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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3639423 [Reply] [Original]

>high school
>do pretty well academically, but socially withdrawn
>try out for lacrosse team to make friends, look good on college apps
>dickhead on team constantly makes fun of me, makes me feel like shit
>"fuck him, that dumb jock is going to be grilling burgers for the rest of his life"

>fast forward to college
>physics major, do decent, get social life, relatively happy
>go to MIT for guest lecture with some other students
>find out lax dickhead is going to MIT
>he's studying physics to, only he's got a 4.0 GPA and doing graduate level work
>he ends up fucking the only hot female physics student in my school. she friendzoned me a few weeks before

>> No.3639442

Should have broken his neck during practice while you had the chance. Stop crying, pussy.

>> No.3639444

yeah contrary to fairy tales, life sucks

>> No.3639447

you could have talked shit back to him(i learned this in elementary school/pre school), why are surprised smart people play sports too, must have grown up in a shitty town

youre only option is to start reading more 4chan(/fit/) to try to make yourself feel better, but its all in your head

have fun

>> No.3639463

>lax dickhead monitors your thread

sage for non-vidya

>> No.3639468

But guys that play sports or work out don't deserve to be intelligent, it's just not fair! D:

>> No.3639480


saying this won't stop /sci/ from replying to the OP 200 times.

christ this board is stupid.

>> No.3639507

Copypasta. Why do you post this so many times?

>> No.3639543


>> No.3639551

MIT doesn't use 4.0 GPA. Sage for copypasta

>> No.3639553
File: 97 KB, 694x448, 1307316260256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalepasta is stale.

>> No.3639589

This was posted yesterday for fucks sake.