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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 304x257, _50547826_human_family_tree304.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3634237 [Reply] [Original]


Are we finally seeing the true genetic differences between races that varies from Neanderthal genes (mongal/caucasoid) and africans.

Considering the fact the Europeans and Asians have built empires, invented the world we have today and constructed impossible structures. Were Neanderthals mentally superior in the sense of innovation? I mean any unbiased scientist would definately lean towards that theory with this amount of practical evidence.

what do you think?

>> No.3634247
File: 19 KB, 309x320, afno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constructed impossible structures

>> No.3634251


>> No.3634272
File: 25 KB, 553x484, ancient-aliens-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constructed impossible structures

>> No.3634280

you mean darkies are genetically dumb?

lets' breing back slavery!

>> No.3634286
File: 301 KB, 1200x633, 1312907987737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a more racist version of the same diagram

>> No.3634298


9/10 Good job. Your only flaw is that this is much more suited for /int/.

>> No.3634310
File: 39 KB, 598x317, stormfags_in_my_sci_its_more_likely_than_you_think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we do not want you here.
You polluted /n/ - News
You polluted /new/ - News
You now have /int/

>> No.3634317
File: 837 KB, 864x702, 1312824197383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3634322

perfect fucking image for that post
many guffaws were had
14 internets to you, good sir

>> No.3634330

>scientific information
>in /sci/
> "outa sci, your offending me"
> Your on the wrong website myfriend :)

>> No.3634365

Neanderthals did go extinct and none of their artifacts seem to express "superiority" to that made by Sapiens.


tl;dw: there is evidence to suggest that intelligence is as heritable as height.

>> No.3634368



>> No.3634375
File: 1.99 MB, 340x239, 1283707205141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your on the wrong website myfriend
Yes, that was my point exactly. GTFO would you kindly.

Your retarded kind was the downfall of the two boards I mentioned.
You are like a species of Anti-Midases. Everything you touch turns to shit.

>> No.3634390 [DELETED] 

The research does indicate that blacks have lower mean IQs than whites and Asians, and the difference is heritable while controlling for environmental factors. Take from this what you will, but it does not justify hate (an emotion).

To say this is because of Neanderthal genes caused the difference in intelligence is baseless and retarded; it's stormfront "e-science" faggotry. Australian Aboriginals have Neanderthal genes, and their IQs are lower than blacks by over one standard deviation.

>> No.3634398

The research does indicate that blacks have lower mean IQs than whites and Asians, and the difference is heritable while controlling for environmental factors. Take from this what you will, but it does not justify hate (an emotion).

To say Neanderthal genes caused the difference in intelligence is baseless; it's stormfront "e-science" faggotry. Australian Aboriginals have Neanderthal genes, and their IQs are lower than blacks by over one standard deviation.

>> No.3634412 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 1303633137927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that gif
>at least 22kV@2A directly to the cerebrum
if every neuron isn't fried in that idiot's brain i'd be amazed

>> No.3634427
File: 63 KB, 600x659, 1313071632372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a shame how /sci/ can be open to all subjects other than race and genetics. As if this was a board for recruiting politicians. So anything involving emotion against research would be to deny this research had any evidence. Thus the theory becomes a delusion/hate mongering, but to deny the differences between races is in itself a delusion. So perhaps YOUR the one with the emotional barrier. Its like saying all breeds of dogs are equal, really?

>> No.3634443

>Were Neanderthals mentally superior in the sense of innovation?
Not at all. They may have been mentally superior by definition, since they had more brain power. But h. sapien's social behavior made it a much better innovator. It's mental superiority may have also been a form of mental process that we don't appreciate so much, because we are more analytical and organized. The picture that somewhat emerges from the archeology is neanderthals as disorganized solitary philosophers, compared to the h sapien social, organized, structured thought.

>> No.3634446

It is well known that Neanderthals were much less intelligent than homo sapiens.

After 300,000 years in Europe, they continued to make tools so primitive that any modern hunter-gatherer stone-age society would laugh at them. They were simply too stupid to make proper weapons, even AFTER our species went to Europe. This means that they were so profoundly retarded that they couldn't even COPY our weapons.

Stormfags gonna fag.

>> No.3634457

I think it's more like dog breeds, they all can look wildly different, yet are still the same species all together

did I hit the hammer on the nail here?

>> No.3634461


Not really, no. Very different situations.

>> No.3634467
File: 14 KB, 251x251, 1314149310554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>open to subjects

You're talking about a place that honestly believes that biology is not a science.

>> No.3634479

Are you really that stupid? Can you not read? I saged but the first paragraph acknowledged racial differences in intelligence.

Sage for giving a stock answer where it was not even appropriate.