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[ERROR] No.3597497 [Reply] [Original]

doing some research into the ideal society
does /sci/ have any opinions on Utopia?

>> No.3597510

Don't tolerate religion.

>> No.3597515

I think there are far too many morons who think that having a good ideal in mind means they know how to make it happen.

See; Zeitgeist, and the Venus Project

Personally, I think a welfare capitalism (aka social democracy) looks good, like in the Scandinavian countries. Universal education and healthcare paid by progressive taxes, but a market economy to retain responsiveness and efficiency.

>> No.3597538

I could upload my mini essay on my utopia I wrote a little while ago, if you want.

(before I knew about zeitgeist or venus project)

>> No.3597544

Imagination is often better than what's possible, and almost always better than what's practical. Even if we were somehow able to implement a Utopia, we would either find new faults with our way of life or we would run out of societal obstacles and get bored.

>> No.3597555

> or we would run out of societal obstacles and get bored.
I fully agree with the rest of your post, but I don't think this is a concern. A society in which people are bored is not a good society. It's a zoo for humans.

Besides, we seem to have an infinite appetite for entertaining each other, even if only a fraction of us want to expand through the stars. When true VR comes around, I don't see that ever getting boring.

>> No.3597564

go for it man :)
then boredom would become a societal obstacle

>> No.3597584
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Ok. 1/3


Yeah after writing this, I've since come to a similar conclusion. Essentially, that we define ourselves by our conflicts and that, in a way, current society is a utopia.

>> No.3597588
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>> No.3597592
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>> No.3597611

You might like this story. They also paint a utopia that has universal surveillance, which is a major point of concern for a lot of people. The political structure has to be carefully considered to prevent this becoming a police state with a dictator.


They only pull it off with the help of what is basically strong AI.

>> No.3597625

>the only punishment for every crime is banishment or involuntary scientific research
That's fucking harsh.

Also, you don't seem to address the political structure at all. Dystopia here we come.

>> No.3597649


Yeah, mine is fairly similar. That "layer of computers spanning the area of island" is essentially for those various purposes.


Yeah, it technically isn't complete, but there virtually is no political structure anyway. There are no laws except for physical abuse and murder... Money doesn't exist so you can't really steal things... Rape isn't really a problem given the freely available sex parlor... There's really no rhyme or reason to commit a crime.

>> No.3597660

>there virtually is no political structure anyway.
>Money doesn't exist so you can't really steal thing
Whelp, you're doomed to becoming an authoritarian dictatorship. Some people just want power, and there is never enough.

>There's really no rhyme or reason to commit a crime.
Tell that to Comrade Stalin.

>> No.3597664

humanists are savant retards

>> No.3597688

>thinks rape is about wanting to have sex and not wanting to have control

>> No.3597689


By who? I mean you can't just randomly declare you run a place... I don't understand why you would think that. Seems like a non sequitir to me.

Plus, I forgot to write this in, which is funny given how major an impact it has, but prior to the creation of the island nation, each and every citizen is screened to meet certain qualities. Anyone who wants power for the sake of power will not be included in the initial settlers admitted to the island.

>> No.3597691

not bad, but a bit oppressive for my taste. those bimonthly psychological checkups can be as stifling to some as they are helpful to others
tl;dr. ill pick it up later

anyway, huxley (in brave new world) seemed to think the only way people would ever achieve happiness is through forced conditioning in childhood and fierce control of the population. in other words, a human society has to choose between freedom and happiness. any thoughts?

>> No.3597693

>By who? I mean you can't just randomly declare you run a place... I don't understand why you would think that. Seems like a non sequitir to me.
Power vacuums WILL be overtaken by those who want power. Just saying "there is no political structure" doesn't make it so.

>> No.3597697

>Anyone who wants power for the sake of power will not be included in the initial settlers admitted to the island.
And who will watch the psych evaluators?

>> No.3597705

>anyway, huxley (in brave new world) seemed to think the only way people would ever achieve happiness is through forced conditioning in childhood and fierce control of the population. in other words, a human society has to choose between freedom and happiness. any thoughts?
I think Huxley was painting a warning, not an inevitability. He commented on how he liked the idea of being forced to two choose between two insane options (the city and the savages), but that if he wrote the book again he might include a sane alternative. Like the island where all the intellectuals were exiled.

>> No.3597718

each other?

>> No.3597719

>not bad, but a bit oppressive for my taste.

Could you explain that further, because that seems to be a common perception and I honestly can't see why.

>Anyone who wants power for the sake of power will not be included in the initial settlers admitted to the island.


The assessment for acceptance to the island is a one time thing and that isn't conducted by the psych evaluators. Even the psych evaluators are assessed prior to the initial settlement.

>> No.3597723

Here's what I was referring to, in his foreword to the 1946 edition, see the bolded parts especially:

>> No.3597731

Instant oligarchy. The psych evaluators will slowly edge towards despotism, and eventually be overtaken by a charistmatic sociopath who pretends to act in the favor of the society. Their entire function is to "weed out the undesirables". That will VERY quickly produce the tyrannical final result, in the second generation if not the first.

>> No.3597733

A technological meritocracy, bordering on the fascist, or a technological anarchy.

>> No.3597735

>The assessment for acceptance to the island is a one time thing and that isn't conducted by the psych evaluators. Even the psych evaluators are assessed prior to the initial settlement.
It's conducted by SOMEONE. The lack of concern here is a very serious problem.

>> No.3597738


It's conducted by me. Problem?!!?!

>> No.3597739

There is always going o be violence and suffering so long as freedom exists. Personally, I value freedom more than happiness.

>> No.3597745

I thought so. YOU'RE the new Stalin.

It's ok, most teenagers re-envisioning society put themselves as the supreme leader. You'll probably grow out of it.

>> No.3597750

I don't believe there is an inevitable tradeoff. Same with knowledge and happiness.

HOWEVER, I think there MIGHT be an inevitable tradeoff between maximizing the long-term survival of our species and maximizing our short-term personal happiness. It would be nice if we could change our nature a bit to make sure those two goals coincide.

>> No.3597764

no system for allowing individuals to change their field of study, the video cameras will stifle the psychological need for periods of solitude and bimonthly psychological checkups allow psychologists not only to dictate but enforce what is deemed 'normal' by society
might also want to put in some necessary birth control system. without murder and disease, you get overpopulation, which is disastrous for well being, happiness and order

>> No.3597769 [DELETED] 

Then we remake the universe to suit our eventual post-human goals. We change the fundamental nature of the universe, eternity or nothing. Screw happiness, humanities glory should stretch from here to eternity.

>> No.3597770


lolol. Seriously you need to learn to take a joke. Tying desperately to find a single fault with my utopia isn't exactly a sign of maturity y'know. But I mean it's not that hard to have an objective bias assessment that isn't controlled by any ONE person. What if I answered I just paid some psychologists in America to conduct the assessment, but they themselves weren't permitted to the island. Then it doesn't really matter does it because they have no effect on the island from then on out. So... where's my next flaw, o' wise sage of 4chan?

>> No.3597771

> without murder and disease, you get overpopulation
I generally agree with your post, but this is wrong. Russia and Japan aren't in population contraction because of "murder and disease".

>> No.3597782
File: 352 KB, 1896x1387, This is also what the future will look like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then we remake the universe to suit our eventual post-human goals. We change the fundamental nature of the universe, eternity or nothing. Screw happiness, humanities glory should stretch from here to eternity.

>> No.3597776


Getting that defensive can't be a good sign.

>> No.3597780

Your entire lack of thought for the political structure, for one. The psych evaluators will become the new Party. And you don't even discuss how decisions are made besides psych evals. Who makes those decisions? Probably the psych eval guys again.

You should WANT me to criticize your plan, so that you can improve it.

>> No.3597787

Great, good drive, and I approve of the reference in the pic, but I'm talking about making sure we aren't all killed by aliens or something.

It's about changing ourselves to maximize our chances of survival, not just restructuring reality. That latter goal presumes victory for perpetual human survival already.

>> No.3597795 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 200x177, 1313866372634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm talking about making sure we aren't all killed by aliens or something.

>It's about changing ourselves to maximize our chances of survival, not just restructuring reality.

I agree completely.

>> No.3597798

Why do we need ideal society again?

>> No.3597800

huxley thought we could
see brave new world in which people are conditioned from birth to be happy doing what society needs them to do, and Island in which society is conditioned to work toward individual happiness as a goal, and individuals instructed on how to achieve happiness within themselves and through each other. admittedly, in island, they get invaded by people outside the system. however, this would not happen if the principles were applied to the whole human race. anyway, the island wasnt industrialised, and in BNW society was controlled to the point that over consumption would be down to mismanagement

>> No.3597802

Excellent. Let's hope that we get the human brain figured out enough for mind uploading during our lifetimes.

>> No.3597803


Well the fields of study are chosen by themselves and I never said they couldn't change it..

Also, I've pretty much decided against the bimonthly psych evals a little bit ago. Opting instead just for freely available medical and Bi-yearly total check-ups (psych and physical)


Don't see how I was overly defensive...


That's you don't seem to understand. THERE IS NO POLITICAL STRUCTURE. Why are you so married to the idea of being controlled by someone. And the psychologists have no more power of control than anyone else I don't know where you got that idea.

>> No.3597804
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>I'm talking about making sure we aren't all killed by aliens or something.

>It's about changing ourselves to maximize our chances of survival, not just restructuring reality.

I agree completely.

>> No.3597811
File: 55 KB, 599x463, billions and billions of feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3597820

>That's you don't seem to understand. THERE IS NO POLITICAL STRUCTURE. Why are you so married to the idea of being controlled by someone. And the psychologists have no more power of control than anyone else I don't know where you got that idea.
This is just naive. As I said before, "there is no political structure" just means "society will be controlled by the first person to volunteer to do so".

You have no structure in place to prevent this. The initial psych evals will keep out some truly insane people, but sociopaths would get through once in a while. They can be very intelligent and charistmatic, and good at manipulating people. Passing psych evals is largely about knowing the right answers.

>> No.3597839


You seem to have an entirely wrong idea of the nature of this place. No offense, as it is a ridiculous thought experiment anyway, but someone like yourself would not be admitted to this island.

The psych evals aren't some sort of tool to make sure no one's going crazy and then lock 'em up at the earliest convenience. There are for the mental health of the populace.

And why would a completely content populace just randomly listen to some guy? What could he offer them that they aren't already getting?

>> No.3597840

There can't be NO political structure.

>> No.3597842

Yes there can it's called anarchy.

>> No.3597846
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The Culture is pretty much one of the best societies there is. A lot of it is grounded in technological wizardry and post-scarcity though, so it's kinda cheating.

>> No.3597865

Utopia would be a lot more simple with a omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent dictator. this is why religion gets off so lightly in their ideas of the afterlife. in practical terms, this would be a genious level ruler with full jurisdictional powers and access to a whole host of surveillance equipment and psychological understanding. and an army. naturally no human could fulfil this role, and even if one were to be found who could, he would eventually die. so what about AI? are we ready to submit to our robot masters, /sci/?

>> No.3597872
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>mfw brave new world sounded kinda nice

>> No.3597880
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>naturally no human could fulfil this role, and even if one were to be found who could, he would eventually die.

>> No.3597881

I'd rather hook up to some mind-uploading VR tech and launched myself into space. I mean, why not go all the way?

>> No.3597888

> ideal
> society

Pick one. What is desired in a utopia will be achieved by making society itself obsolete.

>> No.3597904


>> No.3597898


>> No.3597913

let nature take its course

>> No.3597919


Solution found.

>> No.3597921


What's the rating for? Are you implying I'm trolling?

>> No.3597924

nature has taken its course, and life is shit, except for the chosen few. also globalwarmingoverconsumptionwe'reallgoingtodie etc

>> No.3597929

im implying it was a magnificent post
i lol'd

>> No.3597930

yeah but it'd suck if you're interested in shit like science or philosophy, there was no place for those kinds of people in that society. If it didn't bring immediate sensory pleasure it was discarded.

>> No.3597931

If we were to enter a society like Brave New World, I wouldn't be too beat up about it. All in all, the heavy majority of people seem happy and satisfied with their lives all the while the society itself maintains a great level of order.

>> No.3597945
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Oh. Thanks!

>> No.3597950

> life is shit, except for the chosen few.
Someone hasn't studied history. If life is shit TODAY, what was it 200 years ago?

>> No.3597946

if you were that interested in science/philosophy/beauty etc, theyd single you out and put you among the intellectual elite on a remote island
or theyd make you lord of everything

>> No.3597955

Of course you wouldn't, Epsilon.

>> No.3597956



>> No.3597991


>> No.3598004


>> No.3598009

Most conceptions of utopia in which human beings retain some say in politics require human nature to change.

The only way we can have utopia without a changed human nature is to design the environment around human beings, assuming the full range of typical behavior. Make the habitat itself such that it provides for all needs and protects us from ourselves.

tl;dr designing Utopia is much like designing a zoo enclosure for the human animal, to a high standard that would keep the occupants comfortable, entertained and fulfilled.

>> No.3598529

If you're still here OP...
Nice background to your Utopia. But, transportation only around the island? What if you need to get to the center? You walk? (That's what is implied in your text.)
Also, the rape thing... someone already said it, but rape is about, mostly, having the woman you can't. The one that doesn't want you. Also about domination and fear. No society is free of it, but you can criminalize it as much as possible... Create an island to where all the rapists are shipped. As far away as possible, making swimming to any other impossible. Drop food/water for them not to starve. Let them eventually die or kill each other.
Also, your society sounds a little too much technologically advanced... this might end up with things like the "indians" from Brave New World happening. What would be done out of them?