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File: 119 KB, 400x606, Penn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3625711 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3625717

I'm sorry but he has the worst face for someone concerned with getting to the truth.

>> No.3625721

faggot libertardian

>> No.3625736

Even when I agree with him, I find him annoying as fuck, now that I think about it ESPECIALLY when I agree with him.

>> No.3625744

I hate vocal atheists... Most can't help but feel condescending and come off as anti-religion and total douches.

>> No.3625783




>> No.3625789
File: 77 KB, 800x640, 1313501117352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spend your entire career tricking people.

Sell books to atheists saying that God doesn't exist

> my face when

>> No.3625810


so basically you have not understood anything Penn said.

>> No.3625812


I take it you've never been to a Penn and Teller show before, then?

>> No.3625830

What do you mean?
The only one I understood was Teller. I feel his pain.

>> No.3625837


I laughed.

>> No.3625854


It's just a book, it is humorous and he doesn't suggest you should hate religion and become an atheist....he suggests that we're all atheistic in some way

>> No.3625857

I saw him on Attack of the Show advertising this book... and he was wrong.

>if you don't know, then you don't believe

>> No.3625867


Oh man, they came to my university to give a talk.
Afterwards, much to the surprise of the security personnel, they walked right out the front door to meet with us students and sign things. Penn was hilarious; every time someone asked him if they could get a picture with him or sign something, he said, in the most solemn voice imaginable, "Yes, boss. Whatever you say, boss." Afterward, since the juggling team went, Penn decided he would join them.
Fucking awesome night.


>> No.3625868

He was "wrong"? Pretty compelling evidence.
He's (and everyone else is correct), if you believe in the god of the bible, and don't take the bible literally, you don't believe in the god of the bible.

>> No.3625871


Zootie, zoot zoot....

>> No.3625888

I gave you the evidence (in the form of a quote), and you ignored it, and then complained that I didn't give any evidence. Penn talked to Kevin about Kevin saying he prefers to be called an Agnostic and Penn tried to tell him that he was an atheist too by saying "If you don't know, then you don't believe" which is false even under most Gettier accounts of knowledge.

You also realize that some people can be right about some things and wrong about other things, right?

>> No.3625900

You used the word "wrong" as a statement of fact. What is "wrong" with what he said? How is it an untrue statement?

Some people can right about some things, and wrong about others, but what is the reason? No conclusion about why something happens has ever come down to faith.

Also, the Bible literally says that interpreting the bible any other way is going against the literal word of god.

>> No.3625920

i would ask fat man one question, and one question only:

did you actually fuck robin quivers???

>> No.3625922

I don't give a shit what the Bible says or what Penn says about what the Bible or what Penn says about what people say about what the Bible says. That's entirely irrelevant. He was wrong when, on Attack of the Show, he told Kevin Pereira that "if you don't know god exists, that means you don't believe god exists". Why is this factually incorrect? Because the definitions of "belief" and "knowledge" necessitate that any argument in favour of this proposition would be a non-sequitur.

>> No.3625967
File: 11 KB, 400x267, fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow OP you're so edgy, this is the wrong place for it though, why not post this on your facebook status instead?

>No "religion vs. science" threads.

>> No.3626011

there's a school of thought that says that if you believe God exists, then you do not KNOW that God exists, and it is in fact your "belief" that prevents you from KNOWING that God exists.

but seriously, robin fucking quivers???

>> No.3626053

This school of thought doesn't use the word "know" the same way everyone else uses the word "know".

Either way, I suppose that's interesting. Quite frankly I'd rather spend my time working with epistemology than learning about every quack theological argument regarding belief and knowledge of God.