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File: 12 KB, 220x247, Mars_atmosphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3611517 [Reply] [Original]


U mad, NASA?

>> No.3611537


>> No.3611573

Not mad at all. It's an achievement of humanity, not a single nation

>> No.3611598


I'll bet you any money there will be rage all over!

>> No.3611602

NASA should be contributing as much as possible as well, this is a human effort. Not a Russ/Eu one, not an American one, etc.

>> No.3611608

I bet you one internet most people won't care about who goes to Mars, as long as someone does it.

>> No.3611607
File: 138 KB, 487x370, rise_against_your_oppressors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>russians are nostalgiaing hard for the old soviet days
>many european countries are leftist
>mars a russo-european colony
>red planet

>> No.3611615

If NASA teamed up they could send astronauts from each space agency to mars

>> No.3611620


I know of one group that will care.

/b/ will care.

I can hear the butthurt and US vs EU wailing now. God help us all.

>> No.3611655

>someone else does something


gtfo 'murikan neckbeard

>> No.3611657

you'd be surprised how backwards alot of the developed word is.

yes, I am making implications

>> No.3611669

>implying you're helping develop the project and mission

>> No.3611674


Not the guy you're referring to, but I thought you should know that I am 'murrican and a neckbeard. Being happy that humanity is doing something good isn't a bad thing. Implying it is in an attempt to rile people up is just low-quality trolling.

1/10 because I responded.

>> No.3611694

I know right, fucking Americans trying to take credit everywhere, just look at the time they said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for America."

>> No.3611842

You're either an idiot or clever.

>> No.3611899

6/10 for effort. not bites though.

>> No.3611923
File: 9 KB, 429x410, 1258732809773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naturally, there's no promise of a target date,

>> No.3611955

Ah yes, primitive tribe mentality, how I love thee.

>> No.3612041

American here.

This is what we deserve for not funding our Space program better.

In all honesty I'm just glad someones fucking taking the initiative here before the Asteroids get us.

>> No.3612043

i knid of find it petty that europe is excluding nasa from this. i think it should be a joint operation between the 3, hell maybe even japan/china! but now i just hope that we beat their asses. way to go, separatist fog monkeys.

>> No.3612046

Why should we work with NASA? What can they give us?

They could barely afford the plane tickets to fly to meetings on their budget.

>> No.3612047

have fun with your amazing red dirt that costs 100 billion to get

>> No.3612077

We need another race for supremacy. There is no bogey man like the Soviet Union to ensure public support for a space programme.

The US government is geared towards making defense contractors and oil companies rich.

>> No.3612081

Yeah, I bet they went out of their way to specifically exclude NASA. Fucking moron.

>> No.3612087

It's actually the US budget that excluded NASA from it.

>> No.3612092

ok, i guess we will take our legions of scientists, brilliant technology designed by the apollo program, and countless new innovations for our mars missions elsewhere. have fun sharing a spaceship for 6 months with smelly russians, fog monkey.

>> No.3612099

>implying 1 annual budget would make a difference in the long run if the budget will most likely be raised to pay for a feat like the mars mission.

i think youre the fucking moron.

>> No.3612100

>Russia goes to Mars
>Russia still needs mass resources far beyond the country's total wealth to colonize it
aw shucks Russia, if only you were the one occupying the middle east

>> No.3612102

> budget will most likely be raised to pay for a feat like the mars mission
>implying NASA's budget won't be cut again next year

>> No.3612108 [DELETED] 

>that feel when I was listening to David Bowie's Space Oddity just as I opened this thread/link

i knew we could make it, humanity.

>> No.3612109

Why are they only sending men up?

It would be like a prison that you can't escape from.

>> No.3612115

Awesome idea!

Turn Mars in a prison colony. Like good old Australia! I bet that will get you money to fund the program.

Someone call Congress.

>> No.3612119

The NASA budget has been cut over and over again. New, exciting projects have been cut and downsized.

The only thing the majority of republicans and democrats have been able to agree on is cutting down NASA.

Unless something dramatic happens, I don't think NASA will be up to being a majority partner in any large space projects in the coming years.

SpaceX and the others, possibly. Not NASA

>> No.3612123
File: 15 KB, 253x249, likeabawss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only thing the majority of republicans and democrats have been able to agree on is cutting down NASA.
Last time I heard Obama wanted to increase the NASA budget, so is he not conforming to the majority of Democrats?

>> No.3612124

This is cool. I'm not particularly butthurt about NASA not being behind this, as it's not terribly surprising, if a bit disappointing. Why can't we just be happy about the advancement of the species.

Not that I think much is likely to come from this within the next decade. Not a "You can't compete with America" thing, just the technological barriers which prevent this are pretty significant and will require a FUCKTON of money to overcome, and no one is really in a position right now to dump the money into a program like this that would allow for such a timeframe.

>> No.3612125

Whether the democrats really do like NASA or not, they have had to vote against it to keep the anti-NASA voters happy.

>> No.3612127

Rage inducing words from the great scholar Ashton Kutcher:


>> No.3612133
File: 603 KB, 601x442, 1313674919181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Bieber or any shitfaced celebrity, I have a new target to trash.

>advocated cutting space money instead of military money

>> No.3612147


I wonder how Charlie Sheen thinks about Mars

>> No.3612151

If americans had announced plans to do this the thread would be full of "lol EU can't into space" etc.

Instead we get "lol it doesnt matter who does it its the advancement of the species"

can americans get any lower than they are? pretty hard since they're the slave dog servants of china but they keep trying, damn are they trying

>> No.3612152

Well he did make his rock star debut there.


>> No.3612153

I wonder how America would feel if Australia started a space program. That would really piss them off

>> No.3612154

Who gives a shit, I share the 'We're all humans' sentiment.

>> No.3612155

You're talking about a country that was fucked over by its own financial sector repeatedly and bailed that same sector out whenever it was in trouble. These obviously aren't the brightest people in the world.

>> No.3612161

>russians arrive on mars
>chinese are already mowing their biosphere lawns

>> No.3612166

Fortress America.
The thing about fortresses is that they're only a re-definition away from a prison.

>> No.3612164


>> No.3612169

Slow down there people, we don't even have a lunar base and you're talking about colonizing Mars.

>> No.3612170


We'll figure that shit out afterwards

>> No.3612171

Sometimes you need to run before you learn how to walk.

>> No.3612172



>> No.3612173


That, and they have the exact opposite design intention. Since form follows function, that means they are exact opposites.

Didn't do very well in logic classes did you?

>> No.3612176

Is there thorium on Mars?

>> No.3612177


Yes, And on the Moon

>> No.3612180

And you haven't studied the history and design of prisons and fortresses, apparently.

Logic, while useful, only works is you apply it right. This time you didn't.

>> No.3612183
File: 305 KB, 745x462, Th_040305_NG_5x5_SmB10_016_EQ75_with2Logos_web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3612195

>brb, buying Acidalia Planitia for /sci/

>> No.3612200

I wonder if we can make Gold Claims on Mars. I call the Northern Hemisphere

>> No.3612204

As soon as more legit sources appear, post in this thread, guys

maybe this guy has his sources, but fuck, when it comes to news this big, i'm always afraid people are full of shit.

>> No.3612203
File: 80 KB, 388x279, 1300069105791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3612210


The news isn't big. The ESA announced they and Roskosmos will hit up Mars in the undisclosed future. NASA announced they're going to build a base on the moon in a decade.

Neither is going to actually happen.

>> No.3612224

This. Announcing they are going to do something sometime is meaningless.

I'm mostly hoping for the US to take it seriously and maybe we can get some kind of Mars race going.. it's the only way we are ever going to get anywhere.

>> No.3612227


Bring the Cold War back.

>> No.3612231


I agree, Who cares about the constant threat of nuclear attack

>> No.3612329

Those people trying to build a seafloor city should reconsider building a Moon colony

>> No.3612332
File: 215 KB, 750x750, 1313393229104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not taking away Mad Scientist's project, let's do both.

>> No.3612360

Just that one is reasonably expensive while the other one is pants-on-head retardedly expensive

>> No.3612386


>Implying anybody in this stupid fucking country cares about space exploration.

>> No.3612393

I do, therefore your claim has been rendered moot

>> No.3612399


This. I'm starting to doubt we'll see humans on Mars in our lifetimes. There's just no political will anymore. Perhaps we won't even witness the return to the Moon. feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.3612406


No, I do too. But nobody I know gives a shit. It's quite unfortunate, really.

>> No.3612407

We will. But not humans on the moon, robots.
Theres a competition on now for the first team to make it

>> No.3612409
File: 16 KB, 500x500, you'll never know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You will not live to see men on Mars

>> No.3612412

Can we even build rockets in our backyards? or is it illegal

>> No.3612414

Who cares. I just wanna go and see the women on Mars.
You, you...

>> No.3612432
File: 60 KB, 748x784, all is lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3612469

Feels like I have the whole weight of Australias future space program on my shoulders. I wonder if Woomera would be a good spot for a proper launch pad

>> No.3612478

Go on. Instant 15-minutes fame.

>> No.3612483
File: 158 KB, 650x366, 296461-copenhagen-suborbitals[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking Copenhagen suborbitals scale

>> No.3612510


I love Jeff Greason

>> No.3612545


>> No.3612573

How do you block cosmic radation?

>> No.3612598

with this


>> No.3612612

Uh huh, sure they are.

>> No.3612636

>implying there isnt a huge american base there already
>implying it hasnt been there for 20 years
>implying the secret space program can't fly to mars in seconds and carry all types of equipment up there due to FTL travel of anti-grav vehicles

>> No.3613557

Be ready for a million American facebook posts talking shit about the achievement. HERP DERP WE COULD BOMB U ANY TIME LOL XD

>> No.3613617


yep this, and make it double if russia will wear the pants in this space program.

>rusia suck ittt cuz usa went to da moon first!!!
>who was the first man on the moon? yeah, america. BOOM ROASTED
>i dunt see yo flag up in da moon rusia
>to bad you lost the cold war russia :PP
>usa is beter then europe in all ways who cares about space program and we went to the moon first anyway so fuck you europ