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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 526 KB, 453x614, Pale_Blue_Dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3589076 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3589095

too blurry
can't see shit
get a better camera next time OP

>> No.3589102

Yeah, I agree.
Even cell phone camera has less noise.

>> No.3589104
File: 12 KB, 200x191, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3589103

Is that a car tire?

>> No.3589105

I see Earth!

>> No.3589111

one of the greatest photos ever taken. i challenge anyone to match it...

>> No.3589109

I see France!

>> No.3589112

I can see your underpants!

>> No.3589114
File: 53 KB, 800x600, eclipse99_mir_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3589121
File: 528 KB, 453x614, nascar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3589124

what are those beams anyways?
cosmic rays?

>> No.3589128

scattered sunlight

>> No.3589132

They're glare from the sun causing reflections inside the camera . The earth and the sun are actually quite close in this picture.

>> No.3589134
File: 57 KB, 453x614, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3589136

thought it was glare

>> No.3589140
File: 32 KB, 379x382, World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3589147

Neither of these offer near the perspective of Pale Blue Dot. Those are more eye porn that anything.

>> No.3589151

>In the photograph, Earth lies in the center of one of the scattered light rays resulting from taking the image with a small angle between the Sun and the Earth.


>> No.3589161

The final slide of my senior project powerpoint.

>> No.3589158
File: 61 KB, 1131x707, Earth_from_Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one from Mars?

>> No.3589156


>> No.3589166
File: 6 KB, 256x197, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3589170
File: 213 KB, 2766x1364, Saturn_eclipse_exaggerated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

circled at 10'clock is the earth

>> No.3589175

>eye porn
Think you're superior to us with your vast collection of nose porn do ya?

>> No.3589176

Has that been artificially altered a lot?
Also, any other things of note to point out?

>> No.3589181
File: 6 KB, 245x192, earth_from_saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pretty classy shot of Earth by the Cassini probe.

>> No.3589187

Earth doesn't orbit Saturn you fucking idiots.

>> No.3589193


You're a moron

>> No.3589194


>> No.3589197

mind = blown

>> No.3589206

So, you're basically asking us to provide you with a photo which according to your reasoning is "better" than Pale Blue Dot. All while, as you've clearly stated before, you already think it's "one of the greatest photos". And you apparently think that it's some sort of argument in the defence of this photo.

Well, fuck you, sir.

>> No.3589210

nigga, you just went full retarded
it's from far away
inb4 trolled

>> No.3589212

Is that actually earth?

>> No.3589224



>> No.3589228



>> No.3589233


Maybe so...

>> No.3589237



>> No.3589247

yeah that's pretty good, but the OP pic is from 4 billion miles away (or km?). Voyager is the only thing capable of matching it's own awesomeness...... furthest human-made object period....that's more kick ass than anything really...

>> No.3589248

Each one of us is merest a dust in the darkest corner of the emptiest house on the most vacant street of the a deserted town on the most remote planet in the smallest solar system within a meaningless and purposeless universe.

>> No.3589257


>> No.3589258

who cares about a set of measly tits? get back to /b/ fag

>> No.3589262

I like how this makes it clear how big the moon is compared to earth.

>> No.3589282

We maintain that what is called 'Science' today and 'scientists' consist of the same old gang of witch doctors, sorcerers, tellers of tales, the 'Priest-Entertainers' for the common people. 'Science' consists of a weird, way-out occult concoction of gibberish theory-theology...unrelated to the real world of facts, technology and inventions, tall buildings and fast cars, airplanes and other Real and Good things in life; technology is not in any way related to the web of idiotic scientific theory. ALL inventors have been anti-science. The Wright brothers said: "Science theory held us up for years. When we threw out all science, started from experiment and experience, then we invented the airplane." By the way, airplanes all fly level on this Plane earth.[

>> No.3589302

Then WTF are those rings from? And WTF was the pic taken at night when the sun is down?

>> No.3589315

The picture was taken from the Cassini probe, orbiting Saturn.

>> No.3589316

ill bite

it's a picture of an eclipse of Saturn, the photo has been enhanced to up the contrast, but that really is the Earth off in the far distance

>> No.3589339
File: 932 KB, 356x334, moon wobble.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How does this grab you?

>> No.3589346

you are confusing two different posters. and i said ' i challenge you to match it...". from my perspective "Pale Blue Dot" is one of the crowning achievements in the entire history of humankind. what it is and represents dwarfs anything i've been able to come up with. it is so simple and humbling.... yet screams volumes in it's awesomeness.... ponder and tremble.

>> No.3589383

>one of the crowning achievements in the entire history of humankind
Are you aware that this is just a photo of Earth from far away? The fact that Earth looks small hear doesn't make it any more awesome (but definetly makes it less infromative).

>> No.3589397

I'm not sure how it is an achievment of mankind. Yes we have a manmade object that far away from Earth, but that isn't really a hard thing to do. It's jut a scientific instrument that went way past its goal, If we built a purpose built probe for deep space it would be an achievment

>> No.3589399
File: 72 KB, 300x390, 098029341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who cares
I certainly don't!

>> No.3589421

Catching up and retrieving Voyager 1 would be a great achievment.

>> No.3589441


We need to stop it before something else out there finds it and tracks it back to us. Anything that manages to claw its way up into interstellar space is unlikely to be very passive.

>> No.3589439

are you aware of the historical events that made it possible to capture this image? from Newton's Laws to Einstein's General Relativity, every breakthrough in chemistry and physics in the past 2500 years, the development of NASA and the energy of lifetimes of human beings to create something even CAPABLE of traveling such a distance to look back and capture this image, and THEN send it back to the waiting eyes and ears of the creators.........yeah not much of an achievement in your eyes i guess. just a photo of earth from far away....like anyone can do it...

>> No.3589451

An exact replica of the Human Race that is slightly more advanced than use at spaceflight could capture it and send it back in our direction

>> No.3589463

it is a purpose built probe for deep space. they knew it was destined to proceed beyond our system, hence the detectors to measure solar wind (ie check the news about Voyager these days and see what NASA is still learning from the 'dated' probe)

>> No.3589471

Would it ever be possible to catch up with Voyager?

>> No.3589477

>ever possible

>> No.3589493

I hope you're aware that watching satellite broadcast of some B-rated movie also requires all that technology. But that doesn't automatically make this movie "awesome".

I'm starting considering a strong possibility that you're trolling (or very stupid, which is in many ways indistinguishable).

>> No.3589502

i think those fears are very unfounded. any beings capable of interstellar travel would have to be so far beyond the 'conquer and assimilate/eat/devour' phase of evolution that we would seem more like a curiosity than anything. it would probably be safe to assume they would have mastered nuclear fusion/fission in all it's forms and just make all they needed than have to take us over for resources.

>> No.3589520

yeah but broadcast satellites arent travelling 17km/s, 4billion miles away. it also isnt capable of taking that picture. an apple isnt an orange.

>> No.3589518

Too bad we willnever be able to communicate with them, Unless they bring their own translators

>> No.3589583

i prefer high speed to low speed trolling. catch more fishes that way...

>> No.3589611


OK, I got what you mean. The only truely scientific way to determine the awesomeness of the photo is to take into account the speed and distance of camera relative to earth.

So, tv sattelites travel at 3km/s, 20 thousand miles away. This makes the pale blue dot photo (17*4000000)/(3*20) - about million times more awesome than a B-rated movie. Now I agree, that's pretty awesome.

>> No.3589623

So a TV Satalite Travelling 17km/s would turn any average B Movie into a Summer blockbuster?

>> No.3589692

hahaha funny. to me it's far simpler than that. it's just the sheer uniqueness of Voyager as a construct of humankind's collective pursuit of truth and knowledge. a metal machine designed and sent out purposely to map and explore the gas giants of our system, to take photos and other measurements, and to continue gracefully out into the unknown, all the while sending us photographs of it's trip. i just find it staggering.

>> No.3589756
File: 5 KB, 330x318, Deep_Impact_approach_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case my photo is way cooler than yours.

it's just the sheer uniqueness of Deep Impact as a construct of humankind's collective pursuit of truth and knowledge. a metal machine designed and sent out purposely to FUCKING CRUSH A 400KG PIECE OF METALL INTO A COMET AT 10KM/S!!!

>> No.3589791

Remember folks, autists don't get emotion, and therefore don't realize the awesomeness of the pale blue dot photo

>> No.3589989

you're an idiot

>> No.3589997

In 500 Years the flight attendants will be pointing out the pale blue dot too the right side of the spacecraft