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File: 84 KB, 375x246, michio_kaku_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3622466 [Reply] [Original]

michio kaku (moar like meteors cocku) is pissed at how american educational system is full of fail.


great vid

>> No.3622482

>michio kaku
>not sure if want

>> No.3622498

pretty much. how long did they think we could be 20th-40th in the world in math and science, and exporting low-paying manufacturing jobs just so we could import highly-paid scientists? please tell me i'm not the only person who sees the major financial fail here.

>> No.3622499

> Kaku
Normally crackpot. But this video is excellent.

>> No.3622516

I like this video.

>> No.3622528

Everyone sees it, but bankers run the country, and they'll just extract wealth from us until there isn't any left and use globalization and lax regulations to move on to the next country of suckers.

>> No.3622542 [DELETED] 
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Wish he would hurry up and start filming the new Cosmos

>> No.3622555

Good to know some realize this.

>> No.3622617

It's cause America spends all its educational resources on the Blacks and Hispanics. There also needs to be some sort of program to help intelligent people have more kids.

>> No.3622976


>> No.3623009

He's completely right, it's been like this for a long time and a lot more people have said the same thing in the past. It's a shame that no one with any real power or influence will give a shit as long as fat cats keep lining their wallets.

>> No.3623040

american youth should bear most of the blame. lazy ass generation running after sociology degrees while foreigners are stepping over their grandma for a phf in chemistry lool

>> No.3623065

>There also needs to be some sort of program to help intelligent people have more kids.

racist but true. the intellectuals are breeding less and less as we become enamored with material goods, while the species gets further and further infested with retards of all colors.

>> No.3623069


>It's cause America spends all its educational resources on the Blacks and Hispanics.

How does that stop the motivation of an individual from getting their masters and phd though?

>There also needs to be some sort of program to help intelligent people have more kids.

Define intelligent.

>> No.3623072

yeah well he was also on MSNBC yesterday talking about how the 5.8 in Virginia almost caused a Fukushima-like disaster at North Anna power station.

>> No.3623074

I dont see your point OP America is also the worlds largest immigration destination

>> No.3623076

Singapore here,
We've done that before. I must say I like the result.

>> No.3623081

dat evolution. Strangely enough, intellectuals are actually adapting less to their environment and are being outproduced by the less than average.

You now realize that the human race was meant to be doomed from the very beginning.

>> No.3623085


this is to some extent true.

my parents wouldn't pay for my college. most scholarships are almost completely need-based, so...even though I'm smart as hell, I have to wait until I'm age 24 before I qualify for more than like $3,500/year in stafford loans. because going to college on $3,500 in loans is ~totally~ doable.

of course, the dumb black/hispanic/etc kids in my high school with mid to low 20 ACT scores all got full rides.


>> No.3623091

So, why are we still here?

>> No.3623120

I completely disagree with Kaku's assessment that there are "no americans" capable of this stuff. Does he realize how many unemployed or underemployed SCIENCE/ENGINEERING grads/PhDs there are in this country?

It's not that they aren't qualified, it's that the chinese and indians work for peanuts.

Globalization is destroying america.

>> No.3623134

dont worry. work hard and get into a chemistry PhD program that gives you a 40000 a year stipend

>> No.3623136


I'll add that I originally was going to do physics but when I did research on how dismal prospects are for getting any kind of reasonable job as a physics PhD I abandoned it because lets face it, you shouldn't have to sacrifice everything in order to be a scientist. The foreigners are taking up all the spots.

>> No.3623146

This isn't really true, if you look at employment information.

>> No.3623148

>chinese and indians work for peanuts.
Not the science and engineering ones. we are not talking about software and computer science cunts.

>> No.3623216

i had a chinese physics grad student for a TA

he told us the way we were learning physics was retarded and was shocked and disgusted when he found out that americans have to pay for education. it was pretty lulzy.

>> No.3623227
File: 19 KB, 250x163, CerealSpitting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paying for education

Oh god, are you fucking serious?!
I don't pay anything to get my degree. Hell, my country even pay me to enter college.

>> No.3623249

Fuck you.

>> No.3623251

Can you elaborate on what he said?

>> No.3623268

Yeah the universities here in the states all cost money to get in, and the cheaper state schools cost about $10000 a year in tuition alone.

If you can get into a PHD program, then it's free, or at east in math and physics. Not true for medical and law school, you have to shell out more money for those.

>> No.3623273
File: 8 KB, 211x193, 1314242301674..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you me?

Cause I was going to ask the samething.

>> No.3623303

law is probably the worst possible field to jump into right now, market is saturated as suck + 6 figure debt

also, i know a guy who owes 150k in loans for a phd in music

>> No.3623331

>Degree, Master and PhD all free (if you are smart)

How does this makes you feel, Americans?

>> No.3623358

Pretty disillusioned. I got a 2270 on my SAT and over 60 credit hours before I even entered freshmen year. But my parents are still stuck paying tuition, which fortunately pretty cheap and they have good jobs.