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[ERROR] No.3587565 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, today I'm going to tell you a story. Whether or not you choose to believe what you read is your own prerogative, But what I'm going to say has been eating at me. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I need to get this off my chest.

Legally, I do not have a name. Legally, I do not exist. You will not find any record of my work or my existence. What I am, you could say, is an ambassador. Including myself, there are 6 ambassadors. we represent humanity.

The image I have posted, some of you may be familiar with, It was formulated by a man named Carl Sagan, and was sent by the Arecibo satellite, many years ago.

what it is is a brief description about humans, our numerical system, our genetic makeup, DNA structure, our population (at the time we sent it) a rough drawing of what we look like, our height, where we live, and a picture of the satellite we used to send the image.

>> No.3587572
File: 62 KB, 460x500, olitta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off?

>> No.3587576

Legally, you don't belong here. Legally, you shouldn't be here. Illegally, GTFO to

>> No.3587578
File: 3 KB, 127x98, omgz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly 10 years ago, we received a response.
shortly after, my... department... was formed. shortly after their response, we made first contact with this alien race, from the Alpha Centauri star system. they were a very hospitable race, they shared their technology with us, brought the six of us back to their home, treated us as kings.

Their race is roughly 3 billion years old, unlike our planet, their "prehistoric creatures" like our dinosaurs, were never killed off. everything had the opportunity to evolve and prosper. in fact, there are 3 sentient creatures on their planet. the first group, the ones that contacted us, are roughly 4 feet tall, silicon based, grey, and far superior to the other two species. the second group, which is still hundreds of years more advanced than us, are more reptilian. they are arsenic based, vary in color, and are on average, 6 feet tall. the least advanced, yet still sentient species, are definitely the hardest to describe. They don't have any kind of bone structure, they're kind of like blobs of goo... In reality, they're more like disembodied brains that crawl around on the ground... I guess you could compare them with Ditto, the Pokemon.Yes I did just compare a sentient alien race to a children's game.

But this story isn't about the Dittos or the Argonians (yes, elder scrolls reference).
It's about the Sentites. at least, that's what they call themselves. Here on earth they've been given the nickname "greys" for.. obvious reasons.

>> No.3587595

lol, his thread completely derails the first time so he comes back and tries again, perhaps to a fresh audience ten minutes later?

Or someone's just doing something I completely do not understand and presenting us with immediate copypasta.

See previous thread, we already decided OP is one of the biggest dipshits around.

>> No.3587597

for 10 years we were in contact with this race, keeping them up to date with our happenings, our technological advancements. they had told us initially that we were the first species from another star system that had ever contacted them, so naturally, their scientists were very interested in our planet. they admitted to an early curiosity in us, occasionally coming to us and observing. they even went through and pointed out to us every crop circle they've made and which ones were fake.

but that's enough back story for no, I can answer questions later...

back to the important part.

Last month, they told us "we have decided".
immediately, all of my colleagues and I responded with "what?"

>> No.3587601

they told us that our planet was beautiful and that we were killing it. we weren't using the proper resources to their full potential, obsessing over oil and natural gas. They gave us an ultimatum, which we reported to the UN, and it was decided unanimously. The greys said they sent their "small fleet" (which is roughly 5 billion battle ships) for a take over of earth. we knew there's nothing we can do to defend ourselves. They said if we submit to them, they would keep humanity alive, to use us as slaves, to mine resources. but if we show the slightest resistance, they would kill us all. They said It's more convenient for them to keep us alive as slaves, their species is "far too advanced for menial labor", but to make sure we would not resist, they promised that the world leaders, the 6 ambassadors, and their families, would get to live freely on their planet.

Of course once we told the UN, they were all for it. but they haven't realized. They've never seen their home world. we would be the least intelligent species, even below the dittos.

They told us we were the first to contact them, what they didn't tell us was that we were to be the 9th planet they were to conquer. every planet the same way. lure them in with technology and promises of friendship, study them for a few years, then, once they are completely sure the planet is defenseless, they offer the same ultimatum.

what they don't say is "yes, you can live on our planet... in a zoo".

the armada is supposed to be arriving some time around fall of next year.

I've sold all of humanity to escape slavery. I am a monster, and I cannot live with myself any longer. It is important I share this tale with you. you have a right, as men, to know the truth.

>> No.3587619
