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[ERROR] No.3614165 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been feeling a increansingly high amount of apathy for the past few years, Ive noticed that it has reached its peak by now, and the only thing I can feel at this moment is complete apathy. Does anyone know any sort of treatment not involving drugs. Thank you

>> No.3614177

Smoke some good bud.
Stop being apathetic.

>> No.3614188

in b4 it's a drug

(its a plant stupid)

>> No.3614190

I...don't really care about your problem.

>> No.3614198 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 630x630, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off this science board.

>implying a plant cannot be a drug

>> No.3614197

It's an herb, asshole.

>> No.3614203

Unfortunately OP, the picture you posted is going to be your best advice.

ONLY YOU can change. We can give you ideas, but we would be impressing ourselves on you. If you're apathetic, you're immune to the suggestions of others, which means even this post is probably of no use to you, unless you want it to be.

Dumb yourself down. Play stupid. Do what others expect of you. Don't try to impress anyone, but laugh secretly. Develop private logic. Feed your ego.

>> No.3614208

You're retarded.

>> No.3614210

I want to follow advice, please give me more, Im tired of being like this. Thank you

>> No.3614222

I'm not giving you any more advice aside from getting off your lame ass and finding a dealer.

>> No.3614234 [DELETED] 

>curing apathy

choose one

>> No.3614231
File: 636 KB, 850x1275, 0cd939d3a7377b3560eeaec26cc2ba4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

There are drugs for this. See a psychiatrist and they can prescribe drugs for this. Apathy is a sign of depression or other mental diseases. If its really effecting your studies and life then see what medication is right for you.

Another advice is to re-examine your life, are you in a situation you don't like? Are you happy with your career, studies or friends? Not being satisfied with your life is a good reason for apathy and lack of enthusiasm.

tl;dr some self examination and medication will help.

Not /sci/ related, next time take this to /adv/ we have a board like that for a reason.

>> No.3614262

Thanks, ill spend the next weeks re-examining my life

>> No.3614381


>> No.3614405

Exercise.But first you have to get off the computer/couch.

A healthy dose of MDMA among friends will also fix apathy. I take it about once a year to remind myself that the world isnt entirely a shitfest.

>> No.3614577

Great way to set an example. Encourage others to use drugs. You should be ashamed.

>> No.3614627

Drugs help people. Why should I be ashamed?

>> No.3614628

Meditation and self-reflection.

Try taking a week-long back trip sometime. Really clears the mind.

>> No.3614640

Justify your drug use. It's okay. I'm not judging you for that. Don't encourage others to follow your ill-planned path.

>> No.3614656
File: 55 KB, 407x405, 1314018743429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but a somewhat similar place. The thing is:
>waiting for college to begin
>came back from 7 week long back packing trip in eastern europe
>exercise 6 days a week
>teach myself Java around 1.5 hours a day
>read 2-4 hours per day
>play some good cRPGs in free time
However, I still feel like complete and utter shit. I'm waiting for school to start, and I'm signing up for a martial art too. Later I'll get a job.
It just seems that my backpacking trip was REAL... everything was wonderful. The joy, the fear...
But when I come back everything is simply ash in my mouth. Everything is grey, nothing tastes good.
I feel empty.

The only light in the tunnel is the feeling that I'll do the same thing next year. I got 9 months to make around 5kUSD.

>> No.3614670

It makes me feel better. Justified.
That's generally why people take drugs. Have a cough? Cough suppressant. Have a headache? Pain killer.
I don't really see what you are trying to say.

I mentioned MDMA because it pretty much fits the profile perfectly for reversing apathy. In trials it has been found to be a wonderful tool in treating depression, considering that its main effects include increased mood, happiness, empathy, and appreciation for the world around you.

When used responsibly in a therapeutic setting an apathetic person can use MDMA to learn how to care more while not under the influence of the drug.

>> No.3614671
File: 25 KB, 399x399, 1313191285183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things I've tried with no success:
>drinking with people from old job
>helping out family
Things I've tried with small or moderate success:
>working out
>alcohol (but I need too much, not cost effective)
However, you can work out only so many hours per day. You can only read so many hours per day. You can only learn so much stuff a day.
What else is there to try?

>> No.3614677

Working out really is the best. Find something you like and someone cool to do it with.
Riding bikes with your bro is pretty much the awesomest. And you have so much more energy when you bike everywhere.

>> No.3614683
File: 146 KB, 640x480, 1300134182085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and btw. I do have a direction in life. All the learning and exercising is there to push me towards my goal.
I also tried letter writing. Helped out a bit.

>> No.3614695
File: 51 KB, 654x560, 1314014401910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, that's what I plan to do as soon as I get a job and have enough income to buy a bike (books+martial arts ate up a lot of my funding).
It may be the fact that I left all my friends in eastern europe. Here, I only have some acquaintances. There I know people whom I can trust my life with and even had done it a couple of times.
Btw, I know this is not adv. I'm trying to figure out a way to help myself. I believe if I was a bit happier, my productivity could also gain a lot.

>> No.3614733

Once you succumb to using drugs, you'll forever see drugs as an effective and easy solution to your problems. You'll become so blinded by your new way of thinking, that you'll defend drugs to no end, when in reality, the drugs themselves are responsible for your continuing 'quick escape to solution'. It's sad and tragic. It's the reason so many hard-working and devoted people urge kids to resist drugs. It's the reason so many campaigns launch ads targeted at kids to prevent them from trying drugs. Drug use justifies itself but never solves the original problem.

>> No.3614751


You said it yourself,
> I take it about once a year to remind myself that the world isnt entirely a shitfest.
If taking the drugs solves the problem, why do you still take the drugs?