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[ERROR] No.3615006 [Reply] [Original]


David Rockefeller: Because people are living longer and less people are dieing from diseases, the population of the world over the last 100 years has been increasing rapidly. This has staggering implications on the biosphere we live in.

Conspiracy theorists: Herpdaderp therefore david rockfeller wants to kill 90% of the human race.

Is this how conspiracy theorists actually think?

>> No.3615024

what is this I don't even

>> No.3615077

conspiracy theorist be retarded.

>> No.3615123

Sooo.... you think that creating wars, and profiting from both sides of those wars is a good thing?

>> No.3615128

>conspiracy theorists
chose one

>> No.3615138


1. If your in a position to do so, than more power to ya, grats bro you succed at life.

2. Do you have any evidence to suggest that david rockefeller creates wars to profit from? Since if you don't then your just a dirty conspiracy theorists.

>> No.3615149

>>conspiracy theorists
>chose one

Ya, exactly... because no humans in the history of the species have ever conspired, or ever will!

To even propose the IDEA that people are plotting to commit illegal acts is a clear indicator of Insanity.

By the way... Why do we have Police, and FBI again?

>> No.3615175

yes, because so many conspiracy theories end up being true, don't they

>> No.3615176


>> No.3615186

I hope you're being satirical because that is a textbook example of a strawman fallacy, which are frequently deployed by conspiracy theorists.

>> No.3615189

>yes, because so many conspiracy theories end up being true, don't they

>Implying that none do.


>> No.3615198


David Rockefeller was born in 1913. Are you implying that he created the federal reserve the same year he was born?

>> No.3615212

>I hope you're being satirical because that is a textbook example of a strawman fallacy, which are frequently deployed by conspiracy theorists.

No, it's not.... a straw-man is what happens when I TELL YOU what your position is, and change it to make it easier to attack.

You have picked the wrong form of logical fallacy to accuse me of... here is a list:


Find the right one, and THEN get back to me.

>> No.3615217

>David Rockefeller was born in 1913. Are you implying that he created the federal reserve the same year he was born?

You are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

>> No.3615236


No I am just confused since I asked for evidence that showed that david rockefeller creates wars on purpose in order to gain a profit, and you gave me a video of a conspiracy theorists rambling BS about the federal reserve.

>> No.3615242

>doesn't know about Echelon
USA denied its existence for years, but finally had to admit it when pressured from the outside (Europe and such).

>> No.3615257

>No I am just confused since I asked for evidence that showed that david rockefeller creates wars on purpose in order to gain a profit, and you gave me a video of a conspiracy theorists rambling BS about the federal reserve.

Did you read the other link?

Do you remember the "standard Oil Company?"

It's where Rockefeller made his fortune (No, his dad and granddad)

IT was split by Congressional order into several different companies (Like Ma Bell was) and he just Bought a controlling share in each one under his "Standard Holding Company"

Have you noticed the wars that we have fought in the Major oil producing nations of the world?

Ya, follow the money.

>> No.3615294

Wake up!!!

lol I find that most poeple that say WAKE UP all the time about shit are stupid as fuck dont realize I have already though this shit through, only with more factors considered, and it brought me to a different conclusion.

>> No.3615303

>Have you noticed the wars that we have fought in the Major oil producing nations of the world?

Iraq, and?
Don't spout Libya now, it's a multinational air campaign / naval blockade in support of the rebel faction. It wasn't a invasion, initiated by the US.

>> No.3615305

Well, thanks for contributing absolutely nothing to this thread, you ignorant ass.

>> No.3615310

You guys don't understand David Rockefeller was born the same year as the federal reserve was created because HE IS THE FEDERAL RESERVE how else could someone live to 98 and look that good HES A MACHINE THEY ARE TAKING OVER JUST A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE SKYNET IS ONLINE JOHN CONNOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3615316


Ok great you have presented a reasonable MOTIVE.

Now I will ask one last time, please show my physical evidence that david rockefeller creates wars on purpose to make money. Just because he benefits from wars, and has a motive to create wars doesn't just mean you can fucking go around and say that he does without having physical cold hard evidence.

>> No.3615321

Don't spout Libya now, it's a multinational air campaign / naval blockade in support of the rebel faction. It wasn't a invasion, initiated by the US.

Ya, whatever...

>> No.3615322
File: 124 KB, 540x652, 1300686093837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wake up bro. wake up

>> No.3615335


>Reputable source of accurate infomation
>Russian News today.

Pick one.

>> No.3615340

>Ok great you have presented a reasonable MOTIVE.


>Now I will ask one last time, please show my physical evidence

What, like E-mail the shit to you?

>Just because he benefits from wars, and has a motive to create wars.....

I'm sure he has his screenplay posted on the internet somewhere around here....

You know, because villains ALWAYS leave evidence lying around.

Are you like... mentally handicapped or something?

You really think that he wouldn't want to destroy or limit or hide any evidence that this was his motive?


I suppose that you would have asked for physical evidence that the F-117 existed before Desert Storm....

>> No.3615354

>Reputable source of accurate infomation
>Russian News today.

>Pick one.

Corporate Controlled American news with a direct profit motivated Agenda.... and you think it's reputable?


Oh, and WHY do you think that RT is not a credible source of news?

Are you scared of the "Red Menace?"

Go back to the 50's.

>> No.3615362



There is no evidence to prove he did it. You can't fucking make an accusation without evidence.

>> No.3615403

>You can't fucking make an accusation without evidence.

Are we in court then?



Do you want a signed affidavit BY Rockefeller that he is up to no good?


These people *OWN* the media that you get all of your "Truth" from, and they control the Politicians through campaign contributions and controlling media exposure.

>> No.3615405


If there is no evidence whatsoever, as you yourself say, then on what factual base are those "allegations" against him, and what is the reason you are believing them?

>> No.3615424


herp derp. Get your head out of your ass and read (not watch) credible science journals.

All news are biased.

>> No.3615432



First, everything he said in that video is true. Secondly I don't see him admitting that he creates wars for profits.


I don't even know why I am talking to you know.

>These people *OWN* the media that you get all of your "Truth" from

Source needed

>and they control the Politicians through campaign contributions and controlling media exposure.

Politicians be crooked, news at 11.

>> No.3615451

Well, when you do enough research into the phenomenon, you get a general sense for motivations, and the logic behind their actions.

Rockefeller donated the land that the UN headquarters is built on, because that is their "New World Order"

Then you get the Global Financial systems, The world Bank, International Monetary Fund and such, practicing predatory financial practices to rape the resources of the planet, and use inflation and the bretton woods system to take the wealth of the world and place it in the hands of the global bankers.

You just have to look at their actions, and the effects of these actions.

Eventually, you understand that while they say "Bennifit of humanity" their practices are actually quite predatorial, and yet masked by the most prolific PR campaign on the *PLANET*

And after all, they have the resources to do this.

>> No.3615459

>I don't even know why I am talking to you know.

You don't have to post here.

>> No.3615464 [DELETED] 

lol half the world's population lived under a totalitarian dictatorship thanks to people like your anarchist/socialist/marxist hipster buddies, there was a red menace and McCarthy in fact underestimated the problem, while the government was trying to hush it down to stop widespread panic. It doesn't matter if McCarthy was a bit of a bully and douche, no one is perfect, it's a logical fallacy to ignore facts just because the speaker is flawed. Stop ignoring facts and admit the red menace is very real, that's all I'm saying. Science. Logic. Et cetera.

>> No.3615472

>Bunch of Head in Ass Herp Derp


Fuck off dude, you obviously don't want to be here... are you PAID to be here? Talking to me?

>> No.3615475


>Rockefeller donated the land that the UN headquarters is built on, because that is their "New World Order"

Rich people are into philanthropy of worthy causes.

Then you get the Global Financial systems, The world Bank, International Monetary Fund and such, practicing predatory financial practices to rape the resources of the planet, and use inflation and the bretton woods system to take the wealth of the world and place it in the hands of the global bankers.

Source needed

>And after all, they have the resources to do this.

I have the resources to go on a mass murdering spree. Do you want to accuse me of being a mass murderer?

>> No.3615477

lol half the world's population lived under a totalitarian dictatorship thanks to people like your anarchist/socialist/marxist hipster buddies, there was a red menace and McCarthy in fact underestimated the problem while the government was trying to hush it down to stop widespread panic. It doesn't matter if McCarthy was a bit of a bully and douche, no one is perfect, it's a logical fallacy to ignore facts just because the speaker is flawed. Stop ignoring facts and admit the red menace is very real is all I'm saying. Science. Logic. Et cetera.

>> No.3615482

>Math/Science board

>> No.3615483

>Stop ignoring facts and admit the red menace is very real

Stop ignoring facts and ADMIT that Fascism and Plutocracy is VERY Real.

>> No.3615489

I like how conspiracy theorists are only citing youtube videos to backup their claims.

>> No.3615488

>Math/Science board

It's Forensics.

>> No.3615500

>Rich people are into philanthropy of worthy causes.
And how is completely controlling the Media of the USA philanthropy?

>Source needed

>I have the resources to go on a mass murdering spree. Do you want to accuse me of being a mass murderer?

Do you have a motive?

Have you stated that these people need to be killed?

>> No.3615509

>I like how conspiracy theorists are only citing youtube videos to backup their claims.

Not to many peer reviewed science journals publish conspiracy information, numb nuts.

>> No.3615518


So if I make a video saying that Gandhi is a faggot that makes it true?

>> No.3615523

>So if I make a video saying that Gandhi is a faggot that makes it true?

Like if I make a video accusing you of working for the FBI, posting on 4 chan?

>> No.3615555

If the globalists control the media, then why are there thousands of youtube vidoes saying that the globalists are controlling the world, and want to make a world order.

>> No.3615568

>If the globalists control the media, then why are there thousands of youtube vidoes saying that the globalists are controlling the world, and want to make a world order.

I got a better question for you.

If the media is created to cater to viewer demand, and youtube proves that there is a demand for this type of information, then why isn't there this kind of information in the media?

Oh, and the answer to your question is because something like 13 hours of videos are uploaded to youtube every minute... You would need an *ARMY* to screen all of that.

>> No.3615600

The globalists don't seem to have any trouble with similarly difficult feats.

>> No.3615610


So the globalists are capable of enslaving the third world, and making the first world people into sheep, but they can't stop 15 year olds from saying they are doing so?

>> No.3615623

>So the globalists are capable of enslaving the third world, and making the first world people into sheep, but they can't stop 15 year olds from saying they are doing so?

Nice Implying there... that only 15 year olds would believe in the NWO... you aren't trying that hard are you?

Is Youtube the only video site on the web?
Is Youtube under their control?
Is there already a core resistance that raises literally hell every-time a channel is censored?

It's more complicated than you seem to want to make it.

>> No.3615636

>The globalists don't seem to have any trouble with similarly difficult feats.

It only seems that way if you haven't been keeping up with the media...




>> No.3615690

Some more info for your consideration:

Lol, ya, I love the Onion....

Here's the shit.