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File: 132 KB, 576x1198, gambling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3605757 [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested in making money with Internet gambling. Are there any websites that teach how to count cards 'n shit?

>> No.3605763


>> No.3605772

>Are there any websites that teach how to count cards 'n shit?
Yes, obviously.
>Do you know what they are
No I do not.

>> No.3605802
File: 224 KB, 847x838, hocus cards_edited-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can teach you to count cards OP.

See my pic? There's 3 cards.

>> No.3605834
File: 121 KB, 1600x1067, 4_playing_cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody? Really? I thought it was pretty good...

Ok, how about this one:

I can teach you to count cards OP.

See my pic? THERE! ARE! FOUR! CARDS!

>> No.3605845
File: 20 KB, 500x382, 128911137652836654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605850

under 7 subtract 1
7 add nothing
over 7 add 1

something like that

>> No.3605858
File: 629 KB, 300x232, 1293289113602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605863

First learn to play blackjack perfectly, then learn to count

>> No.3605872

Counting cards is basically assigning values to each card, then adding them up. Then that value dictates the statical probability of the next card, and you base your decision off that. Its not like in the movie 21 where you can tell what the next card will be you can just tell generally.
Also only works in blackjack, just thought Id throw that out there because that isnt obvious to some people. I counted cards with a friend in highschool to clean some cash off of our friends.

>> No.3605877

OP learn poker instead. Not enough money in internet blackjack.

I knew a few people who just made killings off poker. Like thousands of dollars a day rich. Did help that they were good before the net, though one player I know is horrendous.

Bluffs are somewhat important though its more of assigning risk and probability.

>> No.3605881

I've only gambled once in my life. Picked up a pamphlet that explained how odds and payouts work in roulette and calculated the maximum yield for my bet. I calculated I'd get 95% of my money back or something like that. I ended up getting 160% of my money back. I've never gambled since.

>> No.3605948

Okay, so how does one cheat at poker when pokerfaces are irrelevant?

>> No.3605967

you cannot count cards for online games.

>> No.3605976

There must be books about this. My money is that anyone here who knows a lot about this is keeping their mouth shut.

>> No.3605999
File: 28 KB, 432x611, 1298410000896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

counting cards is simple. For every high card you add 1, for every low card you subtract 1. If your number is at -7 what do you think will be next high or low?

>> No.3606003

Why not?

>> No.3606004

Collusion. You'll get caught, though, because you're stupid. I had a couple of friends who did it for a year or so and then got caught. The site just takes all your money and cancels your account and says "fuck you, take us to court if you want, but we're based in some third world country you've never heard of, so good luck."

>> No.3606014

this me.

Yeah this guy is right
You can't count cards online because it's essentially a new deck every round online. My chart I posted will still work for the most part. Supposedly it's a 67% chance of winning, but I don't know who did the math for that so who knows. It's definitely >50% chance of winning anyways.