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[ERROR] No.3610382 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss Schrodinger's cat.

So apart from the many world's explanation, can someone explain exactly what is demonstrated?

>> No.3610415
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according to Schrodinger: that the Copenhagen interpretation is a load of croc

theoretically that you could have a quantum effect on a macro scale, but that is wrong unless the cat is in complete vacuum and in complete darkness, as any particle interacting with the cat would be an "observer" and would collapse the quantum wave function.. making the cat either dead or alive

does that answer your inquiry
> cat animooted

>> No.3610448
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and obviously in the vacuum (no observer) case, the cat is very much dead from exposure to vacuum

>> No.3610460

The probability of the atom decaying and releasing the cyanide to kill the cat is 1/2 at half-life, therefore the cat is alive and dead or some jazz like that

>> No.3610462

The heisenburg uncertainty principle, until a particle interacts with another you cannot know what state it was in.

>> No.3610465

Quantum physics newb here; exactly what is considered an observer?

>> No.3610466
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>> No.3610474

Well you gotta shoot something at the particle to "observe" what state it's in and that will only disrupt the particle, so uncertainty principle.

>> No.3610476

Schrödinger made it up in an attempt to show the Copenhagen interpretation to be absurd. It backfired on him because something being absurd to humans doesn't imply it is wrong (Time is relative and light is both a particle and a wave FFS).

The cat is irrelevant. There is no physical way to determine if the atomic nuclei has decayed or not, so it is an indeterminate state until observed. The fact that the decaying nuclei kills a cat is just obfuscation.

>> No.3610502

In quantum physics the observer is anything which goes into a classically deterministic state after being affected by some indeterminate quantum event. There can be a chain of observers each going into a deterministic state as a result of the state of a previous observer, but the observer is classified as the first in the chain. The film is the observer in the double slit experiment for example. Its molecules go into a deterministic state after being effected by the electrons which have an indeterminate position.