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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3590443 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3590460
File: 107 KB, 802x1001, Jerryseinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting on /sci/
>I'd like to believe that you guys don't do things like that

>> No.3590472

>Man has just risen up from the ashes of World War X
>New medieval age occurs; dragons exist because of nuclearized lizards from the war

It will be beautiful

>> No.3590479

Did you know? I heard people 160 years ago used to store food in plastic containers and wash their hands with soap.

Seriously? Haha wow, no wonder they only lived to be 85. Didn't they realize that shit would give them cancer?

>> No.3590475
File: 154 KB, 597x480, 1270082575245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who wants to come with me wingflying over Valles Marineris next rotation?

>> No.3590704
File: 234 KB, 740x523, m1830013_BRCOVERART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is now the year:


>> No.3590720

>he stores his food in restructured fecal matter

>> No.3590734


What's even worse, some even stored pseudoplastic tomato paste within refrigeration units.

>> No.3590758
File: 21 KB, 200x281, 200px-Ghostwhowalks2040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's now the year 2040.

>> No.3590759

>still measures time with archaic units like years instead of planck time
>time measurement epoch still based on "religion"

>> No.3590761

>be 2174
Immortality is near. Interstellar travel is near. Colonization of Mars is near. Capitalism vs Communism vs Socialism debate tomorrow at 26:00


>> No.3590955

343 years until Firefly.

>> No.3591142

I'm 188 years old. Actually, I'm dead. Wishing I'd have live during this time :)

>> No.3591147

has ep 3 been announced yet?

>> No.3591241

AI has surpassed humans in every way. Humans now only exist as research subjects for robots to gain the last bit of human thought potential before they are wiped out for good.

>> No.3591270

Eliezer Yudkowsky made a "Friendly AI" that made him grand overlord of Earth. He sits on a throne made of skulls, while his AI makes giant cheesecakes to oppress the population.

>> No.3591309

>be 2174
>be a deformed bulb of cells in some life-extending machine connected with various complicated machines and computers
>assume control over satellite controlled self-impersonating robots
>still posting on 4chan
>'living' the dream

>> No.3591315

Nope, but Left 4 Dead 21 came out, and Team Fortress 3: Hat Edition is coming out in November.

>> No.3591358

i loled so incredibly hard

>> No.3591386

>engorged half AI brain
>installed several hundred penises and robot arms
>also, virtual penises
>absorb doujins from around the world and process them in parallel with my huge brain
>masturbating at the speed of light

>> No.3591390

>Bulb of cells
>Living the draem
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3592590



>> No.3592622 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 300x200, teal'c crazy haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live life connected to a virtual reality
>I am Superman in this virtual reality
>programmed it so I don't actually know it's a virtual world.
>mfw I am Superman.

>> No.3592638
File: 6 KB, 192x144, BobPage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use nanites to nanoaugment my body so I can easily use a machine that manipulates matter on a sub-atomical level
>create AI that controls all communications on earth
>upload my consciousness and merge with the AI
>I am god

>> No.3592641

These threads have lost their charm after Duke Nukem Forever was released.

>> No.3592646 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 814x500, no-country-for-old-men-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you're still a Nigger

>> No.3592653


yes of course, your the only person on the planet with access to nanotechnology and can some how magically control all communications of the future because obviously things to stop that wouldn't exist.

stupid cunt.

>> No.3592655



But in the year 2174, we know Duke Nukem was lost in the records of history and recreated.

We're obviously waiting for Duke Nukem: Forever to be released

>> No.3592656
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>> No.3592668

I was only trying to reference deu-

oh fuck it. ur a fag lol

>> No.3592683

>Living in Kalamath area of Oregon
>helped construct Arroyo
>Trying to get by in a post-nuclear wasteland

>> No.3592690

I just hope we don't nuke ourselves back to the stone age in 2077.

>> No.3592692
File: 197 KB, 1024x768, lastbattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waging battle for civilization against remaining religious savages as they storm our arcologies
>Screaming apelike horde has surrounded my squad on a mountainside
>The sky is red with embers as my home arcology burns
>Their sinewy, muscular, feral looking platoon leader has torn the powered armor from my body and clutches me by the neck
>I savor the look of panic in his eyes as I draw a concealed drillsword and plunge it into his ribcage
>The whine of the drill motor is drowned out by his final howls of pain as the drillblade wraps his guts around it

>> No.3592699


No worries the American Government has sent Vertibirds to aide us!

>> No.3592700


Now of course it's 2174 but shouldn't a feral savage have a standard anatomy?

Also, you suck if you have firearms and powerarmor and almost get beaten by a savage.

>> No.3592701
File: 28 KB, 500x265, canadian..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of the world might be as described in this thread, but...

>> No.3592710


But if those savages got a hold of the experimental focused emp gun, or pulse gun, your power armor is worthless

>> No.3592709


>Up into ribcage through stomach
>Savages are 8 feet tall and built like gorillas
>Why are you arguing semantics and not suiting up for battle

>> No.3592713


The song in my head as I read this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c98gIxCe1zo

>> No.3592717

>not hardening and shielding your electronics

>> No.3592719

>not using the prototype pulse gun that was specially designed to bypass this shielding

>> No.3592722


Its all tech thats 200 years old... and there was no reason to shield it because the only reason to was experimental at the time human advancement ceased

>> No.3592730

> human advancement ceased
I reject this premise

>> No.3592731
File: 16 KB, 424x494, imperium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly kids and your vidya games. Get back to work, the next drone ship is due for Jupiter orbit insertion in 20 minutes and that fusion fuel won't scoop itself... at least the drone won't do it without your supervision.

You can always go relax in the sex-dome after work. Get cracking, we're only at 68% fuel reserves and we're due for a rush of torch ship arrivals in 3 days.

>> No.3592740

by 2077 the destructive nature of man will be able to sustain itself no longer.

>> No.3592742


You're right technically the Enclave still was advancing forms of Power Armor. However, there was no need to reinforce against EMP as there is no known EMP weaponry

>> No.3592771

>by 2077 the destructive nature of man will be able to sustain itself no longer.
Global population will already have gone into decline by then.

>> No.3592774

And the luddites went out of their way to acquire, understand, and repair ancient tech? Not very plausible.

>> No.3592779


But with the ever increasing demands by growing nations such as china and India for diminished natural resources tensions come to a head

>> No.3592788


This is true. Which is why only groups who had ties to the military before the fall of civilization know how to use the armor.

>> No.3592821

It won't come to a full-scale war, if you ask me. Our trade relationships are too important.

However, if peak oil is bad enough that the global economy dies anyway.... but I don't think that's the case.

>> No.3592845


Well it turns out the reason America isn't drilling for oil in Alaska wasn't for the polar bears; no they knew that the rest of the world would run out of oil and they'd be the only ones left.

China decides to invade Alaska to take the oil for themselves. Americans invent power armor and kick Chinese ass. Someone launches the first nuke, possibly aliens who knows, and the world ends in 8 minutes

>> No.3592864

Except you're wrong, it will not end, it will merely be the prologue for another bloody chapter in man's history.

>> No.3592865

>be 2011
>think people will think they will want to live in virtual reality
>play video games 24/7 in present time and still see why this is retarded

>> No.3592871


Very true. Let me rephrase, The world is reset in 8 minutes.

>> No.3592873 [DELETED] 

>mfw this thread became a huge fallout reference
>mfw I have no face

>> No.3592877

Hey, /sci/.
Remember in 2011 when people actually died from old age?
Must have sucked.

>> No.3592876

should have used boonewithdeathclawsidontgiveafuck.jpg

>> No.3592884 [DELETED] 


>mfw mission accomplished

>> No.3592893


The thing is that we're more likely to end up in a fallout world than any of these other. We are bound to nuke ourselves someday.

>> No.3592917
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>> No.3592918

>Human interplanetary was has just been ended
>Everybody gets re-established
>More new habitable planets discovered

Nothing new here.

>> No.3592924


You care to honestly tell me that there isn't going to be some sort of nuke exchange at some point in the future?

>> No.3592960
File: 19 KB, 294x294, 1311448308422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you implying all modernized well off countries leaders know less than you

irag and iran should have used those wmds

>> No.3593056


>> No.3593084

(You should hear that word in your head sung to the tune of Sanitarium)

>> No.3593092


genetically modified savage so actually he doesn't

>> No.3593105

>AI now far outweights human intelligence
>Humanity is terminated due to being irrelivant
Peace at last.

>> No.3593115

Shit man 2174 is a great year, Duke Nukem Forever 2 just came out

>> No.3594048

so true

>> No.3594089

in 2174, the peaceful and scientifically-driven human race, makes it's first alien contact. how did this happen? the human race finally started listening to me, because i have it all figured out.

>> No.3594136 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 300x225, 872439_370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dolphins have evolved to walk on land
>dolphin gangs stalk around raping helpless women
>human men stalk around raping helpless dolphins
>with 14-inch-long dongs

>> No.3594142
