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File: 21 KB, 299x571, david.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3588336 [Reply] [Original]

So it seems to me (!) that in the whole of human history there have only been 4 races of significance:

Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Greeks
Renaissance Italians
Romantic/Contemporary Germans


>> No.3588345

ching chong, China strong

>> No.3588349


>> No.3588352

You missed the Romans, who were of much more significance than the Egyptians.

You also missed the Anglo-Saxons, from whom basically all of western society descend.

>> No.3588358

> no Romans

>> No.3588362

Obviously you have not studied much history.

>> No.3588368
File: 88 KB, 498x760, nikola_tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Excludes Tesla

I suppose one man is not enough to make an entire race significant, but this guy was a wizard.

>> No.3588369


>You also missed the Anglo-Saxons, from whom basically all of western society descend.

fucking wut.

>> No.3588372

What about sealand?

>> No.3588379

>renaissance Italians
really, why? the Golden age Dutch at least were a leading world power in the Renaissance.

wow, getting rampaged by the Macedonians & Romans, and having orgies with men, woman, and children is sucha accomplishment.

>> No.3588383


>> No.3588385 [DELETED] 

You missed the niggers.

>> No.3588387


>missed race of people that copypasta'd everything and anything from the Greeks

Yeah, what an oversight OP.

>> No.3588392

it was united unlike greece which was comprised of multiple city states

>> No.3588396


You're not actually disputing the importance of Ancient Greek culture are you?

>> No.3588397

>Picks are western cultures with traditional standards of being 'artistic' by other western cultures, chosen by a person of western cultural decent.

>> No.3588399
File: 452 KB, 1364x1818, Domenico-Fetti_Archimedes_1620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>buttdevastated Persianfag

The first modern civilization was an acomplishment.


>implying they didn't begin almost all the sciences as we know and understand them today

>> No.3588405


>thinks high culture and the sciences came from somewhere else

>> No.3588413

>No mention of Babylonians, Phoenicians, Mesophotamians, Romans, Persians, Chinese or Japanese
>No mention on medieval arabs and indians ( Protip: There would have been no European Renaissance or modern mathematics with out them).
>No mention of anglo-saxons, dutch, slavs ( like NIKOLA FUCKING TESLA), russians, etc

Shitty troll is shitty.

>> No.3588415


Yeah, because China totally didn't live on the bleeding edge of technology for their whole history or anything.

>> No.3588418


>saging this thread

>posting in the dozen or more christ v atheist threads that crop up hourly on this shit board

>> No.3588421
File: 24 KB, 461x403, 123543213666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient Chinese

Ancient Indians

Ancient Aliens

pic related

>> No.3588429


>Implying i even post on the christ v atheism threads

>> No.3588446

>Wikipedia article on Everything
>opposite of nothing... may be anything
Why did I find this funny? Why does this exist?

>> No.3588454


Shit I can't believe I forgot ancient aliens

>> No.3588482


>> No.3588551

They had an empire that stretched from China to Eastern Europe. They were slaughtering some knights when their leader died and everyone went back home to fight over who will be the next leader (no clear line of succession).

>> No.3588912
File: 50 KB, 477x534, 1274303355598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not including the Jews

>> No.3588920

I know I'm slow, but I just recognized that man as Simon from American Idol. I feel so stupid.

>> No.3588936

>not Great Britain

The British are responsible for modern civilization as we know it.

>> No.3588970

kind of a stupid idea grounded in nothing and not related to science

>> No.3588979


Oh. So it is.

Can't unsee.

>> No.3588991

You missed the whole of asia.
Typical ignorant white man doesn't realise that for a long time Asia was way ahead of the west

>> No.3588998

This is influence to the west civilization

>> No.3588999

You mean guilty of bringing crooked teeth and horrible hygiene habits to the world?
Dirty barbarians

>> No.3589966

Astronomy of the Arabs?
Industry of the British?

>> No.3589988

You forgot Ghengis Kahn.

>> No.3592202

The Aztecs and Incas were very advanced, but the Spanish religion destroyed all the writings and technologies they found.

These civilizations were not connected with the rest of the world so their knowledge was totally lost. Unlike Egipt and Greece, Europe, China, etc.

How did the Spanish conquerors defeated so easily these civilzations? Because new virus and deseases. They died like insects.

If you are considering the "whole human history" and not just the one that have influenced our present culture, these were significant too.

>> No.3592294
