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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 61 KB, 576x757, lg_engineer%20_poster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3605243 [Reply] [Original]

So how did this "engineers are gay" meme start?
Is there any connection to reality whatsoever, or is another instance of random chan-humor?

>> No.3605253

There is no basis for the engineer/gay meme. If I remember, it started as /b/tard raids who posted gay porn because they hated engineering students at their colleges (jealous).

There is a basis for the biology/hard science meme.

>> No.3605277

Because engineers aren't capapble of scientific thought, hence, engineers are man lovers.

>> No.3605288
File: 158 KB, 250x182, 1295760875072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605292

It is because engineers tend to be anal.

>> No.3605302
File: 72 KB, 300x390, 098029341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several reasons. Engineers exclusively use applied math with little to no understanding of it, which drives pure mathematicians nuts. They also typically make more money and there are more jobs available for them than for people with comparable math/science degrees. Most importantly, they really do suck cocks. In fact, three of them sucked me off in the back of a lecture hall just last week.

>> No.3605308

im not even going to comment in the non sequitur premises, because you are either half, or fully joking. I'm going to comment on the one I assume you are serious about.
>engineers aren't capapble of scientific thought
If you define scientific thought as the use of scientific method, then you are right. But if you mean something more abstract, incorporating elements of rational thought, then I would say that merely for their implementation of logic it should be considered scientific.

>> No.3605318

people are pissed they got some shitty random science degree and aren't making any money

if you want to do something related to science, get an engineering degree

if you want to manage a fast food restaurant, get a degree in physics

>> No.3605327

Management sounds good.

>> No.3605337

Lol this. My Calc II professor got his Bachelor's in Civil Engineering.

>> No.3605339

The fuck are you talking about. Do you KNOW any engineers at all?

All of the fellow students in my engineering program (now entering 4th year) and engineers I know in industry are nothing like that. They definitely have a fundamental understanding of how science works.

As far as a deep understanding of math goes, the mathematical understanding of engineers is similar to the average physicist, although engineers tend to use it less in their work so it probably disappears faster in engineers. Only math/physics majors and math majors have a better understanding of math, and all this really means is that they understand proofs.

>> No.3605346 [DELETED] 

I'm an engineer and I can see where they could be comming from if they were serious.

A lot of people who apply for an engineering course (or at least in my field, mechanical engineering) are extremely socially awkward, and now days it seems that people who fail at socializing with woman decide that they really didn't like woman to begin with an turn gay, which may be a relation, but if they saw how it was they wouldn't even be able to get fucked in the ass.

Anyways, I'm not gay btw.

>> No.3605357

it's a forced meme from bee back when /sci/ was first created

>> No.3605362

Have you ever discussed scientific concepts with an engineer? It's like talking to a a telephone pole.

>> No.3605397

Were not here to discuss, were here to build shit in the most effective way possible. now move on worker and fix that pipe over there.