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[ERROR] No.3645386 [Reply] [Original]

Would discovering that many other intelligent alien species exist and gaining the ability to travel space really unite Earth as it did in the Star Trek universe?

>> No.3645394

It would certainly throw the human ego out of whack for a bit.

>> No.3645391

Amerifags would start a war with them for oil.

>> No.3645397

Aliens have had billions of years to visit us, and they did not.

Stop dreaming.

>> No.3645402
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>Implying this isn't a purely hypothetical

Even if life is out there, I don't think we will EVER discover it. And even if we managed to create the technology just to travel to the nearest life holding planet (if it's even there), it's unlikely to be sentient.

>> No.3645404

No, a bunch of NWO conspiracy dumbasses would think it was a government false flag operation, fire their rifles off at the aliens, and end up getting us death rayed back to the stone age.

>> No.3645412
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Government: Aliens aren't real.
Population: Yes they are you GUVERMENT guys is just hidin' them frum us.

Government: Aliens have landed.
Population: Nice try guverment, aliens isn't real, another one of yer ploys to try and brainwash us again. Cletus, GIT YER GUUUUUUN.


>> No.3645423
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Frankly I think it would be a good idea to shoot first and make use look dominant.

>> No.3645442

There is NO other life out there. Period. Stop watching your shitty liberal fag fest.

>> No.3645762

I believe it was Dawkins that wrote that if intelligent life was ever to visit Earth, they would have to be so far advanced technologically that we would perceive them as gods.

>> No.3647504 [DELETED] 


>> No.3647512

oh you mean get us exterminated?

>> No.3647521

really? Do you have any Idea how many planets likely exist?
Also liquid water has long been proven to not only be common, but abundant. Plus, organic compounds have been found in environments outside of the earth.

>> No.3647534

Doesn't mean shit.

I don't claim there is no other life in the universe, however I will claim that as of now we have absolutely no evidence that suggests there is other life in the universe. It very likely we are alone, we have no concept of how easy/hard it is for life to evolve - not until we observe life elsewhere.

>> No.3647544 [DELETED] 


>> No.3647565

>Doesn't mean shit.
Yes it means shit.
If there is water, and there are organic compounds, then it's just a matter of good environment, and potentially some additional luck, and life is created.
The vast number of samples (ie planets) out there, almost guarantees that some of them are lucky enough.

>> No.3647566
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The truth is, we have no idea. They may not be life in this solar system, this galaxy, this universe or any universe for that mayyer.

>> No.3647571

I believe it would go a little more Mass Effectesque... (aside from humans saving the universe and shit, or maybe not we will never know...) Every fucking race would hate us and we would probably be neutral to hater towards them. The human nature is to butt-in stuff. We would try to meddle in their affairs one way or another until a motherfucking war would blow out.

>> No.3647586

well the milky way, a typical barred spiral galaxy has hundreds of billions of stars in it. From our location in space we can see hundreds of billions of galaxies. ( likely a small fraction of total galaxies ) Each of those galaxies may hold billions to trillions of stars. Each star has a fairly good chance to have plants orbiting it.

It is asinine to believe we're special.

>> No.3647587

Assuming there is no life in the universe besides here on Earth is the epitome of arrogance.

Why do you assume other species won't share our tendency to butt in to others' affairs?

>> No.3647601
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>citing Star Trek

How about some proper sources instead of your children's show?

>> No.3647604
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>> No.3647612

I cited star trek?

>> No.3647615

Just hypothetical nonsense. Come back you have some proof.

As of now, the probability of finding life outside of Earth is precisely --> null.

You guys almost sound like relgifags with this nonsense.

>> No.3647629

>we have no reason to assume we're special
>we've discovered more than one exoplanet that may sustain life
>however, we (currently) lack the technology to check if these planets actually contain life
>therefore, life outside of Earth does not exist

>> No.3647630

I'm only talking about the likelihood of microbes existing. That's a helluvalot higher than the chance of God existing.

>> No.3647631


Why would you assume they do?
In dubio pro reo - even when the subject is a hypothetical alien race. We don't know how they would behave, but we can at least make a prognosis about our own species and what anon described doesn't seem unlikely.

Besides, even if they are as prone to butt-in as we are, they'd still hate us for doing it (probably even more) since we are the arrogant new guys.

>> No.3647642


Why would you assume they do?
In dubio pro reo - even when the subject is a hypothetical alien race. We don't know how they would behave, but we can at least make a prognosis about our own species and what anon described doesn't seem unlikely.

Besides, even if they are as prone to butt-in as we are, they'd still hate us for doing it (probably even more) since we are the arrogant new guys.

>> No.3647658

That's true, but I'm just tired of people assuming that alien races will definitely not have any of our personality traits.
It's almost as bad as pretending a "war-like race" or a "peaceful race" is possible.

>> No.3647663

>not species

This isn't a fantasy MMO.

>> No.3647664

>Just hypothetical nonsense.
Hypothetical nonsense? It's an extrapolation. You may agree with it or not, but the fact is that the evidence points towards the existence of extraterrestrial life.
That doesn't mean that they are here, that they are within communication reach, that they are intelligent, or anything like that.
tl;dr Drakes equation.

>> No.3647668

>implying the terms aren't effectively interchangeable in this context
>implying it's not used in sci-fi almost as often as in fantasy

>> No.3647674
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>using math to answer a physics question

>> No.3647701

Jesus Christ, are you me?
I came back, read his answer, was about to post the exact same thing with the "In dubio pro reo" and you did it masterfully in my place.

My point would have been exactly the same as that guy. It's not that I don't assume they might "be us". It's just that I act in the consequence of doubt. If they are, I'll find out when we find them. Until then, they are not.

>> No.3647703


Although I agree with your general point, Drake's equation (as well as Fermi's paradox) is not very scientific they way he put it. All values used are guesstimates at best and as such not really suitable for any kind of prediction of "what should/shouldn't be".

>> No.3647719

To get on topic, I have no idea if it would unite us. Unification is great, but it comes with a lot of requisite work. We'd have to bring much of the world up to a 1st world level of development.

I honestly think, and this will sound moronic, it will be quite a bit like Mass Effect. Not in the sense that there is some galactic council or other nonsense, but in the way mankind is set-up.

We'll still have many of the old nations, but our efforts will be pooled. All nations will likely have only a token military force. The real "hitting power" of mankind will be a GDI-like organization.

I say GDI-like because the military/colonization authority will be funded by all nations via a tax or something. Something like 3% of all human GDP goes into this supranational, pan-human military/colonization organization. Colonies become independent entities with their own governments, but they pay into the Human Defense Forces and any human may enlist.

Private/national security forces/militias do exist to protect trade and local installations. If they have the support of a local government, they likely get training and 2nd hand equipment from the Human Defense Forces like National Guard units do from the US Army/Air Force.

>> No.3647796


Would be sort of cool if it weren't for the aggressive nature of mankind, especially when combined with xenophobia - and what is more xeno than space aliens. We are almost bound to start shooting at them at some point 'till everybody is pissed at us.

>> No.3648032

That would have to be checked. Since the HDF (as I'll call them) are sponsored by and answerable to all human governments supporting them, there would need to be VERY precise rules of engagement for emergencies in the field.

As far as actual warfare goes, you'd need the authorization of the supporting human governments. You can't leave behind half your forces just because the USA disagrees.

I forsee some problems that would need to be thoroughly addressed before such an organization could emerge to defend mankind.

>> No.3648092



if mankind was threatened by an external force..

at least for the duration of that (total) war mankind would unite and wipe those alien scum off the face of our planet

the world would become like ww2 germany in war mode

alien asses would be kicked

>> No.3649783
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Well, that depends. Can we have sex with them? Not reproduce. Just sex. If we can, then yes. Eventually.

If they're intelligent, can speak and we can have sex with them, that'll pull the triggers in humanity's heads that'll make us think of them as people. Then we'll have neighbors to keep up appearances with, putting pressure on governments worldwide to make themselves look better and, more importantly, to make other governments look better. For reasons of fear, shame and competition, we'll put our best foot forward, for which we'll need to clean up our messes first.

There'll be a few conflicts, wars, culture shocks etc., but eventually.

>> No.3649789
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ww2 germany lost

>> No.3650167
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The chances of victory depend solely on who is more advanced. It could go either way.

Frankly, I'd prefer it if the aliens were kind of like the Federation. Powerful and far reaching, but extremely kind.

>> No.3650207
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