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[ERROR] No.3628917 [Reply] [Original]

> mfw people think that we can ever contact alien life force.
> mfw people think we can EVER explore galaxies.
> mfw people think space tour is awesome.
> mfw people think we can inhabit other planets.
> mfw people think fossil fuel is going to drain in this millennium.
> mfw people think radiation is dangerous.

ITT things that will never happen.

>> No.3628930

>mfw people think the Earth is round
>mfw turtles all the way down

Naa OP, I'll be a scientist thanks. Sky's the limit.

>> No.3628945

Thanks for baselessly mocking me.

We can never contact an alien life force because they don't exist. There are planets like earth, but they're all vacant.
And we can never reach the speed of light, it takes months to get to Mars if we ever could.

>> No.3628955

>We can never contact an alien life force because they don't exist. There are planets like earth, but they're all vacant.

That's a pretty bold assertion... I wouldn't take your word for it.

>> No.3628961

>it takes months to get to Mars
So? That's not a huge amount.
>if we could
What? We've sent many probes to mars

>> No.3628962

Guys, look at the last assertion.
He's OBVIOUSLY trolling.

>> No.3628967

We will never contact alien life for the simple fact that they are just unimaginably too far away

>> No.3628970
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Only by our current knowledge of science. We're always advancing. And to honestly believe that in the trillions of galaxies that there exist not even at least one other intelligent race of life forms, or any other life forms, I honestly couldn't believe it. I can't prove they exist and no one can really debunk it either. There is simply too much possibility.

>> No.3628980

>baselessly mocking me.

>We can never contact an alien life force because they don't exist. There are planets like earth, but they're all vacant.

You know a lot more than I do.

>And we can never reach the speed of light, it takes months to get to Mars if we ever could.

Shit nigger, there is a (dare I say) revolution in biotech happening right fucking now, and you're lucky enough to be alive during it. Do you really think this 80 year lifespan is unchangeable?

I think the board you're looking for is /lit/. It's that-a-way <---------

>> No.3628982
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Assuming that they exist. How can we be sure than they're intelligent?

When it takes you months to get to your neighbors house, it takes you years to get to the nearest subway and it will take you a lifetime to get to the nearest sex shop.
Is that too hard to imagine?

>> No.3628983

This, that gave it away.
>Hurrdurr flashlight don't hurt me so if I blast myself with X-rays for 12 hours straight I'll be okey-dokey, here in my home in abandoned Chernobyl.

>> No.3628988

Do you guys ever think Earth/Mankind might get wiped out someday?
Thousands and thousands of years of scientific advancement and progress for nothing. Think about it, if you're working on something to benefit mankind, its all for nothing as we'll probably become extinct someday.

>> No.3628993

>Assuming that they exist. How can we be sure than they're intelligent?
Nobody said any-
Oh right trolling.

>> No.3628998

Ha, I never even entertained the thought of interstellar travel.

>How could we be sure they're intelligent
We wouldn't be able to until we found signs that they were intelligent or we were somehow able to communicate. Did I assert that there is intelligent life elsewhere and that my hypothesis is fact? Nope, but you apparently did so with your own hypothesis.

How difficult is it for YOU to understand?

>> No.3629000

It's very possible that the first strain of life form on this planet to reach in to the cosmos is currently a bacteria in some shit.

>> No.3629008

Well yeah as long as we stay on earth, life will not be possible eventually (liquid water will not be possible on earth in 1 billion years to be exact), but humans would go extinct well before that.

Either way, what does that change? We're not building for anything millions of years into the future.

>> No.3629017
File: 99 KB, 612x698, countertroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. OP is a troll. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few trolls in my time.

>> No.3629019

Im certain that it is not exactly 1 billion years. In fact Im certain there's a margin of error of at least 2%.

>> No.3629027
File: 33 KB, 396x385, Feels_Bad_Man_Frog_RE_Just_awesome_3-s400x388-147042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're just big jokes of nature. We serve no purpose, we're physically less capable than a kangaroo, and there's no afterlife.
Hurts to live.

>> No.3629033

Brains dude. We have the ability to understand. It's obvious you haven't drank any of that sweet sweet punch. Shit's like fucking crack.

>> No.3629056

Understand for what? It will be all gone when we die. And we only live for 70-80 years.

>> No.3629072

people die
ideas live forever
make your memory worth being remembered
or die and be forgotten.

>> No.3629082
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its not a matter of weather or not there is other life
in the universe, there almost certainly is.

but the technology for intergalactic travel is at the least a very long way off, probably impossible

which limits us to our on galaxy, which is still a fuckton of stars

but we haven't even done interplanetary travel let alone traveling from one star system two another

with our current technology hypotheticaly it would take something like 200,000 years to reach the nearest star system.

but its all gotta start with that first step - fucking colonizing mars, its so fucking obvious.

>> No.3629146

I agree with most of what OP said but
>mfw unpopular opinions, however factual, logical and sensible, become popular.

>> No.3629164


>ideas live forever

No they don't. And memories fade, too. I'm not saying people should do things worth being remembered, but this incentive you're peddling isn't really solid.

>> No.3629180

will (we) ever "contact" alien life: almost certainly not, but will they contact us? - almost certainly not

will we ever explore other galaxies?: almost certainly not

Space tour IS awsome

will we ever inhabit another planet? If the money and research was directed appropriately we could have people on mars within 5 years. A permanent base maybe 20-30 years. And if everything goes horribly right start warming the planet.

will fossil fuel drain this millennium?: maybe not, but whats left may become unpractical or unethical to obtain.

is radiation dangerous?: some is some isn't


>> No.3629194
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>> No.3629235
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> mfw people think that there is enough fossil fuels left to last a millennium
Maybe this century or the next but defiantly not a whole millennium if current use continues

>> No.3629248

I feel sorry for OP. Not only are many of his claims flat out inaccurate, but to be under false constraints, believing that you can never leave this rock, to explore the entire galaxy, must be a depressing feeling.

Thats not to claim that we will ever explore other star systems, or that we will ever obtain FTL travel, but to rule it out as a possibility is eerily reminiscent of medieval era claims of geocentrism. One thing that should be learned quickly as a result of the changes humanity has experienced over the last century is that we (as a species) know far far less than we think we do.

>> No.3629266

Not sure if OP is trolling or just looking for a conversation or something.. but.

> mfw people think that we can ever contact alien life force.
Alien life could be closer then you think (ex. Mars micro).
> mfw people think we can EVER explore galaxies.
If we survive long enough, I don't see why robots (machines) wouldn't explore enough and map it out. Seems realistic to me.
> mfw people think space tour is awesome.
I would enjoy one.
> mfw people think we can inhabit other planets.
I don't see any reason why we can't inhabit anywhere else.
> mfw people think fossil fuel is going to drain in this millennium.
I don't have an opinion one way or another. This depends a lot on individual, company, and government choices and I know very little about those.
> mfw people think radiation is dangerous.
Some is some isn't.