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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3638649 [Reply] [Original]

what do you expect to be the next big breakthrough in your field?

How do you hope to be involved?

>> No.3638668

Well WebGL is making great progress, I'd say in another year or two we can run Crysis in a browser.

>> No.3638766


>> No.3638858

'Break through' wouldn't really be the word, but I figure the next paradigm shirt (my field in cognitive neuroscience) will be when people start taking into account, on a large scale, the effects of 'network state' on evoked neural responses.

Up until now most neuroscientific research is done by examining the evoked activity of stimuli, and averaging this over large amounts of trials to be able to dissociate signal from noise. It is because of this averaging though that variations in pre-stimulus baseline and their effects on subsequent processing also get averaged out. It is with the discovery of the default state network that this has become increasingly more important, and with the advent of new experimental paradigms in functional neuroimaging such as the mixed-blocked-event-related-design it has become possible to study evoked responses as a function of baseline activity.

I think this will pick up in the next few years. Quite exciting.

>> No.3638890

unified field theory

>> No.3638911

Physicsfag here.

As far as a major breakthrough paradigm shift ToE/Unified Field Theory would seem to be the obvious one. I've heard the solid state guys have been doing some cool stuff lately but I don't know anything about it a google search wouldn't tell you.

Bumping cause this is a good idea for a thread topic.

>> No.3638917

dentist here.

sonic tooth, that is a tooth implant that emits ultrasound constantly to ward off plague buildup.

currently in p2 trials in britain

>> No.3638931

>sonic tooth, that is a tooth implant that emits ultrasound constantly to ward off plague buildup.
As an added bonus, you would attract horny bats in the middle of the night! Imagine the applications...

>> No.3638942

Well WebCL is making great progress, I'd say in another year or two we'll be able to utilize GPGPU in a browser.

>> No.3638943

Magician here,

Augmented reality

>> No.3638947

You might like this:

>> No.3638957

and annoy the shit out of dogs

>> No.3638976


sounds like bullshit.

>> No.3638977

Yeah, I saw the article in jneuroscience. Pretty neat.

>> No.3638985

Any biomedical engineers here? I'm interested in the field and want to know what big things are happening.

>> No.3639046

bumping this thread for science.

>> No.3639326
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Mechanicalengineeringfag here, i suspect that either the whole private space race or MEMS (self-repairing materials, nanomotors/generators, that whole shindig) will be the next big thing. But there's some really big holes in fluid dynamics theory, and that's where i'm hoping to do my research.

>> No.3639371

We're looking to permanently eradicate this AIDS in order to pave a safer future for biomedical engineers everywhere.

>> No.3639383

comp sci guy here. I imagine there will be a big push for cloud-based bullshit soon, which will raise interest in network structure and security. This will then lead to a break though in task scheduling. As for how this will affect everyone: you will no longer have to buy/maintain a dusty old personal OS. Also, things start getting faster more slowly (I mean in two years, there won't be the same increases in speed that there were two years ago, say) because network latency is a bitch.

And nothing dramatic will happen in AI because nothing dramatic ever happens in AI.

>> No.3639403

>fluid dynamics

You at all interested in combustion? We still don't know how explosions propagate.

>> No.3639408

Hey its CNS! Yo CNS, any good neuroscience textbooks?

>> No.3639435

architecturefag here, I'm looking forward to the obsolescence of rectilinear design.

Fuller was spot on back in the 20's and 30's with his ideas on dymaxion design.

I would really like to see application of it in civil engineering. Cities could still be laid out in NSEW grid but using hexagonal property plots and geodesic dome structures.

>> No.3639450

So basically instead of the computer being the storage compartment slash hub for all your personal shit, all of that shit is pretty much on the wire for a New type of technology that acts as a pallete for your personalized interface? You are everywhere? That's fucking awesome.

>> No.3639457

How do you feel about Apple's projected headquarters?

>> No.3639466

How do you deal with the difficulty of delineating rooms in domes?

>> No.3639484

How do you feel about wearing adult diapers without adult baby powder?

>> No.3639501

>>3639450 You are everywhere?
No, I'm right here right now. Later I may be somewhere else.

>blah blah blah... on the wire for a New type of technology that acts as a pallete for your personalized interface?
If I'm interpreting this correctly, then yes.

>That's fucking awesome.
Yeah, I guess. I mainly use my computer for watching movies and doing math, so I don't think this will affect my life at all. Others though will probably get more out of it.

>> No.3639536

Fusion break-even!
Looks pretty promising here at NIF...

What field of physics?
And what makes you think we will (ever) have a unified theory?

>> No.3639704

because I believe.

Sometimes... That's all you need. :)

>> No.3639736

-dye-sensitized solar cells that don't suck
-involvement: you know... research

>> No.3641553 [DELETED] 


>> No.3641558


Protein folding prediction from sequences without a homologous structure increases dramatically

I have come up with a type of sequence analysis that offers 30% increase over the nearest algorithm. I suspect there are better ways to do it, but my algorithm exists as proof of concept.

>> No.3641563
File: 526 KB, 1920x1500, bf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Developer here. We are at an impasse. Nothing new and exciting is going to happen in the next 7 years because outdated consoles are holding us back. Why innovate when the same broken ass shaders sell just as many copies and 98% of people cannot tell the difference. For now we survive on hype and marketing. Pic related, we will sell it to you whether you like it or not.

>> No.3641566

Please sell The Last Guardian to me instead...

>> No.3641567

Can't you come up with something decent then hype that instead of hyping old tired worn out shit?

>> No.3641570

Better graphics doesn't necessarily mean you're innovating at all. There's a whole mess of other things that could be played around with, like gameplay mechanics and the narrative approach.

>> No.3641572
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When i saw the multiplayer trailer i knew it's going to be bad company 3.

>> No.3641577

i don't think he's a real developer guiz

>> No.3641582


>> No.3641583

>Can't you come up with something decent then hype that instead of hyping old tired worn out shit?

Who do you think we are Valve?

>> No.3641585

Big news for epiretinal implants. Animal trials are underway for a next generation vision prosthesis. Commercialization within 5 years!

>> No.3641589

Dude where do you live.
MEMS is already the big thing these days.

>> No.3641612 [DELETED] 

Iowa. Where you at? Are there's ATMs?

>> No.3641620

Iowa. Where you at? Are there's ATMs on to many haven't we?

>> No.3641641

Memristors, quantum computing.

>> No.3641645


>> No.3641824 [DELETED] 


>> No.3641982 [DELETED] 


>> No.3641985


how on earth did a sponge impregnate a fucking squirrel???????

>> No.3642027

Not gonna happen. Stop thinking so big physocoats

>> No.3642034

Directed at>>3638890

>> No.3642058
File: 75 KB, 750x563, 1308463664249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Archfag here. Non orthogonal shit is overrated. Humans like square shit like desks, which don't play nice with curved rooms.

Personally I think the next big revolution in architecture is in new shades of hemlock wallpaper hipster bars are going to start sticking on. What effect does this interlocking pink geometric print have on the consciousness?

I can't wait for these and more exciting developments in the field.

>> No.3642081

I'm an audio engineer so unless you want some cool guitar pedals then I should probably go back to University and take up something else.

>> No.3642191

What exactly are you talking about? Tried googling but can't figure it out.

>> No.3642283
File: 120 KB, 320x462, 1294987160008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wallpaper, nigga. pic related

>> No.3642286
File: 49 KB, 445x445, 99060__1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong image but I loled

>> No.3642320

...that? So its pretty much a Persian rug on your wall?

>> No.3642496 [DELETED] 


>> No.3642981


>> No.3643119

Biology. Really not much else. Kinda depressing.

>> No.3643382
