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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3612472 [Reply] [Original]

Ausfag 2nd year eng/sci student here. I was about to buy what appeared to be THE calculator at my university but then checked on the TI site and discovered their new CX model. They're about the same price on ebay. Is it worth getting the CX? I'm mainly concerned about the battery life and if/how much the colour screen will screw that up.

>> No.3612484

TI calculators are overpriced pieces of garbage.

>> No.3612493

Don't waste your money; you probably won't be allowed to use it anyway.

>> No.3612502

OP here. The ONLY calcs I ever see around are TI, and occasionally a Casio. I'm not sure what kind of selection you have in the states, but it's damn limited here. They're allowed on the exams of many subjects here and my course has 3.5 years to go, so whatever I get won't go to waste.

>> No.3612520


where you at?

where you at?

>> No.3612533

Swinburne University, Hawthorn campus, Melbourne

>> No.3612557

Studying what?

>> No.3612561

Meh, you're probably very safe with an 83 Plus or an 89.

>> No.3612576

eng(robotics and mechatronics)/sci(computer science and software engineering)

>> No.3612581

people still buy calculators to school?
they never heard of computers?

>> No.3612584

Is Swinburne good? Looking at getting into an engineering course, undecided on the uni.

>> No.3612591

It was my understanding that NO PROGRAMMABLE calculators are allowed in any exam (unless it's explicitly stated otherwise and the exam is open book...). That was the case when I was an undergrad in any case...

>> No.3612596

It's mostly praised because of the abundance of hands on experience they give compared to other unis. Most students at Swin are having a whine about how disorganised they are, but I hear that about every uni ever. Thus far my lecturers have been anything between fucking awesome and unable to speak english. Monash has internet download limits per student, and I laugh at that to this day. I don't regret choosing here AT ALL.

>> No.3612600

Depends on the units. In mathematics, rules governing calculators are pretty tight of course. They allow programmable in some. In many other subjects, they don't give a shit what you use.

>> No.3612614

Was thinking Monash, or possibly UNSW for the co-op, what's first year engineering like? Hard or partying?

>> No.3612618

Programmable calculators being forbidden is just old people being mad they didn't have awesome resources.

And really, fake difficulty.

>> No.3612648

>Hard or partying?
IMHO, neither. Some of the homework will make you feel like dying, but you'll build a robot out of lego in second semester and have it compete with others. That was a bit of fun.

God fucking dammit can I get ANY insight into the calculator?

>> No.3612711
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>using a calculator past high school

>> No.3612714


>using individual calculators instead of a laptop consisting of a perfect math program

>> No.3612716

Clearly not a mathfag.