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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3608349 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never be stupid enough to enjoy the bliss of believing in atheism

>> No.3608359


>implying atheism is a belief

>> No.3608360

I was stupid enough for that in my adolescence.

I like being an agnostic more.

>> No.3608368

>implying agnosticism exists and you're not an atheist in denial

>> No.3608378

in dog we trust

>> No.3608427

>still believing in that 4 Pillars of Belief nonsense


>> No.3608434

Any belief other than Agnostic Atheism is fucking stupid.

>> No.3608437

>implying that agnostics don't know if they want to believe in 'nothing' instead of having spiritual beliefs not tied to any particular religion

>> No.3608442

Until they decide they want to believe in something, they're Atheists.

>> No.3608453
File: 17 KB, 432x288, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ will ALWAYS be stupid enough to fall for this exact same thread

>> No.3608455
File: 5 KB, 126x122, sadhappyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be stupid enough to enjoy the bliss of being trolled by religion threads on /sci/

>> No.3608475


>> No.3608495

Socrateezzz once sed
i only know that i know nothin

agnostics believ that religion and the metafizzicool are unknownable

knowledge n faith are diffrint
i aknowledge theres no way of knoing but i have faith that there is something beyond comprehenshun, be it a diety or colective consciousnes or just sum cosmic force.
i dont rejcet the idea of a god or naything, which is what an aethist dose

by definitin i m agnostic

>> No.3608510


ur spellinge r atroastous

>> No.3608535

he dont care he is agnostik
nothing mattress

>> No.3608574


I just wont to say.. somethings I ingest medication and type things here that dos not make cents.
And that is Y I am Anonymous.

>> No.3608595
File: 1.43 MB, 1195x997, atheism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rather glad that i'm not an atheist

>> No.3608617


I'm glad you aren't too.

>> No.3608623
File: 128 KB, 656x1613, agnostic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3608641

i dun getit
wich 1 suposd ot be the agonstick

>> No.3608643
File: 25 KB, 712x956, agnostics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3608647
File: 42 KB, 393x500, 1311822073560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>these threads still persists through /sci/
>Richard gets banned for "advertising" his synctube.

never change /sci/

>> No.3608688
File: 87 KB, 500x500, atheist wheel of logic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3608706

This is the single trolliest image i've ever seen.

I am sincerely chortling aloud right now.

>> No.3608711


More like "The Atheist Line of Logic".

1. You make the claim that a god exists? Please provide publicly verifiable, peer reviewed evidence that supports your position.
2. I'm waiting....

>> No.3608723


Don't forget the default position is "Claims require evidence."

That one is kind of important.

>> No.3608736


so much butthurt from being called delusional....

>> No.3608754
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my view of it as a don't give a fuck agnostic: lets say the universe is a closed system, multiverse whatever the fuck you want to call all of existence, if god was to exist he must exist beyond the fabric of the closed system and not interact with it to prevent his demise (entropy is a fucker like that) simultaneously his actions would cause the degredation of himself and his creation so being some unimaginable being that is truly incomprehensible beyond the borders of a closed system makes him/whatever IMPOSSIBLE irregardless of physics to detect, remember those closed systems from physics class we never questioned how they got there etc the creation of a closed system is an event without causality and as a result if there was a being who caused it well fuck praying is like asking a women to shove her throbbing cock up your ass

>> No.3608762

> irregardless

>> No.3608766

bad habit of mine stupid uncle says it and I picked it up from him, it annoys me now as it appears casually when i type

>> No.3608769

>Implying being agnostic precludes one from being a theist or atheist.

>> No.3608778

>I will never be stupid enough to erase op and people like him from my memory

>> No.3608787


Only a Deist god would be impossible to detect. A Theistic god is 100% scientifically falsifiable based on interaction with the universe. If you took 10,000 patients with an illness, eliminated all variables, and had half of them prayed for and half of them left alone, results should show deviation from the expected outcome (no change) if a theistic god did indeed intervene. So you might say, "Okay, well you can't detect a Deist god, then." That lends credibility to my argument that god does not exist in that one has ABSOLUTELY NO evidence to support the proposition of a god. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

If I was to say that there was an undetectable invisible unicorn in my back yard, my argument would have no validity, rather than the people arguing against its existence being wrong because "They can't prove it doesn't exist".

>> No.3608792

what i don't understand is that the fucking creator of memetics doesn't realize fully that atheism is indeed a belief so long as you hold an opinion whether that be a religion or hatred there of, or that you thefact that the nigger your sister decided to date needs to die its an opinion and therefore is a belief

>> No.3608803


Atheism isn't a belief because it is the null hypothesis. It is rather, a lack of belief.

>> No.3608810


I lol'd. 8/10, would troll again

>> No.3608825

My whole point was not that a god doesn't exist its that if he does exist well fuck trying to find him is a retarded idea ergo this stupid fucking atheism/religion trolling will continue until we all die in a nuclear holocaust devised by hitler jr. on 2012 the extraordinary claims and evidence required cannot be detected by any law of physics by that standard alone unless god were to interact by 'causing' events with undectable causality which would imply energy creation/destruction which would invalidate physics, for lets just examine if god wanted to alter the course of a single electron in your mind it would add energy to the system my whole point is that when examining god and creation what happens is one gets to the edge of the metaphorical sphere and proceeds to run circles around it, there's no way out through the border and faith is devised of emotional reasoning, yet emotional reasoning is self-reflective and as a result enables one to feed on their own assumptions (which is one of the major problems of any belief theistic/athiestic/or other)

>> No.3608820

atheism by default makes no positive claims. it's not even a choice, it's just a label that our language sees fit to impose on someone that doesn't happen to believe in a god.

>> No.3608831

thats was nice, i laugh

>> No.3608849

when you reject a belief you make a decision (form an opinion) on that belief that you reject whereby you form a new belief ABOUT the other belief that lies in conflict with the orignial ergo lack of belief is the rejection of belief and in turn implies a belief about belief METAMINDFUCK

>> No.3608857


I agree with you that god changing the course of a set of circumstances could potentially violate the laws of physics. Any theist would simply say that god is above the laws of physics, though. Which is where the argument that a theist god is testable through experimentation comes in. If no change is seen, you could argue that god doesn't exist.

>> No.3608855

OP is a retarded troll

>> No.3608861

dat mental gymnastics to justify a sky fairy

>> No.3608891

Atheism itself is not a belief and never will be, that's why it's definition is lack of belief. Hate towards theism is called Anti-theism, which is =/= Atheism.

>> No.3608905

You don't even have to think it's false to think it's retarded to think it's true.

>> No.3608931

so long as emotional reasoning is a component to our knowledge, i.e. (the multitude of heuristics we use to validate our beliefs/ideas: the availability hueristic etc) we will have belief, atheism is the emotional valuation of reason when examining theistic prinicples however that doesn't mean that you simple stop having emotions about it, any time an indiviual becomes 'passionate' or outspoken etc that is emotional reasoning (or as dawkins says it a meme trying its damndest to reproduce) and thought you ever had/have/will have is a meme and by such activity the disregard of theism requires a meme, making it a fucking belief
CAPTCHA: Hello Betrand

>> No.3609023


>> No.3609037


And not collecting stamps is an activity.

>> No.3609043
File: 25 KB, 360x386, 1314046733945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a winrar.


best troll thread today

only EK is a better troll

pic related, it's my cock