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[ERROR] No.3592014 [Reply] [Original]

Got a question /sci/ since weed is so controversial would it be possible to either breed out or genetically modify the plant so it has no THC and than all you would have left is a plant that is good for hemp? It's no longer a drug so would they still ban it or how would they justify banning it? I always hear hemp is so cheap but being linked to weed kills any chance of it being used for industrial purposes. I am not interested in the morality or drug debate just if its possible and what the economic impact would be.

>> No.3592028

I guess a bump. I was just thinking at work (very boring and requires no attention) and i thought it would be a decent solution if possible, you couldn't smoke it and it would be EXTREMELY cheap. I know the textile and lumber industries would shit themselves trying to stop it but beyond "its drugs its evil!" i can't think of anything they could say or do.

>> No.3592039

should I try int?

>> No.3592045

Yes you could easily genetically engineer the plant so it no long has THC(the plant uses it to protect it from drying out since the place where it originated scarcely sees rain)

>> No.3592054

no longer*

>> No.3592055

Its already been done.

>> No.3592057

So...has anyone tried?

>> No.3592059

can i get a link and do they have any plans to do anything with it?

>> No.3592064


Just to expand on this:

Q: What is Industrial Hemp?
A: Industrial Hemp is a number of varieties of Cannabis sativa L. that are intended for agricultural and industrial purposes. They are grown for their seed and fiber content as well as the resulting byproducts such as oil, seed cake, hurds, etc. Industrial Hemp is characterized by being low in THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) and high in CBD (cannabidiol). THC is less than 1% and in Canada and Europe the current legal level for cultivation is 0.3%. The ratio of CBD to THC is greater than one.


>> No.3592083

Sorry I'm a little slow, so your saying its still too high to legally produce?

>> No.3592090

enjoy adicction and eventual disconection to reality

>> No.3592110

>I can't read
Thats /b/ level trolling, step up your game son.

>> No.3592302

If this becomes legal people are just gonna extract all the THC out of dirt cheap pounds of hemp.

>> No.3592597


Even if it was 0.00% THC it would still be illegal because the law (I assume its the same in the U.S) does not distinguish between levels of THC in the cannabis plant. It's the plant it's self which is illegal to sell and posses regardless of how much THC is in it.

>> No.3592606

ya remove the thc then give the new seeds to the growers to grow and sell the weed without thc

>> No.3592682

Well, here is the genetic sequence:

>> No.3592686

industrial hemp already has very low amounts of thc and is no good for smoking

why is still illegal to farm it? Politicians are idiots

>> No.3592693

Why is hemp with high levels of THC still illegal?
Politicians are idiots.

>> No.3592704

Weed was declared illegal by politicians in the pay of the alcohol manufacturers.

Monopoly mercantilism in action.

>> No.3592741

Could we inject the genes responsible for the production of THC into another plant and have that produce THC, and would this be legal?

>> No.3592763

The female plants are the ones that blossom and produce the most THC. The male variants may have some THC, I'm not sure, but it's a very small amount.

The real reason marijuana became illegal is because it impeded on someone else's production. Right as people were discovering that you could use hemp for everything (paper, fuel, rope, and more) a certain texture company (I believe it was textiles) started a gigantic slandering campaign to make people think it was this terrible plant and that they should instead buy his products. Despite tests showing that smoking the plant yielded no negative results, deals were made to outlaw cannabis entirely.

In the south, certain officials didn't like marijuana because it "enlightened darkies" to the point where "they think they're just as good as whites"


>> No.3592777

For those that don't have any 4chan plugins/extensions, the first video is "Hemp for Victory", a film made in 1942 by the US department of agriculture promoting hemp.

The second video is a short history of cannabis and the uses of hemp.

>> No.3592799

Cannabis is proven to kill cancer cells, it can almost be considered a 'cure-all'. Big-pharma wouldn't be doing too well if this wonder drug was legalized.


>> No.3592823

That's exactly what I'm wondering. THC isn't a protein though, so you would have to isolate the genes that make all the proteins that go into making THC, then figure out the metabolic pathway.

Here's hoping someone actually does it. There was a joke/hoax going around the net a while ago about a guy who made oranges with THC.

>> No.3592838
File: 14 KB, 294x196, 1311973516273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i should smoke weed erra day?

>> No.3592859

No, weed butter on your breakfast toast is the best choice.

>> No.3593163


The problem is it's not just THC that produces the effects of smoking cannabis. You would need to isolate every chemical in the plant that is involved in producing the desired psychoactive effects.

That alone would cost a considerable amount of money but to then either replace them with other chemicals in a different species of flower or even make synthetic versions of the isolated chemicals would require large sums of research money.

Making a synthetic compound is personally my favourite way of going about it. You could then just spray it on to what ever you wanted, food, cigarettes, water. This was already done to some degree with the famous "Spice" brand which used JWH-018, sprayed on some useless legal herbs to produce an effect really similar to that of cannabis but the high still fell short of a cannabis replica as it was only synthesized from THC instead of as mentioned all the chemicals that produce the effects cannabis has.

It will likely happen at some point. All it needs is a billionaire with a passion for cannabis to fund the research in a private lab.