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[ERROR] No.3643006 [Reply] [Original]

Friend has an essay:
To what extent do you think that the Big Bang Theory dispenses the idea of a creator God?

1400 words. Halp?

>> No.3643017

I said the same I think its a shit subject, but all the same I'd like to help him.

>> No.3643013

I'll help him.

Drop that class.

>> No.3643019

What the fuck kind of an essay is that?
For which class?

>> No.3643024

Think its Philosophy and Ethics? Some bullshit.

>> No.3643040

this is now a sheldon cooper thread

>> No.3643041

"The Big Bang Theory does in no way affect the possibility of the existence of a God. As energy and matter could not have created itself, at the very beginning there always exists the possibility of a creator God existing or not."

And what does he study, philosophy?

>> No.3643042

This is a retarded essay topic, especially since the big bang theory was proposed by Georges Lamaitre... a catholic priest

>> No.3643044


Anything more guys? He's got to make 1400 words out of this shit.

>> No.3643054

Any class where that is a relevant point of discussion doesn't give enough (probably zero) details about TBBT for anyone to have relevant things to say on the topic.

Philosophy is fine when you start talking about epistemology and logic, but it goes to shit when you start talking about God and metaphysical relationships between physical and aphysical "things".

>> No.3643076

If God existed, he wouldn't have allowed the contract to be renewed for another three years.

>> No.3643108

Having said all that, get him to hand in a paper about how this topic is unworthy of critical analysis.

>> No.3643120

The big bang theory states that the universe was once a very dense place, but then all of a sudden "exploded" and expanded extremely fast.

Now, how that hot, dense state came to be, nobody knows. There is no consensus among scientists about the creation of the universe.

Basically, the big bang theory states that the universe expanded very fast AFTER it was "created". how it was created is not described by the big bang theory.

Your teacher might not be happy with this though, because everyone else will probably go for the standard:
>something had to have done it
>something can't come from nothing
etc, etc. all the while not knowing that that doesn't even pertain to the big bang.

>> No.3643138


>> No.3643165

Originally, God was claimed to have created the universe and pretty much ran everything up until the present day of the given time. As we learned more, things that were once attributed to God were seen to be natural processes, and the extent of which God was able to intervene in the universe was slowly pushed back in time. Eventually, with the work of Spinoza, God was seen only as the creator, and nothing else. He literally made the universe and then ran. With the Big Bang theory, it dispenses with God altogether, providing a somewhat compelling theory of how the universe came to be without requiring a God. Thus, while you can put God before the universe, such a God, similar to Spinoza's God, makes little sense to worship, or even believe in.

>> No.3643175

Spinoza didn't say that, at all. Not even a little bit. In fact, Spinoza would argue that God has an even bigger role in the universe than most of the ancients.

>> No.3643190


If you read his works, he specifically states that the only possible Judeo-Christian God would have been a creator who made the universe and then ran.

His personal conception of God, which is the majority of his work, would not be applicable in the OP's essay.

>> No.3643191

Consider the following:

We have a limited understanding of the universe and how it came into being. There must have been a cause for the universe to come into being. The creation of our universe does not have to be the only event, and the tiers of creation can be infinite. A universe cound have been created by a higher universe, in an infinite loop by whatever means. At any tier in this loop, an intelligent creator can exist. This can be true because we exist as intelligent lifeforms, yet we are composed of atoms and energy which are not. This is similar to a computer being somewhat intelligent but being composed of computer parts. Our universe could have been created by an entity which is intelligent by our definition. It could be a universe which is composed of particles which interact with eachother to form a "brain" via its own laws of physics. We appreciate life on earth due to the great difference to the rest of the known universe. God1 can contain a similar scenario within itself as well as a less interesting big bang resulting in us. The intricacy of life on earth does not have to be based on just our universe, but also to possibilities of God1 which may exceed our own. God1 must also have a cause, and this scenario is now a possibly infinite loop. God2 created God1 and God2 does not have to be more complex than God1. This is one dimension of a 'God complex'. There may be infinite dimensions with infinite God tiers for each. IE: Multiverse is the idea of an infinite 3-space universe having unidentical siblings. This is a two-dimensional 'God complex' since every infinite set of multiverses can have multiverses.

>> No.3643192

Any more for any more?

>> No.3643194

A distinct possibility is the idea of non-existence, that at the end of a finite set of God tiers, God(n) appeared from non-existence into its own "Big Bang". This transition is difficult to understand. How can something come from nothing? Non-existence implies that time does not exist either. Non-existence could initiate a God tier in this dimension or a God dimension. As a God dimension, this 'God' is similar to x = 0 ÷ ∞ in {x| -∞ < x < ∞}. This is similar since this God can be the original God that initiates the infinite dimension 'God complex' from nothing into everything. As a God Tier, time must have started along with the "Big Bang" of a universe. This 'something from nothing' is a puzzle no one can solve since a definition implies existence.

Any of these possibilities can be labelled God. God is not limited to the creator of Earth or the initiator of the big bang.

>> No.3643207

Fair enough. I take issue with your wording in the original response (and I also kind of think that Jehova as a deist deity itself doesn't make sense as he is by all accounts an active God) as it seems to imply you're referring to Spinoza's God, but nevertheless it's cleared up.