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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 110 KB, 965x909, Philosopers-Now-and-Then.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3639702 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/,

this was mostly done for /lit/ but i was wondering if you could help me tighten up on the science aspect or suggest any glaring omissions?

>> No.3639707 [DELETED] 

No. Go back to your pseudo-intellectual circlejerk.

>> No.3639708

obvious bias against religious and philoshophical figures

>> No.3639715 [DELETED] 

>shit tier

OP is a faggot.

>> No.3639713
File: 10 KB, 200x250, 41787_214277156210_9019_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feynman not god-tier
>feynman not even on list


>> No.3639714

I thought >>3639707
was just being a dick, until I started reading your list.

>> No.3639716 [DELETED] 

>God tier


>> No.3639717

>extended phenotype
>meme theory
Your opinion is invalid.

>> No.3639718


You misspelled "win"

>> No.3639722

>God Tier: Chomsky, Dawkins

>> No.3639724
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>> No.3639725

...what exactly is the list supposed to be of? intellectuals? philosophers?

lol no
rand certainly couldn't write for shit. and her philosophy is unoriginal and facile.

>> No.3639729
File: 58 KB, 478x375, wut (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> chomsky, most likely for his political books
> god tier

>> No.3639730

Like the guy said before, first why don't you decide whether or not this is philosophy or science. They're technically both philosophy, but really they're different games.

Also, how about LEONARDO DA VINCI, Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss, Leonhard Euler, or other GODS of mathematics...

>> No.3639732

>...what exactly is the list supposed to be of? intellectuals? philosophers?
If you need to be told then you're extremely dense and belong to neither.

>> No.3639734


I still blame bioshock for this recent teenage Rand circlejerk uprising.

>> No.3639746
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I am just going to re-name this file "sci in a nutshell"...

>> No.3639748

Only thing right about that list is putting Rand at the absolute bottom.

>> No.3639756

>God tier philosopher

>> No.3639758

Also, where the FUCK is Feynman, OP?

Like >>3639713 said, Feynman belongs at the top.
And while we're at it, where the fuck is Carl Sagan and Bill Nye?
Those three people are probably most responsible for ANYONE being on this board right now.

>> No.3639759

Name one thing wrong about it. Go, I dare you.

>> No.3639764

1. post random and not science related shit
2. wait for replies
3. ???
4. /sci/ will have a butthurt discussion

>> No.3639769 [DELETED] 
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>mfw this list

>> No.3639785
File: 7 KB, 242x239, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If you need to be told then you're extremely dense and belong to neither.

> Implying it's obviously philosophers.

> Implying Newton was a god-tier philosopher.

>> No.3639828


>marx not shit tier

>rand and aristotle, buddha not god tier

well you just lost all your credibility with me sir, kant marx and socrates were all shit tier, at least you had the common sense to put plato in shit tier.

>> No.3639832

>jesus not in God tier

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.3639835

>rand and aristotle, buddha not god tier
What kind of fuck tarded trolling is this? Call me next time Buddism has done something substantial.

>> No.3639837



>> No.3639844
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coming from a linguist who hates America's interventionist policies, I still LOL'd

>> No.3639849


if anything bioshock was derogatory toward the philosophy

>> No.3639864

>Dawkins above Darwin

>> No.3639867

buddism hasn't done anything substantial, but it's practices are very effective in orientating people and helping them understand their emotions, how your emotions are derived from your thoughts and thinking and understanding of the world. I'm a practicing buddhist though I don't believe in reincarnation, chakra, or buddha as a god, I consider myself an athiest but I practice buddhist ritual.

>> No.3639877

Dawkins was the progenitor of meme theory, dude. He did more than write a book about atheism.

>> No.3641933


The point of Buddhism is to free yourself from the binds of material existence and thus to eliminate suffering.

In terms of building giant phalluses to the sky gods and starting a bunch of wars, your right, Buddhism hasn't offered much.

>> No.3641945

What exactly do you hate about chomsky?

>> No.3641947

> Gagarin over Maxwell?

>> No.3641964


sounds like youre just a racist bastard OP

what you could do is actually read the books you have labelled.


>> No.3641967

> seriously placing the guy who refined darwin's revolutionary theory above darwin himself
> confirmed for absolute, irredeemable retard

>> No.3641970

Another quality thread on /sci/ that's going to get 800 billion replies.

>> No.3641974
File: 433 KB, 1024x698, great minds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, its the god Tier.


>> No.3641986

>god tier

Nigga you cannot be serious

>> No.3642008

Euler and Cauchy obviously have to be God Tier... Leibniz being mid tier is a bit of a crime, could bump him up to good at least.

>> No.3642009

Skinner should be High-Tier

>> No.3642017

I agree with everything on that list.

>> No.3642022


How the hell is Niels Bohr not on God Tier?

He is not even on the list. Even though he was a better and more significant physicist than Einstein.

>> No.3642029


Dawkins fag detected!

>> No.3642031

/lit/ really is the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.3642032
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>can't give up on the Bohr model

>> No.3642037
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>anything other than shit tiler

retard hipster detected

>> No.3642038

thomas young
genius in many fields, true polymath

>> No.3642042

Bohr? Planck? Heisenberg?
shit son, i could go on but you just went full retard

>> No.3642043
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Darwin quotes:
"Big fish eats little fish"
"That dog likes like this dog"
"Look, ni­g­gers are under evolved humans"
"me great scientist!"

>> No.3642047

What is Keynes doing there?
And why is Hayek not on the list/above Keynes?

>> No.3642048
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>Kant, High-Tier
>Maxwell, not even of the list

>> No.3642049
File: 10 KB, 217x208, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of these shouldn't even be on there, your list is an absolute fucking failure

>> No.3642057

>No Maxwell, Faraday, Heaviside, or Tesla...



Fucking atheist hipsters. /sci/ is not your hang out, gtfo!

>> No.3642067

muhammed was 10X better than jesus and moses

>> No.3642069
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>> No.3642071

Did you just put Zoroaster, among the first polymaths, the teacher of pythagoras, founder of the first monotheistic faith of the largest ancient empire, the oldest faith still alive today, and the oldest western prophet, in "shit tier" with that jew, jesus, above him?

>> No.3642075
File: 47 KB, 357x285, 1313290606483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gagarin, God-Tier
>Plato, Shit-Tier

>> No.3642079 [DELETED] 



I seriously hope this is a troll

>> No.3642088
File: 11 KB, 200x226, 200px-IbnSina-Dushanbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Avicenna?

He pretty much invented empiricism, and moreover the experimental scientific method.

that's probably fairly important in terms of modern science.

>> No.3642091

Better ask OP.
If Keynes is high, Hayek should be far above god tier.

>> No.3642092

Because Hayek isn't a scientist, she just has big cans.

>> No.3642093

>implying silver hammers are an important scientific discovery

>> No.3642096

ya, it needs more arabs, like that dude who invented algebra

>> No.3642101

I meant an other Hayek.

>> No.3642104
File: 1.27 MB, 735x985, Abu_Abdullah_Muhammad_bin_Musa_al-Khwarizmi_edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Khwārizmī and Avicenna were Persian not arabs

>> No.3642108

>Doesn't get obvious joke

>> No.3642109

I'm easy.

>> No.3642110

Same thing.

>> No.3642116
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>> No.3642120

Dayly reminder that Persia means land of the Aryans.
And that Persians are by far no Arabs.

>> No.3642122

Sorry, should have been daily.

>> No.3642130
File: 1.55 MB, 1023x766, 94949939e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3642143

while i respect dawkins greatly i wouldn't include him as a pioneer of any sort.
at least in modern times, PR dudes shouldn't be included unless they do something really unique.

>> No.3642144

Butthurt arab who is embarrassed that his world has turned into a muslim shithole so identifies as 'Persian' instead.

Just so you are aware, the epicentre of the Persian empire was smack bang in the middle of Iraq. Don't try and pretend you aren't arab faggot.

>> No.3642157

Aryan was derived from the word in Sanskrit; arya, meaning noble or nobility, which refers to the Brahmin caste in the Hindu caste system. The castes at the time were delineated predominantly by birth right which consequently meant that those of fairer skin were higher of a higher status , opposite of the dravidian people, who were of darker skin, and therefore were lower on the caste; untouchables or Dalit.

>> No.3642159

Whatever, I'm white.
And the Muslims were indeed not the best thing that has happened to the Persians.
But luck isn't really on your side when the Muslims have one of the best military leaders ever on their side.
Khalid ibn al-Walid, he's also never defeated.

>> No.3642162

but the people who started and ruled the empire were persians.
Iraq was the natural spot because it was central to the Empire's territory.

regardless, even if you think the differences are superficial, the fact is there are many more persians who contributed.
the father of modern optics
scientific method
algebra and spherical trigonometry
geber, considered father of chemistry
even today none of the arab nations come close to the scientific productivity of Iran.
In modern times, the gas LASER was invented by a Persian.

>> No.3642165
File: 1.61 MB, 1600x945, 2praalj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the darkest being referred to as the untouchables or Dalit, rather.

>> No.3642167

rand was a terrible novelist and objectivism really isnt a philosophy, but her defense of capitalism on moral grounds was ground-breaking, eloquent, and well written

>> No.3642184

>high tier

>Not low tier


>> No.3642201

>Shit tier

>> No.3642227

I think OP is an egregious faggot and you all should stop being like, "wtf why is x in y tier, he should be way above z". Sage this shit.

>> No.3642237

>Thinks Iran isn't an Arab nation


>> No.3642240
File: 119 KB, 1130x794, phlos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just went through marker pen style but this is objective

>> No.3642245
File: 35 KB, 629x346, iran_ethnic_groups_629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iran's population is like 10% arab

the geography isn't even the same.
the most populated areas up north are rocky and mountainous and have brutal winters and in some cases rather mild summers.

>> No.3642247

That's obviously edited with a computer, not a marker.

>> No.3642263

No, it's 10% of people who can accept they are arab. The other 90% are just people who can't accept it and call themselves 'Persians', which in no way is a race in itself. They are identifying themselves as members of an empire that doesn't exist in any form anymore.

>> No.3642268

What an arbitrary list.

What was the criteria? Intelligence? Then the list is not at all accurate. Influence? Then the list is not at all accurate. Contributions to science in particular? This might be it.

>> No.3642274

>socrates above aristotle

>> No.3642277

That map needs more nuke sites.

>> No.3642296
File: 1.60 MB, 350x197, XffMw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god tier

Get the fuck out, I fucking hate Richard Dawkins. How can a guy whose proposed some theories about evolution and became a millionaire from arguing with creationists while making atheists look bad be god tier?

Also, Alan Turing is god tier but putting him before Einstein is fucking ridiculous. Furthermore, where the fuck is Richard Feynman?

>> No.3642301

Iran is a nation.
Persians diddn't just disappear.

>> No.3642306

> fucking ridiculous


>> No.3642308

Jesus FUCK I hate lit. Chomsky is above Boole, Frege, Russell, and worse, motherfucking Hilbert and Descartes? The man made a poorly conceived theory towards generative grammar and did some political commentary, Chomsky is blown way out of proportion. That's just the tip of things wrong with this list. Further, you've got mixes from so many different fields that I have no fucking clue what it's trying to even compare. Intelligence? Ability to into philosophy? Ability to viva la revolution?

>> No.3642313

>not god tier

>Einstein not Mid Tier

>> No.3642314

Richard whothewhat?

>> No.3642321

>smith in mid tier
>chomksy in god tier


switch chomsky to shit tier and smith to god tier and I'm ok with the list

>> No.3642322

kieregaard, jaspers, and nietzsche were all arguably existentialists, yet you have them in the mid-tier despite the fact. you listed existentialists as shit tier. also that is the only time you list a movement instead of individuals.
also, your list is a poor compilation of random figures and it basically sucks ass.

>> No.3642358

In the style of a marker pen.
He loses points for his element theory.

>> No.3642368

>shit tier
His words created a religion where people are so committed to it, they set themselves on fire as a protest when they were opressed. Not only that, buddhists actually adhere to buddha's teaching and live an ascetic and pacifist life. Unlike Christians who are killing people despite one of their commandments strictly forbidding it.

any man whose words carry that much influence belongs in god tier.

>> No.3642374

Just Plato being in shit tier screams hipsters.

>> No.3642379
File: 722 KB, 1543x2128, feynman-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Richard Phillips Feynman (play /ˈfaɪnmən/; May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988)[2] was an American physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as in particle physics (he proposed the parton model). For his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman, jointly with Julian Schwinger and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. He developed a widely used pictorial representation scheme for the mathematical expressions governing the behavior of subatomic particles, which later became known as Feynman diagrams. During his lifetime, Feynman became one of the best-known scientists in the world.
>He assisted in the development of the atomic bomb and was a member of the panel that investigated the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. In addition to his work in theoretical physics, Feynman has been credited with pioneering the field of quantum computing,[3] and introducing the concept of nanotechnology.[4] He held the Richard Chace Tolman professorship in theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology.
>Known for
Feynman diagrams
Feynman point
Feynman–Kac formula
Wheeler–Feynman absorber theory
Feynman sprinkler
Feynman Long Division Puzzles
Hellmann–Feynman theorem
Feynman slash notation
Feynman parametrization
Sticky bead argument
One-electron universe
Quantum cellular automata

>Notable awards
Albert Einstein Award (1954)
E. O. Lawrence Award (1962)
Nobel Prize in Physics (1965)
Oersted Medal (1972)
National Medal of Science (1979)

>> No.3642389
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>> No.3642405

In the past buddhists were partial to persecution, wars and oppression, every major religion was used by feudal regimes to indoctrinate the population with at one point.

>> No.3642417

>invent Calculus
>idea stolen by Newton
>relegated to mid-tier status

Fuck you and your houses.

>no Benjamin Franklin

Fuck off.

>> No.3642429 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 500x700, embarrassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rarely come to /sci/
>come today
>see arbitrary list of names arranged in tiers
>people actually arguing about who should be included and who should be moved to a different tier instead of discussing what the list is supposed to be evaluating
>mfw /sci/ treats science the same way /a/ treats anime or /mu/ treats music

>> No.3642439

You forgot Deleuze

>> No.3642442


>hurr Plato should be in God tier for his sayings about how the youth is rotten and philosophers should be rulers of state

>hurr I haet Dawkins, he iz proud to be athiest I don't like that, I don't want you to like his sound arguments because I don't want to be called atheist like him, hurpadurp

>hurr I don't understand Chomsky because I am a pseudo-intellectual marxist

>> No.3642450


You're taking this way too seriously. It's just a conduit for expressing which character we are most enthralled with based on subjective measures. But we don't really care about the list.


>> No.3642475
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>> No.3642485
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>> No.3642538

You forgot Tesla

>> No.3642571

Just realized this is a troll evidenced by:
Dawkins in anything above Mid-Tier
No Feynman
No Bohr
No Heisenberg
No Dirac
No Pauli
No Shroedinger
No Mendeleev.

>> No.3642578


Oh and of course, no Tesla

>> No.3642583


.. just another modern pop science figure who spends too much time with the media
Yes, he wrote some book on evolution, but do we need a hundred scientists to tell us that evolution is real? He spends all his time debating the same old things in front of a camera. It would be okay if his arguments were good, but they have no scientific impact. He gives speeches promoting atheism to atheists. What's the point of that?

I don't consider dawkins a scientist.

>> No.3642663

i hate when people do that.