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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3605029 [Reply] [Original]

>love biology and astronomy
>be absolute shit at math
>barely passed high school calculus
>overall average grades
>mfw I will never practice any science and I will go to a shit community college and pick some stupid major I don't give a shit about because it's easier to get a job in

>> No.3605049

Sounds like most of the people on this board.

>> No.3605054

Sounds like most of the people on this board.

>> No.3605057

Sounds like most of the people on this board.

>> No.3605059

Sounds like most people on this thread.

>> No.3605062

sound like most ppl on dis bored

>> No.3605064

Sounds like most people...wait

>> No.3605068
File: 28 KB, 544x400, spid thre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of the majority in attendance on this forum

>> No.3605071
File: 14 KB, 294x196, 1311973516273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be good at math
>dont practice/study

>> No.3605077
File: 28 KB, 510x375, stop beg fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605079

This. Math wizardry doesn't develop overnight.

>> No.3605087

>>be absolute shit at math

I feel bad for you son, because I got 99 problems but math ain't one.

>> No.3605097

I got .999... problems and 1 aint 1 of them.

>> No.3605206


>> No.3605261
File: 38 KB, 600x441, 1312268626231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3605287

Iron Solomon? That you?
If so, your new stuff is shit and you should feel absolutely terrible about yourself. Get off the radio and go back to writing rhymes for battles. You couldn't write a cohesive and intelligent album if your life depended on it.

>> No.3605418

Go Go Gadget Philosophy Degree!

It's great at parties.

>> No.3605474

>17 replies and no one has said it's not a hard science

>> No.3605483

Okay, but you do realize the actual practice of astronomy is basically all math. There's more math in real astronomy than in engineering.

Not a science.

>> No.3605490

OP here.
That's why I realize I can never do well in it.

>> No.3605503

Well, if you earnestly cannot do math and still like science, then you should look into biology or geology. Both use very little math (no more than algebra or Calc 1). The latter actually can lead to good job prospects.

>> No.3605522


To gett a job in Geology, you're gonna have to be able to do math.
