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[ERROR] No.3637198 [Reply] [Original]

Since when do shitty atheists have a right to redefine agnosticism?

From the dictionary:

a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience. Synonyms: disbeliever, nonbeliever, unbeliever; doubter, skeptic, secularist, empiricist; heathen, heretic, infidel, pagan.

And spamming your desperate little MSPaint propaganda doesn't cut it for an argument against a long-standing definition.

>> No.3637203

>unknown and unknowable

Epistemology, not Ontology.

>> No.3637207

FSM and invisible pink unicorn are also 'unkown and unknowable'
it doesn't matter, they still don't exist, same as god doesn't exist.

>> No.3637226

>Synonyms: nonbeliever

Anyway, enjoy being "agnostic" about Santa Claus, OP.

>> No.3637234


>Implying we are concerned with that women think.

>> No.3637237

All the dictionary and thesaurus things you listed are compatible with atheism. Way to fuck over your own argument, fellow atheist.

>> No.3637239
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>abbreviating Flying Spaghetti Monster

>> No.3637242

Strawmen, strawmen everywhere

>> No.3637247
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>> No.3637249


>> No.3637253

comparing god to santa claus isn't a strawman. neither have been seen, there is no evidence for the existence of either one of them.
you have to be asleep, or santa claus wont come, right?

...god doesnt even bring presents.

>> No.3637272


>god doesnt even bring presents

Most idiotic argument to invalidate God ever.

>> No.3637275

Are you seriously that dumb? Santa Claus purportedly comes to your chimney to deliver presents. Now you can verify this by sitting on your roof and waiting for Santa Claus. He doesn't show up, there you verified he doesn't exist!

Now, God on the other hand is a very versatile and METAphysical concept. It is not earthly. You cannot verify his/its nonexistence by sitting on a rooftop. You would (probably) literally need to map the entirety of the known universe and know empirically what is outside the universe, in order to be able to make a statement on whether he exists.


There is no reason NOT to apply the scientific method to philosophical beliefs. Agnostics like myself do this. Atheists and theists elect not to, and I respect their faith, but that's simply something I cannot do as a scientist.

>> No.3637285

you sit on your roof and santa wont come, you havent disproved his existence.

"he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake...."

>> No.3637287
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>> No.3637288

so are you a gnostic-agnostic or an agnostic-agnostic?

>> No.3637293
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What a brilliant mind we have here.

>> No.3637302
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>> No.3637303

joke's on you guys I am a quantum agnostic

>> No.3637304

Atheism is lack of belief in a God of any sort. You're an Atheist. Agnosticism is lack of knowledge on whether God exists. You're an Agnostic as well. You're an Agnostic Atheist.

Thread is over. By bye thread. See you again in five minutes

>> No.3637315

the fuck is this??
and you pronounce it 'sah-gay'?
its 'sayyj'

>> No.3637322


This pic made me laugh.

>> No.3637353

Keep repeating the atheist mantra. No matter how many times you repeat it, it won't make the dictionary definition go away!

>> No.3637356

They gotta find someway to think they're more numerous than they are.

>> No.3637359

>doesn't know how to pronounce japanese words

>> No.3637369
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>secularist, empiricist; heathen, heretic, infidel, pagan

>> No.3637371

Do you propose that self-proclaimed "agnostics" come up with a new word for themselves then? Surely that would solve the problem.

>> No.3637372
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>> No.3637375

Would you agnostics just shut the fuck up?

You don't believe in god, just like all the atheists and all the atheists know that they cannot know for certain, just like you. Get the fuck over yourselves.

>> No.3637379


no, they know for certain. if they didn't they'd be agnostics, you bimbo.

>> No.3637380


How dumb are you? THIS is the definition. THIS is the definition that has been used for over a century. THIS is the original definition.

Agnostics do not have to come up with a new term to suit some e-meme that arbitrarily claims an audacious definition for agnosticism (that it is the same as atheism).

>> No.3637383

You're equivocating.

One definition of Atheism is the belief or doctrine that there is no God. That is technically a Gnostic Atheist. The other Definition, according to most dictionaries, is simply the lack of belief, or agnostic atheism. It's no big deal.

>> No.3637386

Atheists have trouble dealing with the fuzziness of reality.

>Kinda like aspies.

>> No.3637387

im agnostic cuz if im wrong i want god to say "oh he half-believed" and take me away to heavens :3

>> No.3637391
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>> No.3637392


You're equivocating as well. Stop it.

>> No.3637394

>The other Definition, according to most dictionaries, is simply the lack of belief, or agnostic atheism. It's no big deal.

"Agnostic atheism" is contradictory following traditional definitions. You have to invent an unambiguous term for your belief so as to not conflate AGNOSTICS with your pseudo-definition of one.

>> No.3637399

"Atheist" is never used absolutely literally you fucking retard. I doubt there's an "atheist" alive who thinks they actually KNOW that there is no god, but since the evidence almost all points to there being no god we live our lives as if there isn't one and call ourselves atheists.

Yes it isn't the most logical way of doing it, but calling yourself agnostic makes it sound more like you think the two positions (theism and atheism) are on a level footing, when they so clearly aren't.

>> No.3637410


theism= belief in god
A= lack of
A-theism= lack of belief in God

I don't see how it's a psuedo definition, every dictionary I've found includes it as one of the definitions.

>> No.3637416

Why must we argue over such tedious differences? We are all free thinkers, sceptics and rationalists, so stop quarrelling among yourselves and fucking act like it.

>> No.3637421

Deist God: I don't know and you don't know and nobody knows.

Theist God: I know these things don't exist and you should know better.

Like every single self-professed atheist and agnostic and agnostic-atheist and apatheist in the world.

The confusion arises because apologists typically only defend the deist god, and they typically only present the theist god. Can't prove god doesn't exist? Then Allah exists and Mohammed is his messenger OR God exists and Jesus is his son. Admit you're agnostic about the existence of god in general? Then you're admitting that any god (but really just their favorite god) COULD exist. If they were actually willing to argue earnestly, we wouldn't need to have dictionary wanks over these definitions. But since their entire enterprise is based on their ability to twist semantics and stretch interpretations, they are a lot better at it than we are.

>> No.3637427

forgot to add

Gnostic = knowledge/certainty
A = lack of
A=gnostic = lack of knowledge/certanty... so there you go. Doesn't conflict at all with the definition of atheism, according to the dictionary, but does conflict with the other definition of atheism, according to the dictionary. Words can have slightly different meanings, i.e. the word "theory" and it's layman's definition, and scientific definition.

>> No.3637439

>We are all free thinkers, sceptics and rationalists

So am I. And despite all that, I'm not an atheist.

>> No.3637440

To demonstrate where and why religion still exists.

>Its the ideology, stupid.

>> No.3637444

It's not nit picking, at least not to me. It's important to lay down these ground walls, otherwise people have the fuel to burn a strawman. A classic example is always the "it's only a theory" line used by creationists.

>> No.3637446

Nah, Agnostic super cedes Atheist and Theism.

If you are Agnostic, you can't be either a theist or an Atheist, because they both assert knowledge or certainty.

If you deny Agnosticism, then you can be Atheist or Theist.

>> No.3637450

I can't believe i said "ground walls". I must be tired >>3637444

>> No.3637462

Wrong. For reasons already explained. But one more time can't hurt.

Gnostic = knowledge/certainty
A = lack of
A - gnostic = lack of knowledge/certanty

theism = belief in god
A = lack of
A - theism= lack of belief in God

>> No.3637473


I would agree that agnostic is not compatible with theism. But gnostic is not compatible with atheism either.

You just can't know some things. And you just can't believe some things unless you think you know.

>> No.3637481


A = away from

+ Theist

= away from god /denial of god.

You can't deny something unless you have certainty.

>> No.3637500


I wonder why anyone would call themselves an atheist then. There just isn't a mirror of the kind of belief that theists have on the other side.

>> No.3637501

I hold the opinion that we have no ultimate knowledge as to whether there are transdimensional demons raping my asshole in increments of time so short and utilizing physical principles undiscovered in such a way that my asshole is not a constantly gaping atrocity.

This distinguishes me from the atheist of such an event because I proclaim my lack of knowledge whereas the atheist has the audacity to assume and act as if the non existence of such an event were a practical certainty.

>> No.3637510

For engagement purposes.

I guess you'd have to look at like physics. We assert matter, and some how, inevitably, we have to assert anti-matter.

This isn't to validate religion, but whenever someone asserts the existence of something, the negative of the assertion suddenly exists (psychologically) because that is how humans think.

If it wasn't beneficial to automatically construct dichotomies, I don't think we'd be here.

>> No.3637512

provide a source for that please

>> No.3637525


I'm an atheist and I don't "assume and act as if the non existence of such an event were a practical certainty."

>> No.3637534
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>> No.3637538
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can I be an agnostic who believes in something "higher" or it just doesn't work this way?

>> No.3637543



>> No.3637546


Do you understand what "practical certainty" means? It means you filthy atheists can lounge around as if there were no transdimensional demons raping your asshole at varying speeds while leaving no evidence whilst I, the agnostic, must grapple with the uncertainty of such an event. Oh gosh what if they were transdimensional angels raping my face. Oh you damn atheists, don't you understand the burden of us poor agnostics who have to wrestle with this uncertainty?

>> No.3637555

>so stupid she actually makes declarations about things she admits she cannot know

>> No.3637556


"a- (Cyrillic spelling а-)

1. Prefix prepended to words to denote a negation, deprivation or absence of a property denoted by base word.

* a- + socijalan → asocijalan
* a- + simetrija → asimetrija
* a- + brahija → abrahija"

So replace my "lack of" with "absence of"

A - theism = absence of belief
A - gnosticism = absence of knowledge

>> No.3637567

Atheism: by my means of investigation there appears to be no evidence for God
Theism: by my means of investigation there does appear to be evidence for God
Agnostic: I do not have confidence in any of these means of investigation


>> No.3637572

or actually
Agnostic: there are no means of investigation

>> No.3637573

one little letter has never meant so much to the asspie war of semantics.


>> No.3637579


That's a different subset of agnosticism really.

>> No.3637580

To bring your discussing to practicality replace transdimensional demons with libertarians.

Then realize how retarded atheism is.

>> No.3637581

>cites cyrllic prefix
>cites cyrillic words
>uses prefix on english word


>> No.3637583
File: 21 KB, 153x227, notrelated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-proclaimed agnostic here.

I have no fucking idea why these "agnostics" on /sci/ are against atheism. Everywhere else in the world, atheists and agnostics are grouped together in the secular/non-theist category. I would much rather ally myself with atheists than retarded theists.

It's as if the "agnostics" on /sci/ are actually butthurt Christians, pretending to be agnostic so atheists will give them more sympathy.

>> No.3637590

> I would much rather ally myself with atheists than retarded theists.

yabbut being allied against retarded theists does not mean the same as being a retarded atheist

>> No.3637591


The human brain can construct an infinite number of pictures that we have no way of knowing the ultimate knowledge of but discarding belief in the relevant possibility of this infinity to the point where it becomes a manageable set of finite circumstances is a precondition for health.

The trollish demands of the agnostic, if taken to their more truthful extremes, would be the disablement of the human mind from proceeding as it'd recurse back upon itself to a series of axioms and splits. Of course in relation to the usual demands of agnostics, it involves a privileging of the possibility of a platonic God as hallucinated by the traumascape of the ape nervous system rather than any number of more mundane or more fantastic pictures of reality.

But how could you ask these pretenders to a standard of self-inquiry, to actually exemplify such a thing?

>> No.3637593

You're forgetting to list Gnosticism.

>> No.3637600

>Suddenly a challenger appears. A champion among men. We shall call him...

>A-Agnostic, a unbeliever of unbeliefs.

>> No.3637602

>It's as if the "agnostics" on /sci/ are actually butthurt Christians, pretending to be agnostic so atheists will give them more sympathy.


>> No.3637604

Gnosticism proper is a mystical variant of christianity. In its usage here, it's a claim to knowledge rather than a maybe, which is basically just a belief that lies further along the continuum of certainty.

>> No.3637610

>Its as if, if they arn't with us, they're against us.

Gee, and you wonder by agnostics lump atheists with theists.

>> No.3637623

>agnostics lump atheists with theists

They don't. You're the only one.

Go to any philosophy class or debate club and you'll see that agnostics and atheists only argue with theists, and never among themselves.

>> No.3637625

But Guys

Hey guys



What if


Hey guys


What if God is maths?

>> No.3637634

You must have never been to /sci/ before.

>> No.3637635


Because self-proclaimed "agnostics" are morons who make a big ado about a specific idealistic picture of reality (as ordered by Logos, God, etc) and its unknowability without realizing the unknowability of AN INFINITY OF OTHER PICTURES and realizing that they are "a-"s of these other pictures.

>> No.3637640


[citation needed]

>> No.3637647


Theism = Believing in a God
Gnosticism = Knowing something

If Atheism means rejecting a God, then Agnosticism means rejecting knowledge.

>> No.3637649


Oh yeah, because if the mental picture was "transdimensional demons raping my asshole" it'd be as equally desirable to be an agnostic and openly mark oneself as such and to defend the limits of human knowledge to have certainty of the existence or non existence of the picture.

>> No.3637658

It's always desirable to understand and acknowledge the limits of one's knowledge. To do otherwise is to become dogmatically religious, or atheist.

>> No.3637664

How would you describe these philosophical views supporters in a few words:

a) Gnostic theism
b) Agnostic theism
c) Gnostic atheism
d) Agnostic atheism

>> No.3637668


>dogmatically religious



A step in the right direction.

>> No.3637677


>a) Gnostic theism
I know that this god exists to such a degree that I am willing to live my life on that belief.
>b) Agnostic theism
I don't know if a god exists, but I'm fairly certain about which god it would be if it did, so I'll just follow what that god seems to want just in case.
>c) Gnostic atheism
I believe that there is no god.
>d) Agnostic atheism
I believe that there is no god.

>> No.3637679

atheism is dogmatically religious
nice try at rhetoric

>> No.3637684


Define religion for me quickly, so I can understand what you mean.

>> No.3637688


Well, thanks. Nevertheless, I have meant it less in academic way. Such as "this group contains majority of people. Those people are usually ..."

>> No.3637690


God, do you realize how obscene you sound to a higher man? After clearly illustrating the posturing of the "agnostic", you still chatter on. Being agnostic is not about "knowing the limits of one's self-knowledge" but blustering about like an idiot trying to trade some degraded social-linguistic currency while not realizing how dumb your explicit claim to the uncertainty of a limited set of idealistic pictures without realizing that the precondition to YOUR FUNCTIONING EXISTENCE IS THE DENIAL AND/OR IGNORANCE OF AN INFINITY OF OTHERS.

Not to mention that most "atheists" are still believers of the values of the the gods they disavow, as if the important thing was the literal existence rather than the values that surrounded the whole psychoscape of veneration for the old idols.

>> No.3637691

I'm using it in the sense it most commonly gets used on this board.

>> No.3637694

This nomenclature may be popular amongst internet retards, but it is a misuse of the words gnostic and agnostic.

>> No.3637699


Most people are gnostic theists. Some people are agnostic atheists. A few people are agnostic theists.

>> No.3637701

Wow. Ok, dude, you win. I can't say nothing with as many words nearly as well as you can.

>> No.3637705

Nice try, but wrong. Gnosticism means that you have personally experienced some god. Like talked to him /her/it. Been filled with the spirit. etc.

It is not a belief. Gnosis means "knowledge," and knowledge means been there, done that.

>> No.3637708

most atheists are not agnostic about it, they just pretend they are so as to hide their beliefs

>> No.3637718


So a set of beliefs and practices?

Atheism, a position on a single issue, doesn't fit. There are atheist religions, Confucianism, Buddhism, Secular Humanism, but straight atheism does not count as a religion. Neither does straight theism, though theism is invariably in the context of a religion.

>> No.3637721

Until you present evidence for your claim, I don't believe in it. I don't KNOW whether it is true or not, but I don't BELIEVE in it. So I am an agnostic atheist.

Agnostic because I don't assert knowledge. Atheist because I don't believe in any God(s).

>> No.3637724


true for gnostic, which has other meanings

but agnostic is used accurately
to be agnostic about something = to lack certainty

>> No.3637731


When it comes to the deist god, they are agnostic. When it comes to the theist god, they are gnostic.

But since the general rule is that they do not claim knowledge about any god at all, they are, in general, agnostic.

>> No.3637733

That's quite adorably naive. The msot common meaning of "religion" around here is more like "belief without evidence"

Otherwise, yes. Neither atheism or theism are religions in and of themselves, they are characetristics of worldviews which can be religions but which are not necessarily so.

>> No.3637734

this just proves agnostics are just cowardly atheists trying not to offend anybody

>> No.3637735

ITT: Atheists defend their belief by stating it is not a belief, that it is true, and they have knowledge of it to base their belief on

>ITT: Irrational circular reasoning devoid of useful meaning or universal representation.

>> No.3637740

/sci/ is not /rel/

>> No.3637741

Libertarianism and Transhumanism are religions, e.g.

>> No.3637742

They have gnostic-claim-level certainty in a certain set of beliefs about reality. These foundational beliefs are inextricably tied up with the issue of whether or not a god exists. To not claim knowledge about a god does mean they are not claiming knowledge about the divine (ultimate) nature of reality.

>> No.3637744

agnostic is more than lacking certainty. It's acknowledging that you don't have enough info to come down on one side or another. So if you put it together with atheism or theism, you're simultaneously coming down on one side or another, and saying you're not coming down on one side or another.

>> No.3637753

Atheists merely have a belief system that requires them to discount other peoples assertions.

It's nothing special, mostly it's just their desire to prove or disprove all assertions.

Agnostics on the other hand accept fuzzy definitions, and the unknowablity of things like Libertarianism.

>> No.3637758

No, it's the position that you *cannot* have enough info to conclude.

>Atheists merely have a belief system that requires them to discount other peoples assertions.
Hardly unique. And hardly a comprehensive picture of their beliefs.
>Agnostics on the other hand accept fuzzy definitions, and the unknowablity of things like Libertarianism.

>> No.3637777

ITT: people get confused and get into arguments over semantics, because they don't know that there are subsets in both atheism and agnosticism.

>> No.3637832

Just because you're a-comment, doesn't mean you've refuted it or have anyway to disprove it.

Thinking you have or you can, is what makes you an atheist.

>> No.3637850


>> No.3637877
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Just because you're a-What, doesn't mean what was said is conconcievable or understandable given the context of reality.

>a-what what?

>> No.3637925

i hope this'll blow some of your minds.

do you have a belief in a god?
in other words, when you think about the existence of god, do you think "it exists"?
then you are a theist.
then you are an atheist.

EXCLUDED FUCKING MIDDLE. "agnosticism", as you fuckers seem to think it, is not a middle.

for those that somehow need more clarification, not having a belief in god is not equivalent to having a belief that it doesn't exist. thus "agnosticism", "theism", and "atheism" are not mutually exclusive terms.

>> No.3637943

already shown to be incorrect, see >>3637567

>> No.3637944

Oh mister black and white.

Do you also devotely believe socialism, communism, libertarianism, democracy, are best for humanity?

>> No.3637954

it is black and white. these are well-defined terms. thus excluded middle can be perfectly well applied.

and no, i don't, as i haven't researched those in depth.

>> No.3637964

>oh no, my favorite word is being redefined by people using it incorrectly

welcome to the world of language, OP

>> No.3637968

So, you believe you can empirically determine whether Libertarianism is the best form of government given any definition?

>> No.3637969

>Atheism: by my means of investigation there appears to be no evidence for God

that's not the definition of atheism. atheism does not require investigation. it's not a positive claim.

>> No.3637975

ok, by means of assessment then.

>> No.3638002

"given any definition"? ANY definition? if i'm given a definition of "cookies", no, i don't think i can "empirically determine" that. (you misused the word "empirically" btw. the reasoning i employed was deductive. empirical is inductive.) if i'm given a definition of "faggot", i don't think i could either.

>> No.3638011

nope, still a positive claim, sorry. further still, i think the words "assessment" and "investigation" are equivalent in this context.

>> No.3638019

>FSM and invisible pink unicorn ... dont exist

Well someone sure is full of themselves.

>> No.3638021

That's the point. Atheists asses that there is no evidence for god by whatever their means of assessment are.

>> No.3638023

It is on the internet.

>> No.3638053

well, if that's the point, then see >>3637969. i refuted you there. atheists do not "assess". atheists to not "investigate". the only thing atheists do, the one and only thing, is not believe in a god. this has been the definition for as long as the word "atheism" has existed. you're not doing any good trying to change semantics.

>> No.3638065

atheists do not "investigate".*

>> No.3638066

>the only thing atheists do, the one and only thing, is not believe in a god.

And how do they "decide" if they believe in a god or not?
answer: they assess the evidence according to the standards they hold for determining reality.

Stop being so willfully stupid.

>> No.3638077

Which is why you cannot accuse another person of believe in God with no evidence. Perhaps their standard of evidence is different from yours.

>> No.3638130

my name's michael.

hey michael, do you believe in a god?
why not?
well, i just don't believe.
well, comon michael, you can't just "not believe". there has to be some reason.
nope, just don't believe. i don't have any reason to. i don't think i need any reason to.

that simple.

when writing the above, a question stood out: "how does michael know if he has a belief or not, even if a believe, or lack thereof, is without reason?" that seems to be a entirely different question, though i'm still unsure if that's what you were getting at.

>> No.3638139


>> No.3638150

assessments of reality are rarely consciously willed. most occur without intention.

>> No.3638155

>my name's michael.
>hey michael, do you believe in Libertarianism?
>why not?
>well, i just don't believe.
>well, comon michael, you can't just "not believe". there has to be some reason.
>nope, just don't believe. i don't have any reason to. i don't think i need any reason to.

Sure is durp in here.

>> No.3638157

so what?

>> No.3638165

so atheism is not just an empty space, lacking belief., it's an emergent conclusion from previously held beliefs about reality.

>> No.3638168

analogies prove nothing.

>> No.3638174

Yes. I may find the evidence that God exists satisfactory, but you do not because your standard of evidence is different from mine.

>> No.3638175

no, you said "rarely". and "most". stop your weasel words and grow some balls.

>> No.3638189

If a phenomenon isn't universally one thing or another, "rarely" and "most" are not weasel words. Please, please try not to be such an idiot.

>> No.3638218

you're probably right. i haven't used the term "weasel word" since sophomore year in high school, and i don't know if i used the term correctly. i had to look it up prior to posting that, and used it pretty loosely. (irony?) clarification:

no, you said "rarely". and "most". your argument necessitates "none" and "all", respectively.

>> No.3638224
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ill just leave this here

>> No.3638226

So when being Atheist is like being Libertarian, theres no difference?

>> No.3638231

You know atheistfags have lost the argument when they start using shitty /b/ reaction images.

>> No.3638234

No, it doesn't. FFS, are you sure sophomore year wasn't last term?

>> No.3638239

umad bro?

>> No.3638251

uhh, yes, you're right. when we define "libertarian" to mean "someone who lacks a belief a god", there is no difference. i give you that. that's the case when being an atheist is like being a libertarian.

>> No.3638261

You also know someone has lost the argument when they say "U mad?"

>> No.3638272

Since when do shittyfaggots have a right to redefine /sci/?

From the description:
A board about math and science.

And making your shitty little threads about religion doesn't change the fact.

>> No.3638275

So you're going to completely ignore reality and decide that god is a tangible thing whose existence you can deny like the orange you ate last night that no longer exists?

Alright, sounds like you got a complete rational experience of reality that doesn't completely contradict the rest of your reality.

>ITT: cognitive dissonance unmatchable.

>> No.3638276

it was two terms ago.

>so atheism is not just an empty space, lacking belief., it's an emergent conclusion from previously held beliefs about reality.

if the poster admits that there are rare cases when this is not true, then that leaves the door open for there being cases wherein this is not true. he then went on to say that it's true in all cases. it's true for ALL atheists. ALL the time.... despite the fact that i originally said it's only "most" of the time.

>> No.3638287

Language evolves.
Words will be redefined if it suits the population.

>> No.3638288


uhh. that's completely beside the point. all i said was "analogies prove nothing". an appropriate response to that would be disprove my statement, or at least respond to my statement, of "analogies prove nothing".

>like oranges
>another analogy

>> No.3638291

also, another appropriate response would be to disprove my self-dialogue here >>3638130 without resorting to an analogy.

>> No.3638295

so that's what we're discussing.

>> No.3638301

This reasoning is like stupidity.

>It is of itself, an axiom.

>> No.3638309

being so elliptical only leaves me confused as to wtf you're talking about. communicate.

>> No.3638310

All abstract objects are open to analogy. You deny your entire existence if you deny analogies.

>> No.3638314

This thread is retarded, I have successfully won my case for agnosticism.

>> No.3638355
File: 45 KB, 724x621, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Since when do shitty atheists have a right to redefine agnosticism?
They're not.

> From the dictionary:
dot com

> a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.
Sounds good, we'll use that.

> And spamming your desperate little MSPaint propaganda doesn't cut it for an argument against a long-standing definition.
Fortunately we're not out to disprove the definition, just show that YOU'RE a retard.

>> No.3638369

G = gangsta
Agnostic = A gangsta nostic

>> No.3638370


>Gnostic Theist
I know god exists, 100%
>Agnostic Thiest
I don't know 100% god exists, but choose to believe in one
>Agnostic Atheist
I don't know 100% god doesn't exist, but I choose not to believe in one (usually based on lack of any evidence of the existence of god)
>Gnostic Atheist
I know god doesn't exist, 100%

All of you "agnostics" seem to think being an Agnostic Atheist implies just as much faith as being a Theist. Why, though, would you claim the null hypothesis takes faith?

>> No.3638384

No, we recognize psychologically theres a difference between:
>Believing in God
>Believing there is no God
>And not giving a fuck either way.

It's pretty simple.

>> No.3638397

>believing there is no god

I think you meant to say, "Lacking belief in a god."

>> No.3638410

Doesn't Gnostic theism conflict with itself? Since theism means belief (of a higher being), and belief requires lack of certainty it is impossible to believe that there is a higher being and "know" that it does, right?

You're welcome to prove me wrong.

>> No.3638414

No, I mean stfu with semantics.

>> No.3638421


For a Gnostic Theist it's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of fact. They assert that they know, as a fact, that god exists. It's not a matter of "I believe god exists", it's a matter of, "I know god exists."

>> No.3638434


That's hardly semantics.

The sentences "I believe there is no god", and "I lack belief in a god" assert incredibly different things. The former implies a claim, the latter implies that it is the null hypothesis (which it is).

>> No.3638447


To elaborate on my point...

If you told me one day that you were harboring an invisible pink unicorn in your garage, and then didn't provide any evidence for your claim, it wouldn't be a matter of faith for me to disagree with you. I'm not saying "I have faith that there isn't an invisible pink unicorn in your garage," I'm saying, "I assert the null hypothesis, that your claim is not valid until proven positive." Think "innocent until proven guilty."

>> No.3638448

It is so.

For the sentence to exist "Lacking belief" You have to assert what that belief is.

Therefore, there is no difference in lacking or disbelieving.

They're beliefs, as in thoughts, as in assertion or denials of something.

If you want to lack a position, then you're agnostic.

Otherwise, stfu.

>> No.3638449

> Doesn't Gnostic theism conflict with itself? Since theism means belief (of a higher being), and belief requires lack of certainty it is impossible to believe that there is a higher being and "know" that it does, right?
Since when does being contradictory stop theists from doing anything?

> You're welcome to prove me wrong.
"Hi, I'm Dr. Kent Hovind and I taught high school science for 15 years..."

>> No.3638456

/sci/ is like /b/'s older autistic brother.

Also, internet atheists EVERYWHERE

>> No.3638468


Again, just think "innocent until proven guilty," except use the words, "false until proven postive."

A. In court, one makes the claim that a defendent is guilty
B. In religion, one makes the claim that god exists

A. The states official stance is "This defendant is innocent until his guilt is proven beyond reasonable doubt." (The null hypothesis)
B. In this case, we say, "Your argument holds no merit until you can prove it in the positive." (the null hypothesis)

Lacking belief in a god is not making any claim, it's simply the automatic position to take until proof of god is provided.

>> No.3638529

[ ] Not told
[ ] Told
[x] No Country for Told Men

>> No.3638541

You might as well call yourself A- as in, I lack everything I've never been explicitly informed about, as such, it is a state of life.


>> No.3638557

So if someone makes a mathematical conjecture, and someone else disproves that conjecture. The disproof of the conjecture isn't a belief?

I find this hard to..what..what..whats that word?

>> No.3638559

are you trolling?

the correct thing to do would be not to say that god doesn't exist, but that it is unknown whether he exists or not.

That's like someone saying to you there's an apple behind you and you saying that there is no apple until it is proven to you that there is. The truth of the matter is it is unknown whether the apple is behind you or not.

>> No.3638569

Atheists just want tto believe that anyone not asserting the positive belief are implicitly asserting the negative belief.

Essentially, it's their way to frame the debate, the same way republicans call rich people 'job producers'.

>> No.3638575

>implying I'm not aunicorn and aFSM

If he could grab me the apple and show it to me I would believe him.

>> No.3638583


Except I'm not saying god doesn't exist. I'm saying we don't know for sure if god exists or not, but since the claim that god exists is being made without any evidence, I lack belief in a god. Also, given the fact that science has continually come up with refutations of many claims of many major religions, it should be just a matter of time until god is no longer needed. That still leaves a deist god, but then, what does that matter anyway?

>> No.3638585

such utter faggotry from both camps makes me ashamed of not believing in a personal god.

>> No.3638588

But can you assert that you are a- ?

Look at it this way, you're in buffet line of various abstractions: invisible unicorns, libertarianism, aether, string theory, ghosts. And you go along the buffet, and based on your examination, you're claiming you have to either a- these things or not, and you can't have a position of not caring/knowing/understanding/defining of any of them?

It is rudely absurd to be...be...be... everything in this world, because the levels and numbers of abstractions make it impossible.

Hence, agnosticism.

>> No.3638592

But your default position appears to be disbelieving. Which is fine, but you should realize that it is incoherent with what we understand of the mind.

>> No.3638601

It is made with evidence.

Evidence you are a- at.

Do you not see this yet?

>> No.3638603


So you are implying that even if the god in question existed, it couldn't be proven or disproven?

>> No.3638617


I would love to see that evidence. If it is indeed reliable, peer review able, and in all ways pointing to the existence of a god, I would become a theist.

Are you saying that even if the god in question existed, it would be impossible to prove/disprove its existence?

>> No.3638636

GNOSTIC THEIST - knows there is a god
AGNOSTIC THEIST - believes there is a god, but knows that the existence of a god cannot be proven either way
AGNOSTIC ATHEIST - believes there is no god, but knows that the existence of a god cannot be proven either way
GNOSTIC ATHEIST - knows there is no god

>> No.3638655

It, like everything, is a level of confidence.
Atheism = no confidence
Theism = complete confidence
Agnosticism = some-much confidence

>> No.3638660

Holy christ you completely miss the point.

Being Atheist isn't just "lacking belief in god" it is disbelieving any evidence that has been presented for his existence.

>> No.3638897


Or finding the evidence lacking, the sources incredible, the arguments asinine.

If anybody believes in god on NO evidence, I would question their sanity. If they believe in god on evidence that I (and lets be frank here, most other religious people) find unconvincing, then I would simply question their epistemology and gullibility.

But that is only gods for which some evidence has been presented. For the deists god, it is merely unfounded.

Also this whole thread: saying you don't know if there is a god or not doesn't mean you're not certain THIS or THAT god is a fiction; and saying you know THIS or THAT god is a fiction doesn't mean you're certain there could be no god.

>> No.3638906


This. If people understood this, there would be a lot less confusion.

>> No.3638912

Sure god is one one end, but you're arguing against a largely ill defined dreck of abstractions.

See a problem with that?

>> No.3638933

You mean if people understood and accepted a bullshit axiom they'd have to shut up?

>circular logic: The Atheist Dream.

>> No.3638935


Sorry, I don't get your point. Could you rephrase that for clarity?

>> No.3638949


Could you actually tell me why it's wrong instead of being a dick?

>> No.3638952

The problem with this is that everyone is talking about this undefined concept of 'god', which means different things to different people. You'll find positions become a lot more crisp and understandable when you define it.

>> No.3638966

Not really. Being a Dick is all I got

>I'm atheist.

>> No.3638969



Some people define god as 'love', or 'everything'. And I agree, love exists, everything exists. If it has no additional properties, some degree of agency that can be interrogated in some way, then why use such a needlessly loaded term?

>> No.3638972


At least you're honest.

>> No.3639010 [DELETED] 


Agnostic here. Yes this comic so much truth.
Again this is form personal events.

Hated atheist ever since, I saw this fat fucking neck beard always going on about how Christianity / religion blah blah.

I just wanted to tell him to SHUT THE FUCK UP we get it nigga you hate religion get over it bro.

MFW I see these fag semesters later he is getting fatter + ugly as neckbeard loser.

God damn right I feel superior to atheist.

Also usually athiest who are always so god damn angry trying to insult Agnostic people by making these such topics.

Only feeds my superiority i have over these atheist neckbeard losers.

>> No.3639136
File: 271 KB, 800x334, 1302825901136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so true. The only reason people go as far as to say that they are agnostic is because:
A. They reserve a part of their outlook on reality to faith.
B. They are polemicists quite content on splitting hairs for the purposes of distinguishing themselves.

Truth is when you pull out the dictionary and get technical about atheism or agnosticism you open up a real can of worms. The argument is that everyone is an agnostic of everything they haven't observed either directly or indirectly. Technically speaking you are an agnostic to weather or not the sun will come up tomorrow, you haven't seen the future. How can you KNOW it? Well you have a reasonable cause to believe it, so you don't actively think about out it. There is no reason to believe in God, or unicorns, there is also no reason to state you are an agnostic about these fictions either.

Stop being incredibly redundant by calling yourself agnostic as if your cryptic mannerisms are a vessel for your attempt to be an intellectually industrious pariah. We're on to you faggots.

>> No.3639159

Sure is asspained atheist in here.

Umad agnosticism is more rational?

>> No.3639233

Not more rational: highly rhetorical and unproductively semantic. Faggot.

>> No.3639354

I love how there are so many people who identify as "agnostics" who think they understand what people who identify as atheists actually believe.

Protip: atheists, generally, do not assert that gods do not exist. They just lack a belief.

Atheism is like negative space: It's not actually a thing, and is defined by being "not X."

>> No.3639394
File: 128 KB, 656x1613, 1285163356594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3639538

There are agnostic-atheists and agnostic-theists.

