hard i had to respond.

>> No.3645684

fuck off cunt nigger

i have balls the size of DD titties nigga bitchs love em


also that link you did was pure bullshit

that has nothig to do with genetic learning

explain how we are born with instincts if we dont have genetic learnings? huh? CHECK MATE MOTHERUCKER

>> No.3646416

Someone played assassins creed and thinks he knows science (or thought it'd be a good troll, which clearly it was.

Nobody is this retarded. This is 4 deviations off the mean stupid. Drain bamage. Severe mental retardation. Not even religion wrecks your shit this bad.

>> No.3646452


It was an early theory that evolution could be influenced by the learnings or needs of a creature
This is generally untrue, infact, I'm pretty sure genetically it does not happen

What you dont seem to understand is that evolution is basically caused by random mutations, those with helpful mutations reproduce/live for succesfully and pass on their new genes (Unhelpful mutations lead to death, the genes are not passed on, but everyone already knew that)
I'm explaining 7th grade science to you now because you dont seem to understand it, if you put humans in in our upper atmosphere they would not be able to evolve wings, regardless of their understanding and need for them

> itt: you troll everyone

>> No.3646469

op, that picture is real shitty. just felt the need to say.

>> No.3646483

Been reading too much Howard Bloom?