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[ERROR] No.3591624 [Reply] [Original]

Oh crap, time for the "big decision" of which boring required fulfillment class to take

anthropology vs. sociology vs. geography

i'm a computer science major, which of these three would be most useful to me in a professional sense, and not a waste of a class slot?

>> No.3591627

geography, preferrably with GIS.

Also, don't be a moron.

>> No.3591635

yeah geography.

>> No.3591650

i'm not sure if the class will be....."advanced" enough for that.
also apologies for thinking humanities isn't important for my major or professional career, because it isn't

>> No.3591660

Meh, it worked for my degree.

And you're still a moron because you can't figure out what'd be useful.

>> No.3591664

geography, but only if it'll involve computers at some point

otherwise, try anthropology, you get more interesting factoids/stories about indian tribes from that

>> No.3591683

oh, that's what you meant
well i pay almost no attention to those professions so.....

>> No.3591694

Anthropology might help you to understand organization behavior. One example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_cult_programming

Useful skill to have.

Geography might be useful or totally worthless depending on the course.

>> No.3591697

as an anthropology major I'm going to say anthropology.
I majored in chemistry but took anthro and changed because it was that interesting. 1 year later and I absolutely love going to class now. i learn the coolest things that are preparing me for the coolest job.

>> No.3591704

humanities classes are often 50% regurgitated common sense, 50% new, cool stuff

you will probably learn something interesting in all the classes. i'm an applied math major currently doing work in sociology/econ

>> No.3591714

Well you're not gonna get a career from an undergrad degree, so quit bitching.

You never know, so sociologist or antropologist will need some programmer to do some shit and you'll be all "Fuck that noise, I just dropped out of college cause I'm an idiot who thinks liberal arts is for fags".

>> No.3591731

thats why you get an advanced degree.
anthropology has a 100% employment rate with an advanced degree.

>> No.3593496

OP here
i think i will into geography this semester, might as well write a small program to go along with it though, i really need to boost my portfolio with anything and everything