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File: 20 KB, 326x509, Patrick Stewart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3600658 [Reply] [Original]

Is the statement "Statements can be true" true?

In attempting to prove that it is true, would you not be invoking that which you are attempting to prove in the first place?

Or am I bullshitting myself thinking that this question is as involved as it appears to me?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.3600669
File: 53 KB, 1113x1016, intro-to-lobs-theorem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loeb's theorem

>> No.3600673

pic is always related

>> No.3600705


Just by haphazard inspection, it seems that this theorem is implying that mathematics is inductive at its core.


>> No.3600712

it's just a crop of the first page of "cartoon guide to loeb's theorem"

good read, it's a fucked up theorem

>> No.3600717

Within a set of axioms, it is impossible to prove those axioms to be self-consistent. It was a nightmare for mathematicians of the time when it was proven that you can't prove math is consistent.

>> No.3600720

> followup
The theorem is basically,

"If a formal axiomatic system can prove that 'if I can prove P, then P' then P."

>> No.3600725

Inductive reasoning is the pride of science and the bane of philosophy.

>> No.3600732

lol at OP trying to prove axioms

>> No.3600736

Recursion: see recursion.

>> No.3600738

Mathematical truth is freedom from contradiction within some axiomatic system. It is well-defined.
Logics tend to be simpler to deal with. Arithmetic's consistency is provably improvable (we must assume it's true as a religious statement), but provable in stronger systems (which themselves are subject to the same provability issue).

Your statement appears philosophical, and I suppose it's true, but statements can be more than true or false in natural languages (paradoxes, "unask the question", ...)
For example "This statement is false" and other stuff having to do with self-recursion.

>> No.3600742

> Mathematical truth is freedom from contradiction within some axiomatic system. It is well-defined


>> No.3600750

But you can encode a computational machine (which itself uses a subset of arithmetic) and have this machine 'reason' about the axioms of some other system (such as itself or some more powerful system).
Either way I didn't mean well-defined in the same system. I meant it in a meta-mathematical sense.

>> No.3600765

Yeah, I see that now. Hasty as fuck, sorry.

>> No.3600800
File: 82 KB, 599x449, 1300186608666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think language can be used to produce an illusion that causes concepts to be perceived as paradoxical and or illogical when the underlying facts remain uninhibited. I think this is one of those, yup OP.

>> No.3600820

maybe I'm just tired, but you're confusing causation with an artificial logical construct used to interpret said observation

things don't obey rules just because you say so

>> No.3600897

In math they do.

>> No.3600910





>> No.3601010
File: 169 KB, 400x400, 1303459604036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3601137

>In attempting to prove that it is true, would you not be invoking that which you are attempting to prove in the first place?

Sort of. You would have to "jump up a level" to make statements about statements. And we don't have a system of communicating other than well.. statements. For argument's sake you could decide that "thoughts" are of a higher level than statements. It wouldn't be a real mathematical proof of course.

>> No.3601398


short answer is, in bivalent logics, any well-formed formula COULD be true (satisfiability) within that logic

A formula A in a language Q is satisfiable if it is true for some interpretation of Q

modifying your statement to "well formed formulas can be true" makes it true in bivalent logics