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[ERROR] No.3624526 [Reply] [Original]

How can you even consider yourself smart/educated/intellectual if...

# You're not opposed to immigration from MENA countries.

# You don't disapprove of religion.

# You think we're all equal.

# You don't disapprove of EU

# You don't think overpopulation is a real problem, especially in the third world countries.

>> No.3624542
File: 21 KB, 429x680, Boblikeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trolling and get a life.

>> No.3624541

How can you even consider yourself smart/etc/etc if....

you think any of that shit matters. Seriously who gives a fuck about the human race. I know this is a troll post but why not just do things you enjoy and fuck everything else?

Personally I look forward to our extinction and am hoping to acquire a front row seat when it happens.

>> No.3624549

Your post is full of contradictions that go into deeper issues than your personal, pretentious idea of what "intelligence" is. I can tell you aren't looking for rationality. Get fucked hombre.

>> No.3624551


>edgy teenage nihilist detected

>> No.3624553

># You're not opposed to immigration from MENA countries.

Because we need younger workforce in order to replace these old people retiring.

># You don't disapprove of religion.

Because I'm not a smartass asshole and simply don't care about this shit.

># You think we're all equal.
Of course we're not really equal your dipshit. But legally speaking we're equal because we have the same rights.

># You don't disapprove of EU
>has never been in the EU or is mentally retarded

># You don't think overpopulation is a real problem, especially in the third world countries.
Yes it is. Women education is a crucial factor in order to solve this problem.

Sage for not science.

>> No.3624558

>not edgy or teenager

But maybe you can broaden my perspective a bit. Why should I care about the big issues in the world.

>> No.3624562
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I agree with the OPs positions.
I would add "not opposed to immigration from Mexico" if you are from the US.

>> No.3624566

Ahem *clears throat*

# You're not opposed to immigration from MENA countries.
In many western nations these days we have a massive lazy culture of workers ‘benefit queens’ including lazy fat fucks who sit on their ass and 4chan. Soldiers, sportsman etc… who offer nothing to the table. The massive influx of people from MENA nations if controlled properly brings in skilled people and those willing to work that clean up the lazy mess we have in our countries.
To put in plainly they do the work either we don’t want to, or won’t do because we’re do lazy.

# You don't disapprove of religion.

# You think we're all equal.
We are all equal we’re all born live and die and at the end of the day we all poop, statistics show equal intelligence throughout the world, the difference is only there because of economical unbalance social inequalities and small cultural differences, I.E prioritise on religion so people don’t see a point in anything else. People just have a superiority complex and want to feel better than someone else

# You don't disapprove of EU
EU is an amazing thing. As Individuals we are weak together we are strong, the EU brings us together as a collective and attempts to push is all working together in one direction. However I agree it sometimes pushes in the wrong way

# You don't think overpopulation is a real problem, especially in the third world countries.
Overpopulation is a problem but only because of the unequal sharing of wealth. We live on an earth of plenty and can feed the world
Geography PhD student here.
If people weren’t so stuck up their own arses we would be fine.
The collective Debt of the USA could feed Africa for 100 years.
Now grow up you cunt

>> No.3624575


>> No.3624581


Half the countries that are poor are in their current state because Europeans went in and fucked their shit up. Most of the benefits you get from being in a Western world come from the fact that your country's early economic history benefited from this colonialism.

Face it, we're all just living off of somebody's elses stolen/extorted labour.

>> No.3624584


why the fuck are u using so many double negatives

>> No.3624582
File: 10 KB, 210x240, countertroll..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're retarded

>> No.3624578

The Euro causes serious economic problems though. The only way to prevent that is for all the nations to go back to their own currencies or for Europe to actually become a federation which just will not happen.

>> No.3624585


>Because we need younger workforce in order to replace these old people retiring.
>not this retarded argument again

>implying immigrants from MENA countries work more than they suck benefits, procreate, increase criminality and praise allah.
>implying we need more low-qualified workers when real unemployment approaches 30%, especially in low-qualified work sector relevant to immigrants, and technological unemployment will only make it worse and worse in the future
>implying immigrants wont turn into more retired people we would need to support in the future
>implying retired people grow on trees, and their numbers wont drop in the future equally sharply as natality dropped now.

>> No.3624590

>>Implying you're a retard

>> No.3624598

Seriously, /fut/uremen, how can you consider yourselves intellectuals if you:

• Haven't built your first jetpack in middle school engineering

• Haven't mastered Brainfuck

• Haven't figured out that Gadaffi dropped into Old Town

• Haven't graduated with your advanced honors in class of 2301 or beyond

• Still haven't built your own temporal mechanics manipulation machine

>> No.3624600

>implying immigrants from MENA countries work more than they suck benefits, procreate, increase criminality and praise allah.
You don't know any immigrant, do you?

>implying we need more low-qualified workers when real unemployment approaches 30%, especially in low-qualified work sector relevant to immigrants, and technological unemployment will only make it worse and worse in the future

If your educational system is not fucked up you'll have high qualified workers as well, also unemployment depends on the sector you're talking about dipshit, there are still sectors lacking skilled workforce.

>implying immigrants wont turn into more retired people we would need to support in the future

But they will supported by more immigrants. As long as there are enough young people to support retired people, it's not a problem. Also in the future life expectancy will have increased a lot, thus the retirement age will follow.

>implying retired people grow on trees, and their numbers wont drop in the future equally sharply as natality dropped now.

>> No.3624609

I'm starting to think you're not a troll and actually a full blown retard

>> No.3624613

You seem to be forgetting the severe negative effects too many immigrants would have.

>> No.3624636

If there were no immigrants, we would be all working until the age of 80 or so.

>> No.3624653

I never said no immigrants ever. But when they refuse to integrate with their new country it causes problems.

>> No.3624654

Our economys would be in the shitter. I'm not just talking MENA to Western, Immigration in general is essential to the running of the world

>> No.3624671


Well, do you know any immigrants? Are these immigrants refusing to integrate? Do they refuse to work? Did they break the law? I for one know a lot of hard-working, law-abiding immigrants. There are criminals and lazy asses everywhere, but when they happen to come from another country they're easily noticed.

>> No.3624685

Excuse me but what the fuck is your problem? I said IF not that all immigrants refuse to integrate, stop seeing racists everywhere.

>> No.3624695

>opposed to immigration from MENA countries
>disapprove of EU
Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.3624698 [DELETED] 


>You don't know any immigrant, do you?

I was threatened by them repeatedly when venturing into "their territory". Thats all I need to know.

>If your educational system is not fucked up you'll have high qualified workers as well

wut? Qualification of immigrant workers depends on source country education system. Its shitty in MENA countries. So is the immigrant qualification.

>But they will supported by more immigrants.

So your paradigm is eternal population growth through immigration? This has two outcomes:
1. immigration stops and your population bubble bursts, exactly as financial inflation bubble. And we are back at letting the demographic transition take its natural path.
2. immigration wont stop and we will become (sand)niggerland. Good job and praise allah!


What is the source of retired people? Young people.
Why are there more retired people compared to young people now? Because of high natality on the past compared to low natality now.
How can the ratio of retired/young people again be normalised?
Either by increasing the denominator (which in turn increases the nominator after 70 years and we are back where we started), or by waiting for the numerator to decrease naturally (which is only longterm stable solution).

>> No.3624708


>> No.3624706

Why should I disapprove of the EU?
There is no overpopulation, just a mismanagement of population and it's resources.

I do believe you are quite mad.

>> No.3624710


>Immigration in general is essential to the running of the world

Oh god how could the world and civilisation survive for thousands of years when noone immigrates from space to Earth as a whole!

>> No.3624713

>I was threatened by them repeatedly when venturing into "their territory". Thats all I need to know.

You were threatened by native-born people with foreign genes. Get a clue.

>Its shitty in MENA countries
>he doesn't know about the well funded Middle-Eastern education system

>So your paradigm is eternal population growth through immigration
This is a current paradigm of human civilisation, and is completely separate from immigration. With or without immigrants, we need more youths to support the old people.

>> No.3624736

>durr some immigrants are criminals hence all immigrants are criminals

>wut? Qualification of immigrant workers depends on source country education system. Its shitty in MENA countries. So is the immigrant qualification.
You don't get it. What really matters is how you're educating immigrant's children. This is how you get a lot of skilled workforce.

>So your paradigm is eternal population growth through immigration? This has two outcomes:
>1. immigration stops and your population bubble bursts, exactly as financial inflation bubble. And we are back at letting the demographic transition take its natural path.
>2. immigration wont stop and we will become (sand)niggerland. Good job and praise allah!

There's a third option: MENA countries become more and more developed, hence immigration sinks. And you didn't read this: in the future life expectancy will have increased a lot, thus the retirement age will follow.

>> No.3624764


>You were threatened by native-born people with foreign genes. Get a clue.

Yes, the fact that even second generation of immigrants refuses to inegrate, and are actually more radical than their parents is another point against your paradigm.

>he doesn't know about the well funded Middle-Eastern education system

You are a troll right?

>This is a current paradigm of human civilisation, and is completely separate from immigration.

Eternal population growth is longterm unsustainable, unless the Earth is infinite you faggot.

>With or without immigrants, we need more youths to support the old people.

You have it backwards. We need less *increase* in young people to decrease the number of old people we will have to support in the future. Low mortality rate demands low natality (and immigration) rate.
Dont you understand that the problem of many old people is CAUSED by many young people 70 years earlier (bbay boomers)? Lrn2population lag.
If there are not many young people now (and you wont increase their numbers with high immigration) 70 years from now there would not be many old people to support.

>> No.3624804


>There's a third option: MENA countries become more and more developed, hence immigration sinks.

Thats option number 1. Immigration sinks, and you are left with a lot of old people (natives + immigrants) demanding support and suddenly no young people coming. I propose we do this now, the sooner you do it, the less will it hurt.

>You don't get it. What really matters is how you're educating immigrant's children. This is how you get a lot of skilled workforce.

So how are we educating them? They are spoiled, and actually more fundamentalist and radical than their parents. Good luck with such "skilled work force".


>> No.3624814

># You're not opposed to immigration from MENA countries.

I am

># You don't disapprove of religion.

I do

># You think we're all equal.

I don't

># You don't disapprove of EU

They helped our crappy economy in 2003 and still helping now. Doesn't bother me.

># You don't think overpopulation is a real problem, especially in the third world countries.

This doesn't aply to my part of the world, hence I don't care.

>> No.3624861
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>still disapprove of EU

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.3624870

># You're not opposed to immigration from MENA countries.
I am opposed.
># You don't disapprove of religion.
I do of course.
># You think we're all equal.
"Equal"? We should be equal in opportunities, not outcomes.
># You don't disapprove of EU
I am starting to think we will be better without it, at least in its current state.
># You don't think overpopulation is a real problem, especially in the third world countries.
I agree that overpopulation is a real problem, especially in third world countries. The Chinese have shown them they way.