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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3631766 [Reply] [Original]

this glasss not half empty nor half full
its just as twice as big as it should

>> No.3631785

>doesnt understand how volume works

>> No.3631782

typical engineer

>> No.3631787

Engineer detected.

>> No.3631788

The glass has 4 ounces in it

>> No.3631786

Half full of liquid, half full of air.

>> No.3631801

physician detected

>> No.3631808

Engineers are jews

>> No.3631832

The glass is always full.

>> No.3631840

It's not even a glass. It's an image of a glass, made of pixels.

>> No.3631848

You start with an empty glass. It is filled to 1/2 capacity with a fluid. The glass is half-full, as it started off empty.

You start with a glass filled to capacity with fluid. Fluid is drained until the glass is at 1/2 capacity. The glass is half-empty as it started off full.

You observe a glass filled to 1/2 capacity with fluid. You do not know the original state of the glass. The glass is both half empty and half full until you discover its original state and collapse the wave function.

>> No.3631849

Dat glass has no inside cuz theres a hole on it. That glass is full of itself actually.

>> No.3631856

> Ceci n'est pas une pipe
so edgy

>> No.3631854


Whether or not the glass is too big, it is certainly also both half empty and half full.

>> No.3631866
File: 6 KB, 243x207, you keep using that word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3631874

Half empty
>Implying person is unappreciative/hungry or greedy
Half full
>Implying person is over-appreciative/full or generous

Depends on what the person wants

>> No.3631877

>twice as big as it should
should.... should WHAT

>> No.3631886


half full: optimist
half empty: pessimist
too big: stoic

>> No.3631888

the glass is over halfway full of liquid due to the way it concaves at the top with a wider base

>> No.3631892

There is no way to know, and if we know the exact volume we have changed the outcome.

>> No.3631902

The glass half-filled with water is not the glass of water itself, it is actually a reflection of light waves going to your eyes.

The light waves can possibly deceive you, perhaps some invisible physical entity between you and the lightwaves may be manipulating the waves before it reaches your eyes.

Therefore you're staring at COMPLETE FUCKING LIES.

>> No.3631904


This is why I love /sci/

Even in moronic philosophy/troll threads, we completely miss the point of the troll and go our own direction.

>> No.3631912


>> No.3631910

I approve.

>> No.3631973

No, it was designed with a safety factor of 2.

And you call yourself an engineer.

>> No.3631979

> safety factor of 2
I fuckin' lol'd.

>> No.3632237

Would there be any distinct motion of the fluid that would indicate whether it was poured in or poured out (even it was extremely minute)?

>> No.3632294

Post of the day award.

>> No.3632751 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 248x300, 1312995157517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /sci/ is the only board autistic enough to actually discuss this shit

>> No.3632808

Saying something is empty is like saying something is slow. Those words are just the inverse of full and fast, respectively.
'Emptyness' is not a real measure and neither is 'slowness'.
The glass is half full.

>> No.3632827


fkn lol'd

>> No.3632892

Best post now or ever on /sci/.

>> No.3632903
File: 3 KB, 196x171, 1313007711812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw youre autistic enough to post about autistic posting

>> No.3632904 [DELETED] 

Sorry, but I have to correct you.
The best post ever on /sci/ was the post revealing EK's facebook.

>> No.3632917

Current EK is a male, the real EK left long ago. Facebook was not correct.

But, you took captures, right?

>> No.3632922 [DELETED] 

The thread was archived.

>> No.3632927 [DELETED] 

>Facebook was not correct.

Hello EK. You failed at posting anonymously.

>> No.3632943


>> No.3632967 [DELETED] 

>derp newfag

In the archive.


>> No.3632972

An actual autistic wouldn't really be "in" on this thread. It's mostly humorous social interaction with no real meaning or point aside from a social display of humor. Such things, generally, escape even the mildly autistic.

Aside from all that, scientists are cool and often pretty funny people. The media portrays us as humorless nerds to the point that some people on /sci/ strive to fulfill that stereotype. In reality, most actual scientists are socially competent, adventurous, and (gasp) good-looking people.

>> No.3633013

You are all wrong.

The glass is full enough.

Enough for what, you ask? For whatever.

Because whatever it is I will need it for. That is the amount of water I got. So it will have to suffice. Ergo, the glass if full enough.

>> No.3633015

I didn't know about this archive, I went to 4chanarchive.

> newfag
derp my life is 4chan

>> No.3633027 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 311x311, newfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to explain that he is not a newfag

>> No.3633041

I think the opposite could be said.

Starting out with an empty glass, pouring in a fluid removes the "emptiness," thus making it half-empty.

Starting out with a full glass, pouring out the fluid removes the "fullness," thus making it half-full

>> No.3633052

> implying I agreed or disagreed with newfag status

>> No.3633093

glass is full, about half of it is filled with water and rest filled with air