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[ERROR] No.3610180 [Reply] [Original]

FTL by folding space is not precluded by either the laws of physics, nor thermodynamics. Why do you believe it to be impossible?

>> No.3610202 [DELETED] 

I'm sure one day we will
Figure that question out OP.

>> No.3610203

wormholes through HELL

>> No.3610198

Well, folding space would imply you're only shortening the distance between two points and not actually traversing said distance at faster than light speeds.

Event Horizon was a kickass spaceship but it didn't go faster than light; it used wormholes.

>> No.3610211

The laws of thermodynamics is a law of physics so your statement is redundant. FTL travel is not possible due to the law of special relativity, first law of thermodynamics, and several other physical laws.

>> No.3610262
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>traversing said distance at faster than light speeds
It takes light longer to get there then me. I'm faster than light

>> No.3610285
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>The laws of thermodynamics is a law of physics
>The laws is a law
>laws is law
Stopped reading

>> No.3610294

How the fuck would you even "grab on" to space to fold it in the first place?

>> No.3610303
File: 28 KB, 470x330, futurama_0601_wideweb__470x330,0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the spaceship doesn't move at FTL, the universe does.

>> No.3610313

no one said it was impossible.

>> No.3610335
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i don't. i just have no idea how one goes about folding 'space' in the first place. To do that I'd think you'd need something with negative mass, and a hell of a lot of it, in order to fold space enough to travel any distance. Now, if there was a way to create and stabilize micro black holes, they might be used to warp space enough to make something like an Alcubierre possible.

>> No.3610336


That's probably because you're an ass pie.

>> No.3610343

*negative energy

>> No.3610349
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Faster-than-light travel, like most things you see in science-fiction, is a lot like a religion for nerds who won't give up their dreams of being Shepard and saving the galaxy.

First there was Miguel Alcubierre with the alcubierre drive, then it turned out that it required either an already-existing 'bubble', or tracks to be laid down subluminally. Then Hawking goes off to prove that any FTL spaceship/time machine must require negative energy densities, which are quite impossible to obtain because they are instantly supressed. Consider it a loan you must repay several times over within the second of taking it.

Then there were Kip Thorne's wormholes, and, what do you guess? When a wormhole pair is inflated one mouth has to be dragged to the other end -- Subluminally. Go anywhere above 74% of c, and the difference in relativistic time dilation between the two will pop your dear balls of warped spacetime.

Then along came quantum entanglement -- And boo hoo, it can only send randomness.

The last bastion for Faster-than-light travel is Heim Theory.

>> No.3610368

well still, that would be pretty useful even if you could only go 74% of c

>> No.3610369
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>Negative energy
FUCK OFF!!! That negative enough, buddy?

>> No.3610389
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>must require negative energy densities, which are quite impossible to obtain because they are instantly supressed
>because they are instantly supressed
Suppressed is spelled with 2 Ps

>> No.3610675


>> No.3612761
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>> No.3612780

If that is your interpretation of speed, then the light speed is not the maximum speed.

>> No.3612787

What if we, like, folded like, time instead of space.

Like so you take all that time to get where you're going real slowly, but then you fold time and you're there soon after you left.

>> No.3612793

You'd lose temporal consistency.

>> No.3612795


>or tracks to be laid down subluminally.
>When a wormhole pair is inflated one mouth has to be dragged to the other end -- Subluminally.

Its still FTL, after you establish it.

>> No.3612796

>Heim theory

I read that it's essentially pseudoscience and unrealistic.