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File: 453 KB, 1287x2921, evolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3643561 [Reply] [Original]

Macro-evolution requires
1. That life can come from non-life which has been proven impossible
2. That there be a number of transitional forms between different kinds of animals, when so far none have been found
3. That information can be added to the genome, which has also been proven impossible, as mutations only delete information.
4. That complex organs form because of a series of mistakes.
5. That the second law of therodynamics (that things can only get less ordered over time.) be violated
>he still belies in macro-evolution

>> No.3643583

0/10 I saw this yesterday

>> No.3643592

> 1. That life can come from non-life which has been proven impossible
not evolution, that's abiogenesis
> 2. That there be a number of transitional forms between different kinds of animals, when so far none have been found
> 3. That information can be added to the genome, which has also been proven impossible, as mutations only delete information.
Down syndrome, or Down's syndrome (primarily in the United Kingdom),[1][2] trisomy 21, is a chromosomal condition caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome.
> 4. That complex organs form because of a series of mistakes.
The theory of evolution doesn't require chance.
> 5. That the second law of therodynamics (that things can only get less ordered over time.) be violated
I wat'd. There's a whole universe worth of increasing disorder and winding down. A little evolution here and there isn't changing that.

>> No.3643604


>That life can come from non-life which has been proven impossible
>Body is made up of carbon, water, iron, magnesium etc etc etc etc
>None of that shit is living tissue on it's own

This is what happens to a society prefers rap music over physics

>> No.3643610

Life can come from non-life, it has been experimentally proven in a lab combining various chains of RNA made out of strings of molecules which have been discovered on extratesterrial objects and planets due to chemical reactions.

Life evolves continiously so small differences tend to result in huge differences after many many years, if you take a race of mouses, divide them so they can't reach eachother and place them in different environments, in another million years or so you won't find many similarities and there will be no transitional forms.

Define information. http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CB/CB102.html Also downies.

Complex organs are a result of bruteforcing. The most succesful mistakes are taken with and the less succesful ones won't reproduce.

Disorder and chaos can't outrule chemical reactions which only have certain ways to happen, and they will happen eventually if there is enough material. Even more, chaos creates the possibility of creation of life because more and more different options are executed.

>> No.3643622

If macro-evolution violated thermodynamics, so would micro-evolution.

Diversity of any kind is diversity all the same, and you don't doubt that mammals give birth to children that are genetically different from themselves do you?

>> No.3643642

also, by the very nature of evolution, every animal born that procreates is a "transitional form".

>> No.3643648
File: 231 KB, 302x445, 1313092356110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3643655
File: 39 KB, 600x524, 1306615997692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3643683


>> No.3643788

1. Incorrect
2. Incorrect
3. Incorrect
4. Subjective
5. Incorrect