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[ERROR] No.3601716 [Reply] [Original]

Rhetorical question time.

The rate in which mind numbing forms of media--in that of tabloids, social networks, both leftest and rightest political news bias, et cetera--is increasing at an exponential rate, giving birth to the stupidest generation yet.

Would you rather see us further continue down this path of idiocy by sitting idle and letting the monopolistic fatcats push their intelligence-lowering agenda on the world, or see it reset in the form of glorious riots, fires and intellectual revolution where man fights one another bringing about a post-modern dark age for the greater good.

>> No.3601721

The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.

- Wilhelm Stekel

>> No.3601723
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>post-modern dark age

>> No.3601724


Better a romantic fool than a complacent ninny

- Me

>> No.3601730

> the stupidest generation yet.
I disagree.

>> No.3601732

>>current generation most stupid

This is what every generation thinks.

Every period in history has been herp derp social decline.

>> No.3601736

A broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.3601752

its not that media and related tech makes us more stupid. Its that it decreases our attention span and how our brain works. We don't have to remember information anymore, we can just look up the information on the internet. Anywhere, anytime.

>> No.3601753

I don't understand how that relates to his comment.

>> No.3601760


Those two things are the same.

Also do people really think that a revolution is the only way to overthrow these fuckers? I think it might be, you're not going to hold them up to justice in a Law Court.

>> No.3601762


Cannot into metaphorical analysis? No?

The saying basically means that even though someone may get their information wrong most of the time, that they will still be correct some of the time too.

>> No.3601770

Oh I see,
Why didn't you just say that?

>> No.3601771


The only justice done is the system of courts is the justice of a man who knows the ins and outs of the broken mechanics for which corruption is rampant in; loop holes.

>> No.3601787


Which of course isn't justice. *sigh* I know you knew that. The webs of deceit wrapped tightly around the minds of our fellows is something I find more and more depressing by the week.