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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3617938 [Reply] [Original]

u mad, /sci/?

10 Highest-Paying Degrees

1. Petroleum Engineering. Median starting salary: $97,900. Mid-career average: $155,000
2. Chemical Engineering. Median starting salary: $64,500. Mid-career average: $109,000
3. Electrical Engineering. Median starting salary: $61,300. Mid-career average: $103,000
4. Materials Science and Engineering. Median starting salary: $60,400. Mid-career average: $103,000
5. Aerospace Engineering. Median starting salary: $60,700. Mid-career average: $102,000
6. Computer Engineering. Median starting salary: $61,800. Mid-career average: $101,000
7. Physics. Median starting salary: $49,800. Mid-career average: $101,000
8. Applied Mathematics. Median starting salary: $52,600. Mid-career average: $98,600
9. Computer Science. Median starting salary: $56,600. Mid-career average: $97,900
10. Nuclear Engineering. Median starting salary:$65,100. Mid-career average:$97,800


>> No.3617955

High-paid gays.

>> No.3617954

engineers are still faggots, sorry

>> No.3617956
File: 54 KB, 600x600, engineering3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't even mad.

>> No.3617960
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Seriously, they chose a butterfly as their logo?

>> No.3617964

good to see that majoring in the liberal arts really does pay off!


>> No.3617969
File: 105 KB, 500x326, engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, billionaires hire people who can make them even richer.

Enjoy your life as a corporate stooge enabling some evil megalomaniac's evil plans.

Also, faggot etc.

>> No.3617994

Wait, I don't know much about how the US system works, but does that mean that economics, business, law related stuff aren't even on the 10 highest paying degrees?

>> No.3617999

Saw your pic on main page OP.
>implying humanities isn't the intellectual pinnacle

>> No.3618017
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>> No.3618036
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Well at least Physics is 7th. Maybe this pic isn't that irrelevant at last.

>> No.3618053
File: 106 KB, 958x568, philosophy what i expected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying humanities isn't a bunch of circle-jerking wannabe intellectuals arguing about the same crap they've been arguing about for 3,000 years

>> No.3618059 [DELETED] 

>mfw the majority of those are god-tier and correspond with highest-paying job

>> No.3618061

To top it off here in eastern europe the engineering students also get laid a lot

I'm jelly as fuck, not paying attention to math was the single greatest mistake of my life, now I'm 25 and it's too late

>> No.3618063

This is just bachelors degrees.

>> No.3618092

You think 25 is too late?

>> No.3618104

>implying i study philosophy and not glorious history and politics

>> No.3618114
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Why so low paying, USA?

>> No.3618134

I was under the impression that a math degree would get you $300k starting.

>> No.3618138


What the hell, /sci/? I thought everyone here had 140+ IQs.

>> No.3618142

Only with a PhD and only like 1% of all math major manage to get one.

>> No.3618151

>Does nor know that If you are not an assistant professor at a top 50 institution at age 25 your life is over.

>> No.3618153


>does not know who Einstein is

>> No.3618161

mechanical engineering doesn't make the list. the fuck?

>> No.3618165

Why would I be mad? I have a Physics degree.

>> No.3618170


I'm a huge philosophy fan, but most people who study it are honestly too stupid for it.

Best just to read the greats and let the proles have their hurr durr philosophy.

>> No.3618172

It's funny because Petroleum and Nuclear Engineering will be switched in the next 20 years.

>> No.3618175 [DELETED] 


But engineers are faggots. But nice try.

>> No.3618186

How is "Mid-career average" determined? Is it actually averaged over those who are now finished with their careers? Because that seems kind of stupid, wouldn't be very indicative of where todays graduates will be.

>> No.3618193

3/10 lol'd a bit and made me reply

>> No.3618201

those are for bachelors degrees right? otherwise, there should be some grad degrees up there (MD, MBA, PhD in chemistry, etc)

>> No.3618203

I was going to Aerospace Eng. but I opted for Physics instead.

>> No.3618207

well this is solidifying my decision to major in chemical engineering. what's the job market like for that?

>> No.3618221

Why do I see people claiming that engineers are gay so often? Are they just trolling? Are engineers that easily trolled?

>> No.3618222

oldest joke in the /sci/ book

>> No.3618229
File: 5 KB, 202x220, 1310746185001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Robotics

>> No.3618231

Geology at Cambridge masterrace reporting in

>> No.3618233
File: 141 KB, 788x626, dumb blonde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, /sci/...

I am considering buckling the hell down and getting a math degree. I've never had any maths higher than high school algebra II, but it's always come extremely easily for me.

Am I getting in over my head, thinking that I can handle most any math just because I always got straight As in junior high / high school maths?

>> No.3618235

>implying I can't get a degree in Economics, move over to Investment Banking and make more than that

>> No.3618239

>implying you can get a job in investment banking with only a bachelors degree without going to an ivy league school

>> No.3618240


Economics degrees can be extremely profitable, but to get the good jobs you need at least a master's.

>> No.3618244

>living in America

Going into my 3rd year bachelors, just finished an internship and have a grad offer. This is how it works in England

>> No.3618280

chemistry in general is applied algebra. the engineering part is TUUUUUUUBES. One of the examples of my class about reactors and reactions is filling in the missing numbers to the equations that describe an orange juice factory. Thats pretty much your job. making sure that tubes and reactors in a factory dont explode.
Either that OR:
During your course if you choose to pursue biochem you can start working in that sector, where there is a lot of research to be done still.

due to your chemiscal side you can also divert more into theoretical inorganic chem. youll research catalysers.

Be advised tho, the only real researchers I encountered, their job looks like an office job for the higher skilled. Majority of your time you will be calibrating the machiene you are working with, then running an experiment overnight, then aquiring and staring at data for a couple of days. and every time checking why your results dont match the norm and trying to figure out a japanese manual and why your machiene is not doing what its supposed to do.

courses you'll learn: theoretical chemistry and some physical chemistry: basic quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, organic chem, and spectroscopy.
Most of time theyll throw in a molecular biology/biochem.

The first year youll also have to do 2x a week practical experiments in a lab. Its easy stuff but exhausing, standing up the entire day from 9 till 5. The best part of it tho is looking at retarded mistakes your costudents make and be sure to ask your lab assistant for his/her anecdotes.

My favorite ones are of this one guy who used acetic anhydrite instead of anhydrous acetic acid, and 3rd year student who supposedly made TNT in his basement for the hell of it, and made the fluid form absorb in kittylitter.

Its a hard study no doubt. First 1/2 of 1st year will be mostly highschool stuff tho

>> No.3618294

couldn't care less OP.

geologist and mining contractor.
starting salary $75,000 ten years ago.
current salary $600,000.

employees suck hind tit, even well paid ones. I do what I want.

>> No.3618299

yeah, the main fields chemical engineers are involved in are pharma/biotech, factory stuff, nanotech and solar. if anon really wants to to do chem e, id look into nanotech or solar. those fields have some potential in them (so does biotech but its way hard to get a decent job there)

>> No.3618345

What degree did you get , bro?

>> No.3618369

>Applied Mathematics and Physics are up there
>Physics mid-career salary is 101k
>Applied Math mid-career salary is 98k

>> No.3618370

I went to Cal State Northridge (civil eng.) and landed a job as a facilities assistant manager at one of the Valley movie studios. Now I am a production scheduler. I cannot even imagine actually being an engineer. Most of my classmates were goofball nerds. I will assume some of you want to meet pretty white girls.

I work with fun creative people and am surrounded by hot females that move to LA to be famous. An engineer will be surrounded by nerd Gooks, Curry-Niggers and Russians, and all will have stupid accents.

Would you really want to be a chemical engineer working at some shitty industrial plant. My first job was one a commercial construction site and did I fucking hate doing that shit. Half the guys look like they just got out of jail.

Who do you think a model wants to date a Boeing engineer or a Sony Pictures executive. Just remember that all the jobs that attract hot women are run by people with liberal arts degrees.

One last point. In SOCAL the best engineers (best looking) get hired by Wall Street firms. If you are ugly you will wing up a quant surrounded by smelly Curry-Niggers.

>> No.3618378

>PhD in Engineering
>Any anus I want
>Goatse starting

>> No.3618397

where the hell is this, australia?

>> No.3618414

if you're still here, could you please describe how you became a contractor and how you managed to negotiate compensation that high? is that 600k for the whole project or just for this year?

>> No.3618436

>Computer Science
>mid tier

>> No.3618447


>> No.3618470

if you have the motivation, you'll be fine

I remember learning some linear algebra and high calculus when I was bored in year 11, then I get to university and that is all there is for like the first 3 semesters. I was bored out of my fucking mind.

it's honestly hot that hard, except for the really advanced stuff which you're not going to need

>> No.3618601


>> No.3618632

I think this is more appropriate to other boards like >>>/b/