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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3619666 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/, I got something you might be interested in hearing.

My mother has recently been complaining about an equilibrium issue, constantly spouting the phrase "it feels like I'm in a wave pool". I've realized from past experiences she's a bit of a hypochondriac (possibly even Munchhausen's). I was, and still am skeptic that she has any actual ailment. I once gave her a tiny push while we were walking and she managed to stay up straight, strengthening my hypothesis that she's just bullshitting.

Anyway, she seems really committed to this act. Even going so far as to demand an MRI (which was clean). She's seen multiple doctors and only one is taking her kind of seriously.

Now that she's not getting attention from doctors she's crying to her friends. This probably might be a good time to tell you that she's a christian. Anyway, her friends are giving her natural supplements and shit. However, one friends gave her.... wait for it.... a homeopathic "drug".

For a brief moment, I considered doing a brute force information attack, explaining why it's all bullshit. However, I figured it wouldn't do much good, and wouldn't be very fun. So..... I decided instead I'm going pretend that homeopathic medicine is super powerful and that she shouldn't take any other supplement or medicine with it. After she takes it for a while either two things will happen:

A. It doesn't do anything and she has experiential knowledge of how homeopathy is bullshit


B. It does work and I expose it for the placebo that it is, and what a conniving hypochondriac she is

What do you think /sci/? Good plan or not?

tl;dr I'm going to trick my mom into proving that homeopathy doesn't work

>> No.3619672

Do it.

It's not like bitching about the medicine will do you any good.

>> No.3619673

My mother has been having movement problems for years. They've been getting progressively worse. She's also complained about equilibrium issues, only she actually falls over if I don't catch her, even though I have to apply almost no force at all to help her straighten out.

Doctors cannot find anything, so she's desperate and has tried all manner of nonsense.

All I want is my mom to be happy and get through life ok. If science can't find the answer, and it makes her feel better to try garlic and vitamins and whatever nonsense of the week is up, I don't argue with her. It's her life, she's the one who has to live with it.

>> No.3619674

>I'm going to trick my mom into proving that homeopathy doesn't work

If you cant convince her sincerely, then you are a moron.

>> No.3619691
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>> No.3619708
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>> No.3619718


Maybe you have an intelligent mother, but a lot of us have moms that watch reality tv and read horoscopes.

A lot of women won't listen to logic.

>> No.3619720

If it "works", there's no way that you're going to convince her that it was just placebo effect.

>> No.3619731


I could try to switch it with actual placebos without her knowing. That might work.

>> No.3619769


you will be sorry when she dies of inoperable cochlear cancer, won't you?

>> No.3620170
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Sometimes it will feel like I was lifted by an elevator for a brief moment, like the ground beneath me is hollow, even though its ashphat. I know this happens to me sometimes when i get out of a car. I wonder when else this could happen and about the frequency of such events. What causes it? Your mother may be telling the truth, but also believing it happened again but actually didnt.

>> No.3620185

Something certainly could be wrong with her vestibular system, but it probably isn't life threatening in the least. Administer the super-potent Homeopathic drugs!

Followed by a dose of laughing.

>> No.3620199

Sounds like a plan, except for this >>3619720.