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File: 212 KB, 1273x956, poipoider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3633150 [Reply] [Original]

...to build a functioning exoskeleton that permits dolphins to walk on land and manipulate tools designed for humans?

It seems like with the current state of nerve-connected prosthetics, it would be possible.

>> No.3633156
File: 63 KB, 900x600, dolphinrobot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even something like this would be cool.

>> No.3633161
File: 41 KB, 530x706, dolphinexo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preferably better looking/designed than this.

>> No.3633172
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>> No.3633180
File: 121 KB, 400x611, Brute_Force_Vol_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is up with these two? Did their creators forget Dolphins breathe air not water?

Here's a better design.

>> No.3633185
File: 10 KB, 420x285, dolphinclaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Navy has a history of outfitting dolphins with things like hydraulic graspers, dart guns and so on for their weaponized marine mammal program. Yes, we have such a thing, look it up. We actually give dolphins guns.

>> No.3633198
File: 16 KB, 320x213, dolphindartgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a military dolphin with a compressed air powered dart gun. They were trained to differentiate between American and Vietnamese divers, to tranquilize the enemy divers (or kill them if the gun misfired) and bring the unconscious/dead bodies back to base.

One such dolphin escaped from a Navy marine mammal center during Hurricane Katrina. It is still unaccounted for.

>> No.3633201

>>3633185 weaponized marine mammal

Did they use more than just Dolphins? Sea lions and manatees perhaps?

>> No.3633204

Just wait until the Octopus is able to gain access something like this. No one jar shall remained sealed.

>> No.3633210
File: 6 KB, 237x178, tuffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Tuffy the dolphin, a wild dolphin who befriended the Sealab I crew and was outfitted with various accessories like graspers (pictured) none of which were powered (the technology wasn't there at the time) but rather operated by muscle movements, like WW2 era artificial hook arms.

>> No.3633220
File: 97 KB, 640x400, 61.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, aquatoids and gillmen won't stand a chance now.

(I'm actually making this retort as in, WHY.JPG)

>> No.3633222
File: 30 KB, 350x229, dolphinintelligencetest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, although in different capacities. Sea Lions are mostly used for tagging mines, while only dolphins have been deemed competent enough to be equipped with weapons. The sea lions are more scatterbrained and tend to see mine tagging as a game, like a dog.

Pic related, one of the classic icon based tests used to demonstrate abstract thought in dolphins.

>> No.3633231

I honestly think that the only thing holding Dolphins back from building an underwater empire is their lack of hands and arms. Who knows what those crazy fuckers would do with tools.

>> No.3633232
File: 31 KB, 350x260, navysub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>(I'm actually making this retort as in, WHY.JPG)

How do you think enemy navies conduct covert assaults? Same way we do. Large sub to the coast, minisub to shore, diver team sneaks up the beach. Marine mammals are more agile and capable in the water, and they can be on patrol 24/7 since they live there and dolphins never truly sleep.

>> No.3633234


>Who knows what those crazy fuckers would do with tools.

They already use tools, several kinds and for different things.


>> No.3633239

So they're going to be a defensive mechanism?
Don't you think this will back fire hard?

Enjoy your extinct sea mammals.

>> No.3633249

a segway that has a sack type thing with water spritzers on it. you train the dolphin how to use the segway, and modify the segway for easier dolphin use. then, bam! you have a type of dolphin transport. no bottlenosed or commons though. i only want dusky, and commersons on my land. and certainly no killer whales.

>> No.3633254


We've been using them in that capacity since Vietnam. It was the 60s, a lot of crazy shit was tried along those lines; psychic soldiers, dolphin soldiers, remote viewing spies, etc. Once the 60s/70s were over and the top brass came down from their two decade shroom high all those programs which failed to produce results were shut down (see the film "Men who stare at goats") except the few that proved useful, albeit for different reasons than were used to get them funded (i.e. dolphins are not in fact cosmic enlightened beings, but they are highly teachable, they work for mackarel, and they're more at home in water than humans)

>> No.3633261

But didn't the man who stare at goats actually kill a goat with his mind?

>> No.3633263

I sometimes fish in a lagoon that has several NAvy dolphins in it. They have the tattoo and everything.

>> No.3633265
File: 29 KB, 400x298, dolphintest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no bottlenosed or commons though. i only want dusky, and commersons on my land. and certainly no killer whales.

Why no bottlenose? They're the most intelligent species of dolphin so far as we can tell, which is why they're used in all the language studies.

>Implying bottlenose aren't the master race of dolphins

>> No.3633275


>But didn't the man who stare at goats actually kill a goat with his mind?

One of them had a heart attack coincidentally. That taped event was hyped up and used to sell the program to a sympathetic military that has always been fetishistically interested in exotic weapon possibilities regardless of practically or return on investment (See: Our 5 decade long energy weapons program which is only now starting to produce useful results)

>> No.3633278

>Implying the Your Glorious Highness of Aquatica Lord Spearnose IV isn't the supreme ruler of of Earth

Stupid humans. This is why we keep you in zoos.

>> No.3633282

Why haven't you obliterated the Japanese?

And why do you keep getting slaughtered?

>> No.3633287
File: 85 KB, 499x623, dolphinnavalofficer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well said, my liege. Shall we deploy the hydrofighters against their last stronghold in antarctica or prolong their suffering further for our own entertainment?

>> No.3633295

I laughed.

>> No.3633293 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 120x120, omfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One such dolphin escaped from a Navy marine mammal center during Hurricane Katrina. It is still unaccounted for.

>> No.3633303

Japan is just a puppet nation that we have set up to distract the rest of the world from our military activities. The dolphins they eat are simply the Heretics we send to their shores for sympathizing with the Humans.

Set up an Electron Net around the continent to contain any Human vessels. Prepare the Aquacarrier with several hundred Hydrofighters and patrol their waters. Destroy any air transport that tries to make contact with the Rebel groups in South America.

We shall watch as the Humans slowly starve to death.

>> No.3633304 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 400x481, dolphincyber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Holy fuck, it's true.

>It may be the oddest tale to emerge from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.
Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.

Not one, but thirty six of them. Socialized, conditioned by humans, intelligent and armed with fucking dart guns. We've educated and armed a species known for teaching others of its own kind.

May god have mercy on us all.

>> No.3633305

>We shall watch as the Humans slowly starve to death.
Yeah, the USA would be just fine, your highness.

>> No.3633308

I doubt they were actually fitted with their guns at the time.

>> No.3633309
File: 35 KB, 400x481, dolphincyber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Holy fuck, it's true.

>It may be the oddest tale to emerge from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.
>Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.

Not one, but thirty six of them. Socialized, conditioned by humans, intelligent and armed with fucking dart guns. We've educated and armed a species known for teaching others of its own kind.

May god have mercy on us all.

>> No.3633327
File: 49 KB, 375x374, dolphingun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>May god have mercy on us all.

Foolishness like this is why you lost the war.

>> No.3633336
File: 65 KB, 530x353, uglypieceofshit..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the niggers of the dolphin world.

>> No.3633338
File: 64 KB, 1018x762, W8VDT[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young one, it seems you have forgetten about the Grand Raze of 2167. Did you forget that the former United States and surrounding Countries is nothing more than a scorched wasteland after our initial strike consisting of 8,000 Aquahelios K5 Octobombers? The only substancial amount of wild Humans exist in Antarctica and the small rebel factions on the tip of the former South America.

Admiral EEEKEKEKKKEEEEK! Give me a full report on the status of the Poseidon's Wrath WMD! We may need to use it incase the Humans survive our seige.

And where are my concubines!?

>> No.3633339

And groups of young male bottlenose dolphins are known to beat them to death on a regular basis.

>> No.3633345

On second thought, that was porpoises and manatees. But they'd probably do river dolphins too if they shared a habitat.

>> No.3633347
File: 27 KB, 480x325, dolphinswantpussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Give me a full report on the status of the Poseidon's Wrath WMD! We may need to use it incase the Humans survive our seige.

I doubt it will be necessary. As you can see in this recon photo our rape gangs are operating at 400% the anticipated efficiency.

>> No.3633350

If we ever talk to dolphins, they will sound like black people beggin fo fish welfare...

Fish = Dolphin KFC

>> No.3633359


>If we ever talk to dolphins, they will sound like black people beggin fo fish welfare...

In captivity, they beg for fish because we teach them to, and it's their sole source of nourishment.

In the wild, they actually assist Brazilian fishermen in catching fish from shore by herding them into the nets. They get a small cut of it in return.

>> No.3633362

Very good. Have the Rape Gangs bring the targets back to the Aquacarriers once they have had their fun. We will teach the Humans tricks and put on shows with them for our entertainment.

>> No.3633363
File: 9 KB, 198x255, !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying you dont have an equivalent called Cthulhu.
>Implying you can ever hope to compete against us when we have individuals like these (Picture Related)

>> No.3633366
File: 67 KB, 800x525, dolphinbrushie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brushie brushie brushie. :3

>> No.3633373


>> No.3633376


The genetic predisposition towards sociopathy is one of the leading theories as to why homo sapiens is the only surviving hominid. We casually exterminated every other hominid species on the planet as we moved from continent to continent, like spraying an apartment for roaches before you move in. We're seriously a pretty messed up species.

>> No.3633382

Dem digits.

>> No.3633393
File: 412 KB, 587x381, IarxK[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cthulu is the head of Psychic Technologies and Warfare Operations. He is no god. You pathetic Homo-sapiens are unable to grasp even our complex society.

How does it feel? How does it feel knowing that your species is on the verge of extinction, only being saved for our amusement as we toss Hamburgers and Pizza slices into your filthy enclosures. Pathetic land dwellers.

>> No.3633476


This sounds like it would make an amazing RTS.

>> No.3633537

>We're seriously a pretty messed up species.
However, you should note the very fact that you are saying this, and are an example of the species.

>> No.3633587
File: 129 KB, 985x738, bluesubno6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone already made an anime like this.

>> No.3633634

you see what you did? by that single post, you altered toe course of reality. if we had maybe trained dusky, or commersons dolphins, maybe there wouldnt have been an uprising! way to go, asshole!

>> No.3633653
File: 128 KB, 594x824, dolphinfighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying my glorious dolphin masters won't reward me handsomely for my role in their rise to power

>Implying they won't build me a biotech dolphin exoskeleton so I can live among them

>Implying they won't give me my choice of female prisoners of war

>> No.3633662
File: 151 KB, 512x338, dolphingirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Implying they won't give me my choice of female prisoners of war

Sure, when we're done with 'em.

>> No.3633672

Fuck this, I'm calling BP.
Operation Sea Blanket is going live.

>> No.3633694
File: 45 KB, 450x337, seabreacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying we haven't already built dolphin exoskeletons that fool your terrible eyesight and infiltrated your highest ranks

>> No.3633704
File: 110 KB, 600x800, shockeddolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3633729

Hands are one thing: a squirrel has pretty good hands.
The neurology to control them is something else. thats a big chunk of human grey matter that is needed to solve all those puzzles so quickly.
They would never juggle, never bowl a 200, probably never even be able to tie a bow. (not without working as a team and reading their notes anyway).
Making a paper airplane or good stone hatchet is out of the question.

They do the fuck out of some music, I say give them the tools they want and can use.

>> No.3633770
File: 66 KB, 700x482, babbydolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping babby dawrfeens. :3 :3 :3

>> No.3633776
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>> No.3633780
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>> No.3633785
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>> No.3633786
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>> No.3633798
File: 58 KB, 620x400, babbydolphin6..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3633805
File: 72 KB, 854x585, babbydolphin7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have permanent :3 faces

>> No.3633843


So now you've resorted to kidnapping our children and making CP? Vile, dastardly apes!!

>> No.3633847

Don't help the dolphins let them evolve on their own, no one helped me

>> No.3633848

I thought they already mate with their own young. So much more advanced than human beings ;-;.

>> No.3633878

If you keep calling us apes, we're going to start calling you undulates. That's what you are. You're descended from a deer-like creature.

>> No.3633884
File: 25 KB, 399x284, takeitall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3633890
File: 31 KB, 400x345, dolphinbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I believe you mean 'ungulate', ape. It must be difficult to master even your own pitifully limited low frequency caveman language with such a comparatively tiny brain.

>> No.3633902

shudup fish.

>> No.3633945


Come into the water and say that. I'll EEEKclickEEK your clickclickEEEKclick.

>> No.3633970

il gauge your eyes out with my thumbs then rip your jaw off fish! bring it!

>> No.3633987

Sorry, rushed post. You got my meaning.

I do get in the water. I regularly scuba dive and I do it with sharks. They seem like pretty cool guys and they don't afraid of anything. At least we respect their cartilaginous asses, unlike you. We lock you things up in parks to do tricks for fat people and children. At least sharks get quiet dignity when we lock them up.

>> No.3633999


so they can rape creatures on land? Cool idea!

>> No.3634013
File: 42 KB, 400x400, dolphinwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We don't even have to steal your women, they come to us. Ten inches of prehensile dick will do that. I can feel your anger and jealousy from here.

>> No.3634060

we will never be in a world where a dolphin will actually right this as a retort


>> No.3634076
File: 25 KB, 314x295, dolphincerealguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We will never live in a world where bipedal monkeybrains know how to spell 'write'.


>> No.3634089

thats wright!!

>> No.3634096
File: 15 KB, 220x279, 220px-Frank_Lloyd_Wright_portrait[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This is right

>> No.3634098

wait, wouldnt it be sad tadpole? because they are in the water, and on land. the frog goes on land, and the tadpole goes in the ocean. it would be sad tadpole.jpg.

>> No.3634110


>Implying there are saltwater tadpoles

>> No.3634126

yes there are. they are in your sperm. unless you eat a lot of mangoes, then you have sugar water tadpoles. but still a little bit of salt water.

>> No.3634131

doesnt anyone want to try and put the effort into training dolphins to use segways? im sure it would pay itself off in the longrun.

>> No.3634132


So wait, if I jizz in a pond, they will eventually become white frogs?

Sounds legit

>> No.3634168

dont knock it til you've tried it.