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[ERROR] No.3595652 [Reply] [Original]

If women are equal to or better than men, why do men rule the wold and women don't?

men: ∞
women: 0

>> No.3595656

women are genetically predisposed to seek power through the manipulation of men, so if a woman was in power you probably wouldnt even know it.

the US government is currently ran by hillary clinton and michelle obama, for example.

>> No.3595775

Ruling things is for chumps. Women got it all figured out.

>> No.3595777

Men make all the money.

Women spend all the money.

Who do you really think is coming out ahead here?

>> No.3595783

The credit card companies?

>> No.3595784


This. Though not as bad as implications might have it.

The kinds of things women did in history did not normally get written down. In family and community life, women have always had just as much power as men, and we all know it. But the stuff individuals do at this level is forgotten after a generation or three. In the larger, more abstract groupings of whole societies and civilisations, men have had far more overt, hard power. This stuff gets written down. And it is important stuff, and deserves remembering, but it's not the whole story.

>> No.3595788

men seek violence.

women seek peace.

Women would be better to rule over the nations. that is unless women has some overdose of testosterone.

>> No.3595799
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>women seek peace.

>> No.3595801


>get hit dozens of times by women

>never been hit even once by a man

>never hit anyone in my whole life

My experience is that women are more casually violent than men.

>> No.3595807

hey fuck you guys... there's nothing wrong with sitting at home and partying and drinking while my man makes all of the money. okay motha-fucka's? it don't even matter, all I gotta do it bend over every now and then. keep thinking you vaginaless manchilds are better than the female race. you watch porn to bitches smothering dudes. shit, at least you seen it. taste the pussy. *(|),

>> No.3595811


sexist asshole.

>> No.3595820


Go back to /b/, troll.

>> No.3595825

Women just don't think logically

>> No.3595831

you mad? would you wanna hook up? I'm a nice girl and I only send my pictures to a few people. if you shoot me your email, I will send you some special pictures, you won'r be disappointed!

>> No.3595840


No, not mad. I just prefer to keep my trolls in one place, so they're easier to keep track of.

Also: Sure, shoot me some pics. I'll be ready with the harpoons.

>> No.3595987
File: 41 KB, 332x500, dsc_4900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here I am. what's your email?

>> No.3596010
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If it is cheaper to have women hired...
The why don't all the worlds companies only hire women?

>> No.3596037

Because humans as a collective are retarded and believed religious text written by bitter virgins like OP that told them men are superior to women. This became apart of our culture and it's been irriversible ever since because humans are stubborn and gay.

>> No.3596038

The government should tax men and given to women to make up for the wage gap.

>> No.3596040

Sexual harrasment lawsuits cost alot.

>> No.3596051


>> No.3596054

Men are ego maniacs that jack off over power. Women are chill and don't give a fuck.

>> No.3596057

Probably because women kept getting pregnant. That shit will hold you back.

>> No.3596062

Because the capitalist system is about hatred of women and blacks.

>> No.3596070


They cost less for a reason.

>> No.3596073

Lets consider ants, the males may appear to be in control. They get the food, fight for protection and pretty much run the ant hill.
But they're all whipped like bitches by the ant queen.
Humans are the same, if this weren't true, OP wouldn't be so butthurt.

>> No.3596100

oddly, this is my experience as well.....

>> No.3596258

BEcause social pressure makes men eager to prove they're not homosexuals so they have to dominate to gain status. If they don't they are thrown on the bottom of the social foodchain, where faggots live.

For women, they have to obey to prove they're not lesbians, ie boys with vaginas. If they act like stubborn bitches society punishes them for not being women (although they may feel like boys with vaginas sometime).