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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3606339 [Reply] [Original]

How do we delegate responsibilities? What are the laws, if any, and how do we enforce them? How do we defend our home? What do we produce and export to pay our expenses? What is it like to live 5000 feet above the ground?

/sci/ is at it's best while brainstorming, have at it. And when 2025 rolls around, provided enough people can pony up $35 grand each, and we can get access to a whole heap of lighter than air gas, something like this could plausibly happen.

>> No.3606343

I never asked for this.

>> No.3606345

Living in the air sounds like it would be extremely inefficiently expensive.

>> No.3606347

>delegate responsibilities.
We'll if it is all people from /sci/ we would probably have a meeting to decide on it.

>What are the laws/enforcing them
If everyone from /sci/ decided to live on a floating blimp i doubt any of them would start trouble. If they did we could just kick them out.

If we built it ourselves and owned it i doubt anyone would bother us unless we invented something governments wanted. If so we should develop a defense mechanism first.

>What do we produce and export
This is where all these threads fall short and show that itll never work.

>what is it like to live 500 feet above the ground.
Well if you've been on a blimp before it would just be like that at an extended amount of time.

Anyways, nothing like this will happen in the year 2025.
Everyone's sense of time is skewed.

>> No.3606348


Sure it would be difficult to start with, but it's not like we'd have to be self sufficient. If we need extra supplies, we can just lower basket to the ground with a not requesting helpful passersby to donate anything they can spare.

>> No.3606350
File: 81 KB, 454x355, Hive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should live in an underground bunker. Much safer and they can't spy on us using satellites.

>> No.3606357

>inb4 underwater
>inb4 madscientist

>> No.3606359

I think we should just build a facility under the sea. Floating in air is so boring. It would be way more fun to peer through murky water at the brain coral outside your window.

>> No.3606360
File: 260 KB, 395x385, hey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't need to produce anything.
We take our floating fortress.
Then we go to Africa.
And we threaten shitty nations to give us them stuff.

>> No.3606361

You know a single torpedo can fuck us up?

>> No.3606366

Every fucking week: Let's build an anon/sci/ town hurr durr

>> No.3606372


But this is way better, there'd be no injustice or greed, only science and.... love.

>> No.3606379

Underground base:

- depending on depth we would be protected from nearly every weapon
- if we can produce our own food using underground water we're golden
- we can use a ventilation shaft and when it gets sealed we can produce our own oxygen
- being earthquake prone would not be a problem if we choose least seismic location

>> No.3606385

Oh and if you guys want to produce something, we could mine shit

>> No.3606386

Who the hell would do all the labour work?

>> No.3606388

Duh, robots

>> No.3606392

Not with this level of technology. we would need humans to do most of the labour work, and i know /sci/ is not willing to get its precious hands dirty.

>> No.3606396


I don't see why you're so pessimistic about progress. It's not like we were created with our present level of technology.

>> No.3606399

Im just saying there is no such thing as a perfect society. after a certain amount of time, /sci/town would just end up like america if it is lucky.

>> No.3606422

More like Soviet Russia.
I want thieves and criminals to be shot on sight, or drowned into the sea.
No retarded hippie "justice" system.

>> No.3607470

>kick them out
More like "kick them down".
Also, a single power failure and we are all meat. Not that great of a idea.