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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3624588 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

i just recived my GCSE's today, and im thinking about doing Physics and mathematics for a-levels.

however, i also want to do chemistry, but even though i got an A in GCSE science, im not very good at chemistry due to not having been to school during most of the chemistry chapters. (i came in from a norwegian school with a very different curriculum)

so the question is, would i be able to learn GCSE level chemistry in a week? and if so, do you know of any good resources other than the AQA books?

pic unrelated.

>> No.3624594

gtfo, 4 chan is 18+

>> No.3624599

at a level, chemistry is just memorizing stuff. literally, you dont have to know anything just memorize sentences and what to write, and maybe a few equations. even worse so with biology.

also, dont think you did well in gcse and youll do good at a level. the truth is, gcses are shit tier, a monkey could pass them.

and, sorry i have to do this, UNDERAGE B&

>> No.3624608


yeah i already knew GCSE's are shit tier.
but since i've lost out of the rudimentary stuff i just need to learn that.

also, if it helps, i'm 17 and turning 18 in not to long.

>> No.3624621

tbf if you grasp things easily, youll be fine, there are some retards at a level that cant grasp any concepts and the courses are still pretty slow...

>> No.3624630

A-Level physics isn't too bad at all - you can get a pass by just memorising GCSE physics to a high level then applying it with a bit of discretion, and get a good A/A* by working hard, even if you don't really have a scientific mind

>> No.3624633

17 and just got GCSE results
Nigga are you retarded?

>> No.3624937


the year group which would usually get their GCSE's this year is the 95's.

but when i moved from norway i was placed in year 10 rather than year 11 which would be the appropriate class for my age. however, if i did that i would have enough time to complete all my gcse examinations, so the school saw it fit to place me in year 10.

which was just as well really, cause the gap between norwegian education and brittish education is pretty steep.

in norway they dont teach science as a subject, instead they teach "nature studies" which is science to some degree, but it is more of a retard interpretation of the subjects, which is why i have a gap of knowledge regarding chemistry.

>> No.3624940


forgot to add that i am '94

>> No.3624965

Take chemistry, you really shouldn't worry that you didn't take GCSE chemistry, I suggest you brush up on GCSE chemistry anyway just to dedicate yourself to AS-level chemistry as much as you have already commited to maths and physics, but really it's piss easy and you're guaranteed an A+ just by being a good student and asking your teacher for the syllabus and studying/revising everything throughout the year, instead of just waiting for it to be taught in class. If you keep everything in order you should skim through it with no problems and your first year at 6th form college should be a blast.

>> No.3624972


Mmm thanks!

also an other added bonus for me is that i will probably be the only one in my year taking Chemistry in english (i attend to a rather small international school in spain)

so i'll have my teacher all for myself, which is sure to be a benefit. oh yeah, and he has a PhD in chemistry.

>> No.3624981

You have a mental age higher than mtp, so don't worry about his hate.
Take AS chemistry. If you're good at maths and have a decent memory, it will be very easy.
If you like it, then finsih it and if not drop it.

>> No.3624994


if i start it i'll have to finnish it off all they way though, cause im obviously aiming to go to university.

>> No.3625006
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i meant to say to not think that if he can ace gcses hes gonna do well in a levels, because a few of my freinds did that, and completely failed their a levels. just a word of warning, no hate insinuated. for a nicely put response, read >>3624965, im just not good with words or explaining ideas, so meh.

>> No.3625021


no i did ace most of my GCSE's. without any studying at all actually.

also, i went from the worst student in foundation class to the higher tier in maths in 2 months, so i am quite capable with these things.

only problem was that i used to be a bit of an underachiever back in norway due to a serious lack of inspiration